Chapter 220

On the way, Zhang Qing found that this place was vaguely like a world, but it was different from other worlds in that besides trees, it was full of green when he looked all over his eyes. After watching for a long time, it makes people feel tired and boring.

“Wait, there seems to be something wrong.”

But Zhang Qing, who was still in the woods, suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because even though I was in a forest when I first set off, the growth of the trees and the shape of the trees still changed a little.

I don’t know when it started, the surrounding scenery no longer changes.

“We are afraid that we have already entered the illusion.” Zhang Qing said vigilantly.

Before departure, Zhang Qing asked Zhen Jin and learned that there are two kinds of dangers in this Duyang secret realm.

When parting is the corpse demon, and the illusion.

“We are afraid that we have entered the Cangmu illusion! What should we do now?”

Ping Jin looked a little flustered. After all, he encountered the illusion just after entering the secret realm, and the two of them had no way to crack the illusion for a while.

“Don’t be afraid, you calm down first, let me think of a way.”

Zhang Qing comforted the flustered Zhen Jin, and then came to the front of a big tree.


With a punch, the big tree broke, and the leaves scattered on the ground also brought up a lot of dirt.

Zhang Qing frowned and looked at the fallen trees in front of him, feeling no different from ordinary trees. So I lowered my head and continued thinking.

“Look, the fallen tree is gone.”

The moment Zhang Qing just lowered her head, Zhen Jin exclaimed at Zhang Qing. Zhang Qing quickly raised her head and found that the big tree that had just fallen on the ground had disappeared, and the original broken wood was erected again. Big tree.

Exactly the same as before.

It turned out to be back again!

Zhang Qing, who had just failed to see clearly, knocked down a tree again.

Sure enough, after a while, the downed tree disappeared out of thin air, and then grew.

Zhang Qing turned and hit a tree again, like a woodcutter.

“It seems that these trees cannot be destroyed, so let’s think of other ways.”

However, no matter how many Zhang Qing hits, the trees will always change back after a while!

Zhen Jin said to Zhang Qing on the side.

Hearing that, Zhang Qing also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to destroy these trees, turning around and thinking of other ways with Zhen Jin.

Just when Zhang Qing was clueless, a familiar and unpleasant voice came from a distance.

“Wang Biao, look, it’s the kid next to Zhen Jin who provokes our Wang family!”

It’s Wang Liang and Wang Biao!

“How many times has the waste said, don’t call my name, call me the young patriarch.”

After hearing Wang Biao’s scolding, Wang Liang’s face was blue and red, and he changed for a while, and finally lowered his head and gritted his teeth and said softly, “Yes, young patriarch.”

Wang Biao on the side didn’t seem to see the resentment on Wang Liang’s face, but turned to look at Zhang Qing.

Is it because you provoke our Wang family recklessly?

“What if it’s me?”

Zhang Qing’s thumb gently rubbed the ring on his hand and looked at Wang Biao with a playful expression.

“What? Although Wang Liang is a trash, he is also a member of my Wang family. How can you provoke it!”

Wang Biao’s reaction to Zhang Qing was very upset.

In his opinion, Zhang Qing, a mere master of the universe, can dare to speak to him like this!

In an instant, Wang Biao shot!

The originally quiet woods suddenly contained a terrifying killing intent!

It makes people shudder.

Countless killing intent locked Zhang Qing, as if to freeze the space around Zhang Qing.

Then a cold light appeared from Wang Biao’s hands, destroying countless surrounding trees along the way, and slashed towards Zhang Qing.

Faced with Wang Biao’s shot, Zhang Qing’s expression became a little serious

As Wang Biao deserves to be the young patriarch of the Wang family, his strength is indeed much stronger than the Devourer 15.

However, if only this kind of strength kills him, it is still easy

Zhang Qing thought in his heart, and casually summoned the destruction of the black lotus.

The destruction black lotus slowly turned in the air, releasing a ripple of destruction, which flew towards the cold light.

The cold light and ripples finally collided in the air.

Like a wrestling, the two forces are comparable for a time.

In the end, the two forces were finally exhausted, and a huge explosion broke out and dissipated in the air.

Wang Biao looked at the messy surroundings, feeling a little surprised.

Although I didn’t take it too seriously, this strike just now shouldn’t be the one that only the master of the higher universe can stop.

“Sure enough, there are two things.”

Wang Biao said to Zhang Qing who blocked his attack.

“Although it would be a dead end even if I didn’t make a move and relied on you to enter this Cangmu secret realm, I don’t intend to let you die so easily.

Wang Biao glanced at Zhen Jin’s direction again.

But don’t worry, we have a way to take you out, after all, you are the woman of my king’s Elder.

“This time the secret realm is here too. If you leave you here, it won’t be easy to explain to him, but it must be after the death of this reckless kid!”

Do you have a way to get out?

Zhang Qing frowned when he heard it.

“Why, do you want me to take you out? It’s not impossible, as long as you give me this Magic Treasures on you!”

Wang Biao stared at the destruction of the black lotus floating in the air. In his opinion, Zhang Qing was able to block his own blow by virtue of this Magic Treasures.

“Only the Lord of the High Universe can block my blow with this Magic Treasures. If this Magic Treasures is obtained by himself… It’s just that this obsessive kid will not really take him out alive, after all, the corpse is also Take it out.” Wang Biao thought in his heart.

“Don’t bother, just kill you.” Zhang Qing said seriously to Wang Biao.

“What! Hahaha!”

Wang Biao laughed out loud as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

“Just because you want to kill me?

After speaking, Wang Biao’s expression turned and it became very gloomy and terrifying, and he said in a low voice.

“Although you made me laugh, I changed my mind, and now I have to kill you!”

The sky of the originally clear secret realm suddenly became extremely dark, and Wang Biao flew into the air, holding a pale red spear.

Kid! Now let you see the true strength of the title Lord of the Universe! ”

Wang Biao actually seemed to have merged into this world, slowly disappearing, only the spear stood abruptly in the air, and then violently killed Zhang Qing.

Time, space and time seemed to stagnate, and only a light red spear that killed Zhang Qing was left.

On the side, looking at the darkened sky, Zhen Jin, who was struggling to resist Wang Biao’s coercion, seemed very worried.

After all, she only knew that Zhang Qing had the power to kill three title holders from the judge’s voice to own.

I have never seen it myself.

At that time, I couldn’t find anyone to protect myself and enter the secret realm to find my father, so I could only be a dead horse doctor.

But now, facing the strength of Wang Biao, the young patriarch of the Wang family, the true title, Zhen Jin also secretly felt desperate.

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