Chapter 214

Fortunately, Zhang Qing is now their companion.

Now, even the threat of Immortal Heavenly Demon was resolved.

Thinking of this, each of them suddenly felt better.

“Let’s enter this official Yin.”

The Lord of Xuexu couldn’t wait to get in.

Zhang Qing nodded and walked into the palace ruins with everyone.

Two years have passed.

Zhang Qing, the Lord of Seven Orifices and others entered the ruins palace, relying on their powerful strength, naturally wiped out the treasures in the ruins palace.

The various materials left over from the ancient times, as well as the Siyuan core, etc., were all looted by them, and nothing was left.

Since Zhang Qing’s contribution was relatively large, he followed the contract signed at that time.

Zhang Qing received 40% of the proceeds, and none of the remaining three received 20% on average.

This can be regarded as a fairer distribution result.

In the following hundreds of years, Zhang Qing and the Lord of the Seven Apertures and others were raiding everywhere.

Did not let off the heat and a corner.

And his Cultivation Base is also increasing day by day.


Just when Zhang Qing was searching for treasures everywhere.

Suddenly, the entire Chushen ruins shook before, and the endless power of the law became active at this moment.

Zhang Qing was surrounded by the force of the law with ancient aura.

Then merged into the void.

“Am I being expelled?”

Standing on the land of Singularity Continent, Zhang Qing frowned.

At this moment, I realized that the power just now was the power of the original law of Chushen Ruins.

It may be because his Cultivation Base is about to be promoted to the title of Lord of the Universe.

It could also be that he killed and searched the treasures in the ruins, so that Chushen Ruins could no longer bear it, so Zhang Qing was expelled directly.

As a result, Zhang Qing would no longer be able to enter the ruins of Chushen.

“Forget it, since you can’t enter the Ruins of the First God, then go back. Anyway, the harvest this time is enough. As for the Lord of the Seven Apertures, they shouldn’t need my help.”

Zhang Qing thought for a while, he was very open-minded. Since he can’t enter the ruins of Chushen, then he will not enter.

Then he flew towards the direction of the kingdom of God.

At this time, the Lord of Xiulin, the Lord of Seven Apertures, and the Lord of Xuexu also discovered Zhang Qing’s affairs.

They also watched Zhang Qing being expelled by the original power of the Chushen ruins.

“Are you expelled by the original power of Chushen Ruins? This is the first time I’ve seen this kind of thing.”

Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Seven Orifices looked speechless and didn’t know what to say.

“It’s indeed the first time. This is just forbidden to enter the title of the Lord of the Universe, and it does not prohibit the Lord of the Higher Universe. Zhang Qing is the first.”

The Lord Xiulin nodded.

“No way, Brother Fan’s actions were a bit too much, like a demon, he didn’t let go of anything, he even absorbed the immortal Heavenly Demon.”

The lord of Xuexu also looked helpless.

To be honest, they have never experienced such a safe relic of the First God.

This adventure can even be said to be a little pleasant!

“But now that Brother Fan has left the Ruins of Chushen, what shall we do next?”

The Lord of Xiulin asked.

“Of course continue to explore the ruins of Chushen, there are still many places we haven’t seen. Just to go and take a look, even without Fan brother’s help, we didn’t ask.”

The Lord of Seven Orifices said solemnly.

The Lord of Xuexu and the Lord of Xiulin both nodded, and of course they were not willing to give up the opportunity to continue exploring.

After all, it takes a long time for Chushen Ruins to open once, so you must not miss it.

At this moment, among the royal officials of the Kingdom of God, in a secret room.

Zhang Qing returned to the Kingdom of God long ago, and then closed Door Training cultivation, swallowing the Origin Core, his Cultivation Base Ascension at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The laws contained therein also helped Zhang Qing master more Dao laws.

Originally such a huge source of energy requires countless long hours of cultivation.

But if there is a Siyuan core, it is equivalent to taking all the life-long Cultivation Base from other universe masters as one’s own.

Save a lot of time and energy.

So every master of the universe hopes to get the origin core.

But such treasures are too scarce, if it weren’t for a special place like Chushen Ruins, you wouldn’t find it at all.

If one appears, it will cause frantic snatching.

After a long time of refining.

Zhang Qing finally refined a source of origin core, and took all the huge source of energy and law force inside as his own.

It seems that in the process of refining, a lot of energy was also wasted.

But it still brought him a huge help, making his Cultivation Base increasingly sophisticated.

Two thousand nine hundred road rules!

Zhang Qing felt the vast amount of initial energy in his body.

At this moment, his energy has almost reached an unprecedented level to buy.

At this moment, the power in him is already comparable to that of the veteran master of the higher universe.

He moved his body a bit, and felt that every part of his body was filled with the original energy, which was unmatched.

It can be said that even if he does not use any magical powers, does not rely on any Universe artifacts, just by relying on his own strength, he can severely wound an ordinary high-level Universe lord.

If all the remaining Origin Cores are refined, I don’t know if they can be directly promoted to Realm, the title of the Lord of the Universe.

Zhang Qing squeezed his fists, extremely excited.

If other advanced universe masters knew Zhang Qing’s practice speed, they would definitely be surprised.

After all, Zhang Qing’s practice time is less than the time when the universe is dead. Compared with those ancient universe masters, he is like a baby.

Practice without years!

Ten thousand years of time is like a flick of a finger, fleeting.

In the chaotic void, I saw a person sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, the aura of the law of the Great Dao encircled that person, and a terrifying coercion spread to all sides around the person sitting cross-legged.

It is Zhang Qing!

The Dao Law has been cultivated to two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, and one short of one can reach the standard of the title of the Lord of the Universe.

But strength?

Speaking, Zhang Qing punched Chaos with his bare hands.

Chaos is like glass, with cracks like cracks appearing, and a slowly rotating black hole appears in the center.

But it’s not that the master of ordinary titles can stop me.

While Zhang Qing thought to himself, he erased the black hole that had just been punched, along with the broken chaos.

If at this time, if any other universe master sees it, he will exclaim.

You know, it’s easy to break the chaotic void, but it’s not easy to erase the broken pieces of the void together with the black hole.

This is a strength that many ordinary titles, the Lord of the Universe, can’t beat.

And this one I got from the secret realm last time.

213 Zhang Qing thought to himself, and then turned over his palm, two rings appeared out of thin air in his hand.

It was the ring of Zhang Qing and the one of Lord Slaughter.

After Zhang Qing successfully killed the Lord of Slaughter and obtained the ring of Lord Slaughter of Heaven, Zhang Qing carefully studied and refined two rings.

It was found that the two rings were originally a double ring, so the two rings will react when they are close.

And after the two rings were combined by Zhang Qinglian, their abilities were several times stronger than before.

In addition to the ability to increase one’s own strength and weaken the power of others, there is also an additional ability that can draw the enemy’s strength for its own use.

In this way, I can become stronger as I vietnam, and even the strength I have absorbed can be strengthened several times through the ring’s ability to fight back.

In this way, although I failed to break through the master of the higher universe, the only difference is that I can only look for time and opportunity.

It’s time to get rid of the vicious dogs blocking my door.

After talking about Zhang Qingzhou’s Movement Technique, he circulated, stepping forward in the chaos, stepping out one step at a time, as if blending into the chaos, and finally disappearing slowly!

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