Chapter 216

Click! Click!

With just one punch, a crack appeared in the mask that the Devourer had repaid high hopes, and then it seemed to erupt, and a crisp crackling sound was emitted with the appearance of the crack.

With a final “bang”, the photomask was broken!

Looking at the mask shattered by a punch, the Devourer couldn’t believe his own eyes.

I have relied on it for many years, so many times relying on it to escape from the dead, and the Universe Magic Treasures, which turned defeat into victory, was shattered by a superior Universe Lord!

The Devourer knew that he could no longer drag the Collector and Destroyer.

Now I can only run!

Saving your life is everything!

Regardless of the residual lamp that was about to go out, the Devourer turned and wanted to escape.

But he desperately discovered that own body shape did not know why, originally extremely fast turned extremely slow.

Looking back, I saw a clock in Zhang Qing’s hand. Then he punched himself!

The devourer falls!

In chaos!

Collectors and destroyers are flying at extremely fast speeds.

Hurry up!

“This time the Judge, the disruptor is finally gone. This time I must catch that kid. I want him to become my most successful collection!”

The collector said to the destroyer beside him with a gloomy expression.

“What’s the hurry, this time the judge couldn’t escape from the trap we designed for him for a while. The Chaos Universe that the kid came out of has the Devourer.”

Watching. If he dare not come back, then we will just destroy the Chaos Universe.

Think about it, the creatures of that universe are about to be destroyed by me, how exciting.

The Destroyer had a relaxed expression, and even the tone of his voice had a hint of excitement.

Don’t be careless. I don’t know why, I feel a little uneasy at the moment, and I always feel that something big is going to happen.

The collector expressed his concerns to the destroyer.

“It should be you thinking too much, he, the lord of the advanced universe, Realm’s boy, can make any storm.”

Hope everything goes well.

Seeing that the destroyer didn’t care, the collector could only secretly comfort himself by thinking too much.

Then the two were speechless and continued to fly silently towards the Chaos Universe where Zhang Qing was born.

Chaos Universe is endless. I don’t know how long it has been flying, but the collector and destroyer suddenly stopped because there was a person standing in the chaos not far in front.

It is Zhang Qing!

“Wow, we were looking for you everywhere, but you didn’t expect you to hit the door yourself. It seems that the Devourer could not wait for you.

It seems that the Magic Treasures on your body can only be divided equally between us this time. ”

The Collector and Destroyer said each sentence, thinking that the Devourer could not wait for Zhang Qing, and even secretly rejoiced in order to evenly divide the Magic Treasures on Zhang Qing.

“Is he the Devourer you’re talking about?”

Zhang Qing casually threw a corpse to the collector and destroyer, and then looked at them both with a playful expression.

The two saw Zhang Qing throwing an unknown thing from a distance, so they had to carefully hold it up with Fa Jue.


The Collector and the Destroyer both exclaimed, because they did not expect that only Zhang Qing, the Lord of the High Universe, could kill the Devourer with the title of Realm, the Lord of the Universe.

“It must be that he used some Magic Treasures or secret method to attack the Devourer!”

“It should be, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to kill the Devourer.”

The two of them said so, but silently became careful with Zhang Qing, after all, sneak attack is also a kind of strength.

Being able to kill the title of the Lord of the Universe with Realm, the Lord of the Advanced Universe, speaks for itself.

Chi Zesheng changed, let’s get rid of him as soon as possible.

The collector said to the Destroyer. After speaking, the two of them flew to Zhang Qing together very tacitly.

Annihilation Spear

“Cang Tian pointed!”

The two came to Zhang Qing, one left and the other right.

They summoned a silver long spear, and the breath of the main road of the gun body kept circulating, and finally gathered at a point on the tip of the gun. As the gun body kept getting closer, the spear turned into phantoms, as if there were countless long spear thrusts.

The other side also summoned a huge finger in the chaos, and the aura of the Three Thousand Great Dao Rule condensed on the finger rolled towards Zhang Qing.

The death of the Devourer made the two of them disregard the face of the title of the Lord of the Universe, and they would rather join forces to get rid of Zhang Qing, who only has Realm, the Lord of the High Universe.

Because they are afraid that if Zhang Qing breaks through the master of the higher universe, they will die without a place to bury him!

Watching the Collector and the Destroyer use their own housekeeping moves to their left and right.

Zhang Qing did not hesitate to protect the whole body with the Destroy Lotus Platform, and at the same time threw a punch at the Destroyer on the right that was multiplied by the power ring.

He is confident that the collector cannot break own and destroy the black lotus body.

As if the bubble had burst, the Destroyer’s “finger of heaven” was easily dispersed by Zhang Qing’s punch without any hindrance.

Then the fist hit the Destroyer.

The whole body of the Destroyer disappeared, as if being gasified. This left a lonely head. His head hadn’t reacted yet, with an expression of horror before he died, as if he wanted to say something to Zhang Qing.

But he had no chance.


Seeing that he hadn’t broken Zhang Qing’s defense of destroying Black Lotus, but the Destroyer had only his head wiped out by his fist, he knew the vagueness in his heart.

Zhang Qing has become too strong!

Now the collectors only hope that Zhang Qing’s speed is not fast and not to catch up with him.

But before he could run away, he was chased by Zhang Qing.

“Fortunately, I used the eternal clock to slow down your time early, otherwise you will really run away.”

Seeing that the collector who couldn’t run away could only turn around and explode, Zhang Qing easily killed him with a punch.

Zhang Qing looked at him with emotion in the heart of the collector who had nothing to do in the past, but now even hopes to escape for his life.

Just when he was about to look through a few people there was something good on their bodies, and one person came quickly from a distance.

Is the judge.

“Are you OK!”

The judge who rushed over quickly rushed to Zhang Qing’s side to inquire, seeing the traces of battle everywhere in the chaos.

After he came out of the secret realm, he was afraid that the collectors would continue to do evil, so he chased them all the way using the secret method.

After looking around, he was relieved to see that Zhang Qing didn’t look like he was injured.

It’s okay. I was caught in the plot of the collectors. I was trapped in the secret realm and chased the collectors all the way.

The judge put one hand on Zhang Qing’s shoulder, took out a bottle of Medicine Pill, and wanted to hand it to Zhang Qing.

It looks like you have just encountered the collectors. Tell me how you escaped.

After all, in the judgment of the judge, it is already 15th level to be able to escape from the title holder without dying with Realm, the lord of the higher universe.

After all, there is a realm difference between the two!

Besides, it was not only Zhang Qing who besieged and killed Zhang Qing!

If I had such an experience back then, I would definitely be proud of it.

And Zhang Qing will definitely be stronger than him when he waits for time to break through Realm.

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