Chapter 215

Chaos next to the Universe.

The Devourer is sitting in the chaos with his eyes closed.

Suddenly the Devourer frowned.

“Why is my heart throbbing for no reason?” The Devourer opened his eyes and looked towards the Chaos Universe, muttering.

“I don’t know how long it will take those two to come.”


As soon as the Devourer finished speaking, he slammed to his side, and a dark lotus platform appeared out of nowhere. From the destruction lotus platform, waves of terrible destruction erupted silently, like the supreme law of destruction, filled with it. Death, destruction, and the breath of death, slammed into the position just beside the Devourer.

The Devourer who couldn’t dodge was hurt by the fluctuating waves caused by the lotus platform.

“Wow” a mouthful of blood came out.

who is it!

The Devourer rejoiced while shouting loudly.

If it weren’t for the restlessness in my heart just now, so I pay close attention in secret and be more careful, then this strike will be hit, and it will not be death, but also the body will be severely injured.

The Devourer looked around, the emptiness of chaos was silent.

Only the lotus platform is turning on its own.

“Did you old dog who watched me forget me so quickly?” A careless voice suddenly appeared behind the Devourer.

“It’s you!” The Devourer’s eyes were shocked.

The person here is Zhang Qing!

It just makes the Devourer unable to figure out how Zhang Qing’s strength has improved so much.

In the last match, Zhang Qing could barely save his life by relying on the power of Universe Magic Treasures, but this time he vomited blood before hitting himself with just one blow.

You know, he Devourer is the master of the dignified title Universe. Although he is only a junior title, he shouldn’t be able to contend with the master of an advanced universe like Zhang Qing who has not yet breakthrough.

It must have been the result of his charged sneak attack just now, he definitely can’t play that kind of strength anymore!

The Devourer calmed his uneasy heart and said.

“Boy, it seems that your strength has improved, but the sneak attack just now is already a charge of your whole body strength.”

But with the strength of your current Realm that can hurt me, you are worthy of the name of a genius. Those who want to come to the collector will definitely like you very much.

“The Order has trapped the collectors and destroyers in the secret realm, and they will come right away. No one will help you see how you can escape this time!”

As soon as the Devourer spoke, he carefully watched Zhang Qing’s move again, and at the same time decided in his heart that Zhang Qing must be killed here when the Collector and Destroyer arrived.

Zhang Qing looked at the Devourer with a defensive expression but with a playful look.


“I wanted to solve it with you, but they are not there, so let’s start with you.”

Zhang Qing waved to sacrifice to destroy the lotus platform.

Suddenly, a terrifying wave of destruction spread from the destruction lotus platform to the surroundings.

Then he rushed towards the Devourer with the breath of rebuke Death, destruction, and death.

Devour the world!

Seeing the waves of Death, destruction, extinction and destruction, the Devourer had to deal with it carefully, and quickly used his own housekeeping skill “Engulf the heaven and the earth.”

I saw a huge gray mouth that seemed to swallow the sky and the earth appeared in the chaos, swallowing to destroy the lotus platform and Zhang Qing.

The Devourer saw that he used a “huge mouth” to swallow Zhang Qing and Liantai, and made up his mind to kill them all.

Turning around, turning the palm of his hand, he took out a giant sword-.

This huge sword is scarlet all over, with the body like flowing viscous blood, and the blade exudes a bloody smell. It is the “Bloodthirsty Sword of the Devourer’s Universe Magic Treasures!”

The Devourer sacrificed the “Bloodthirsty Sword”, and the entire chaos was immediately filled with blood. With a wave of the giant sword, he chopped out a bloody Sword Qi and flew towards Zhang Qing.

“Small bugs!”

Zhang Qing looked at the giant mouth and Sword Qi flying towards him with a relaxed expression, and played a trick to urge the destruction of the lotus platform.

The ruined lotus platform slowly rotates, and the dark lotus platform has a circle of black ruined ripples in the chaos.

The gray ripples seem to be slow, but in fact they are extremely fast, and instantly collided with the Devourer’s “Swallowing Heaven and Earth” and the blood-colored Sword Qi.

At this time, the colors of the three different tricks collided together. Stalemate.

The Devourer’s “Swallowing Heaven and Earth” and the bloody Sword Qi are powerful, but Zhang Qing’s destruction of the lotus platform emits a steady stream of destruction ripples, one after another, hitting the Devourer’s spells.


In the end, the devourer’s tricks in the collision could not hold the continuous black ripples, and in the end only an explosion could be heard. The remaining wave of destruction hit the Devourer the most.

The devourer’s chest reached by the ripples of the ruined lotus platform collapsed like a hammer.

Blood spurted out of his mouth.

“I was defeated!”

The Devourer looked astonished.

I even defeated the master of the higher universe who didn’t have the breakthrough rule of Three Thousand Great Ways.

You must know that although the Three Thousand Avenue Consummation and 2999 are different from the nine hundred and ninety-nine avenue rules, they are actually very different.

Just like the difference between the sun and the candle.

The Devourer himself has walked in the chaos for an unknown number of years, and there are even more professed geniuses in the chaos universe.

But there has never been a Realm, the lord of the higher universe, that can defeat own existence.

He is scared!

So the Devourer turned around and was about to flee, but he seemed to have thought of something, and then turned back.

No, Realm like him can already defeat me, and if time teaches him to break through the title, wouldn’t it be even more troublesome to raise a tiger.

Thinking of this, the Devourer made up his mind, and must wait until the collector and destroyer arrive, and kill Zhang Qing here! At any cost!

The pale-faced Devourer quickly swallowed a white Medicine Pill, then conjured a Calabash out of his hand, opened it, and drank the contents in one gulp.

Immediately, his pale complexion became ruddy again, and the chest that had been knocked down by the ruined lotus platform also recovered.

Zhang Qing looked at the Devourer whose breath was still a bit disordered in the distance, and didn’t want to fight him anymore.

Immediately flashing to the Devourer’s side, he raised a single fist, and the chaos around Zhang Qing was constantly distorted by the fist wind, and finally shattered directly.

The shattered chaos was swept by the fist wind and hit the Devourer together.

Seeing Zhang Qing’s powerful punch, the Devourer quickly turned out a dilapidated remnant lamp. The remnant lamp candle flame was faint, as if it would be extinguished at any time, but the light emitted was extremely bright, and the devourer finally swallowed it. A light mask is formed around it.

This residual lamp is the secret means of the Devourer. Universe Magic Treasures that even collectors and destroyers have never known. Although this Magic Treasures does not have the means of attack, its defense capabilities are first-class.

Relying on this remnant lamp, the Devourer himself does not know how many enemies from weak to strong have been killed.

Looking at the candlelight swaying in the residual lamp, the Devourer seemed to have seen the scene where Zhang Qing, who was helpless with him, was finally rushed by the collector and destroyer to kill the final fall.

I’m going to order the Magic Treasures of the lotus on his body.

The Devourer even thought of how to distribute the Magic Treasures on Zhang Qing after killing Zhang Qing.

When Zhang Qing hit the mask with a fist.

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