Chapter 221

“Can Zhang Qing really fight?”

Zhen Jin could only pray silently, but looked in the direction of Zhang Qing as he waited for the late stage.

“Drive me!”

In the darkness, there was a voice, and then, like the sun breaking through the darkness before dawn, first a hand clenched into a fist, and then a figure with a foot on a lotus platform holding a golden bell was brought out.

It’s Zhang Qing!

One saw that the spear met Zhang Qing. It was first blunt, and then retreated steadily. Finally, he was beaten out and fell to the ground.


Wang Biao, who was shot with a spear, received a backlash and shock, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

“How can it be?”

Falling to the ground, Wang Biao, whose face was like golden paper, couldn’t believe that he was defeated by a trash that only had the master of the higher universe.

Ping Jin was also stunned in place, unexpectedly Zhang Qing would really win!

Zhang Qing fell from the air and landed in front of Wang Biao.

“Tell me how to get out of the secret realm, and I will spare your life!”

Looking at Wang Biao, who was unwilling and a little ashamed about Zhang Qing just now, Zhang Qing said coldly.

But there was a voice from Wang Liang, but Zhang Qing was shocked!

“Kill him, I’ll tell you how to get out!”

Wang Biao couldn’t believe his own ears, Wang Liang, this trash, dared to say such things in front of him.

Do you say I dare?

The corners of Wang Liang’s mouth gradually rose, and the expression on his face gradually became crazy.

Seeing Zhang Qing didn’t make a statement, Wang Liang glanced at Wang Biao on the ground, gritted his teeth and said.

“As long as you promise me to kill him and let me go, I will not only tell you how to get out of the illusion, but I will also tell you the secrets of the royal family!”

“Why do you insist on killing him? He is your little brother.”

Zhen Jin looked at her with some doubts.

“Yeah, he is my dear Little Brother.”

While talking, Wang Liang smiled and looked at Wang Biao.

My dear, Little Brother, who has called me waste for countless years.

In order to prevent me from surpassing him, the little brother who suppressed me for not giving me cultivation resources and reprimanded me for not giving me face.

“Do you know that I used to be much better than his cultivation talent, but in order to surpass me, he actually poisoned the Medicine Pill used for my cultivation.”

Why do you think I don’t want you to die?


After speaking, Wang Biao laughed loudly, and the laughter became louder and louder. In the end it turned into haha ​​laughter.

“Well, don’t talk nonsense, first tell me how to get out.”

Zhang Qing, who was not interested in the grievances between Wang Liang and the others, interrupted.

“Well, the secret to going out lies in Wang Biao’s body. He has a Magic Treasures called Broken Mirror!”

There is a way to get out if you kill him!

Wang Liang said to Zhang Qing with a murderous expression.

“I can let you out too! Don’t kill me, don’t.”

Zhang Qing returned to kill Wang Biao who had only started begging for mercy before he died, and then said to Wang Liang: “You come to Magic Treasures.”

Stepping up to Wang Biao’s body, looking at Wang Biao who was already dead, Wang Liang’s humiliation he had suffered over the years appeared before Wang Liang, and a feeling of revenge in his heart emerged.

“Give you.”

After groping on Wang Biao’s corpse, Wang Liang handed Zhang Qing a bronze mirror.

The mirror body is engraved with these many symbols, laws, and the mirror surface is also dusty, which is very mysterious.

“This is the broken mirror? And the secrets you said can now be told.”

Zhang Qing said while holding the mirror.

“Yes, this is the Broken Mirror. It was specially prepared by Wang Biao to enter this secret realm. The secret I want to talk about is the heritage of Duyang Venerable, the biggest treasure of this secret realm.”


Zhen Jin on the side exclaimed.

You know, this secret realm has not known how many years it has existed, but no one has ever obtained the inheritance of excessively positive Venerable, and ordinary amalgamators can not be called Venerable, only the realm of the realm has only one hundred avenues left. Only those who can be called Venerable.

This is a treasure that will be tempted by the strong of Rongdao! Wang Liang was willing to tell Zhang Qing this secret, how could Zhen Jin not be surprised.

“Why would you tell me something so important?”

Zhang Qing said puzzledly.

Why, of course, because I am not strong enough, I can’t get it anyway, it’s the same for everyone.

And the Wang family, after I was poisoned by Wang Biao’s animal, not only didn’t punishing him, but immediately deprived me of my cultivation resources. And now I just want to return to the family and get the resources after revenge on a few people.

Wang Liang seemed to be a different person, no longer the gloomy appearance before, but very free and easy.

This changed Wang Liang made Zhang Qing look at him differently.

“Then believe you for the time being, but if you dare to lie to me, then don’t blame me for killing you.”

After speaking, Zhang Qing got up and picked up the broken mirror. After some refining, he raised the mirror and looked at the open space in the distance.

The dusty surface of the mirror suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light, and a hole appeared in the spot where the golden light was shining.

Now let’s talk about the secrets of Duyang’s inheritance in detail. Don’t worry, I will definitely let you go after you talk about it.

After coming out of the illusion, Zhang Qing said to Wang Liang who was wary.

“Okay.” Wang Liang, who realized that people are a knife and I am a fish, had to immediately tell the secret of Duyang’s inheritance.

The Wang family discovered the specific location of the inheritance, just east of the secret realm.

“East? My father might also be in the east.”

Zhen Jin said to Zhang Qing excitedly: “It just so happens that we can drop in and find my father first.”

“Is there a map?” Zhang Qing asked Wang Liang.

“Of course there is, but I advise you not to go.”

“Why, is there any problem?”

Zhang Qing seemed to have something in Wang Hao’s words.

This time, the Wang family was basically out for the inheritance. For many years, Elder, who had not been out in Closed Door Training, came out. There were only three people named Realm, the master of the universe.

Wang Liang explained to Zhang Qing.

“Of course there are only two left now.”

Wang Liang remembered Wang Biao who was killed by Zhang Qing in the illusion again, and said with a happy expression.

“It’s up to you to go or not. I have already told everything I know, so I’ll leave.”

After that, Wang Liang, who was afraid of Zhang Qing’s remorse, flew away in a hurry.

“How about, let’s go or not.”

Ping Jin didn’t quite believe Wang Liang’s words.

“Of course!”

Zhang Qing had an indifferent expression on his face.

“I want to see what the inheritance is!”

It seems that there is only the inheritance marked on the last map.

Relying on the maps that Wang Liang gave more detailed than Zhen Jin, and Zhen Ji himself marked out the places her father might go.

Zhang Qing and Zhen Jin have found countless places.

But there was still no clue about the whereabouts of Zhen Jin’s father.

In the end, it happened that there was only this place that overlapped with the inheritance at the end.

Don’t be discouraged, don’t we still have this last place we haven’t found.

Zhang Qing comforted Zhen Jin.

Zhen Jin, who had not been able to find his father’s whereabouts, nodded in a low mood.

The two had no choice but to move toward this last place.

Inside a cave in the secret realm.

An old man with gray beard and hair, dressed in a gray robe, looked a little violently into the distance.

Why Wang Biao and Wang Liang haven’t come yet!

The old man who had waited for a long time asked angrily to another old man with white beard and hair behind him.

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