Chapter 213 Completely Destroyed


The two forces collide together, as if two high-level universes collide with each other.

The space in all directions vibrated, as if it would collapse at any time.

And the place where the two collided has been completely destroyed, and a huge pit appeared.

But this is only the beginning.

The two blasted several punches in an instant, just for an instant.

The surrounding ground was shattered, and the void was blown up.

“It’s too fast.”

My God, just kidding, this is not a battle for the Lord of the High Universe at all.

The Lord of Seven Apertures, the Lord of Xiulin and the Lord of Xuexu were all staring wide-eyed.

But they could barely see Zhang Qing and the Lord of Slaughter.

Countless afterimages appeared in this place in an instant, and these afterimages appeared in every corner, hitting the ground from the air.

Every time the two afterimages collide, there will be a terrifying aftermath, destroying everything around them.

“Haha, it’s useless, even if you have a double ring, but your quota strength is too weak, you will undoubtedly die in this battle.”

The Lord Slaughter the Sky laughed ferociously.

He could see the gap between Zhang Qing and own, even if he could contend with himself with the power of the ring.

But as time goes by, he must be the winner.

Zhang Qing said lightly, the reason why he collided with the Lord of Slaughter the Sky several times was because of his purpose.

He wanted to know the difference between a weakened ring and a doubled ring.

Also try to see how powerful two rings can be.

After fighting with the Lord of Slaughter, he has probably understood the power of the Universe ring.

“Haha, don’t be stubborn and go to hell.”

The Lord Slaughter the Sky is extremely rampant.

It was another heavy blow towards Zhang Qing.

“Why are you so annoying?”

Zhang Qing was thinking about the containment of Universe. Seeing that the Lord of Slaughter is like a dogskin plaster, sticking to him

Suddenly, there was a real fire in my heart.

With a casual wave of his hand, eighty pieces of Universe artifacts appeared, and they were directed towards the Lord of Slaughter the Heavens.

These eighty-one universe secret treasures were obtained by Zhang Qing from the Jiehuo secret realm.

Most of them are not suitable for Zhang Qing to use, so I have rarely used them.

The extremely arrogant Lord Slaughter the Sky, Kandao unexpectedly had dozens of Universe artifacts smashed at him.

The whole body was taken aback!

Even the Lord of the Seven Orifices and the others had their mouths widened and couldn’t believe what they saw.

I saw the Master of Slaughter the Sky who was still in a daze, screaming when he was smashed by pieces of Universe artifacts.

Zhang Qing didn’t bother to use the abilities of these Universe Secret Treasures, but directly urged them to smash them.

With the hardness of Universe Secret Treasures, even the master of advanced Universes can’t resist the impact of so many Universe Secret Treasures in turns.

For a time, the screams of the Lord Slaughter were all around him.

The Lord Slaughter the Sky at this moment only feels that everything is too illusory.

He still had the upper hand just now.

Why Zhang Qing suddenly threw dozens of Universe Secret Treasures at him.

Is it that the universe’s secret treasures are all rotten on the street now?

But he soon woke up.

Although the ability to weaken the ring can not play an effect on Magic Treasures.

But with the Universe artifacts that are not activated here, trying to kill oneself is nothing short of idiotic dreams.

He slammed a piece of Universe Secret Treasure that hit him with a punch.

With a bang, the Universe Secret Treasure was knocked out.

Then there were other Universe artifacts flying over.

Time, the Lord of Slaughter and these Universe artifacts fought together.

Just listen to the sound of Dangdang.

At this time, Zhang Qing had already recovered from thinking.

15 with a smile on his face looked at the Lord Slaughter.

The Lord Slaughter the Sky noticed Zhang Qing’s line of sight and turned to look at Zhang Qing.

Seeing Zhang Qing smiling and looking at him, a burst of anger burst out.

Rush out from the encirclement of many Universe artifacts.

“Well, Zhang Qing, you dare to humiliate me. Take it to death!” Suddenly, the surrounding space shattered and ripples filled the law. The Secret Treasure of the Universe is also not close.

“All things are destroyed.”

He shouted, and an unprecedented horrible force gathered on the ringed hand.

The next second, he hit Zhang Qing with a punch.

This punch directly hit the Shattering Void, and even the law of the big road fell away.

Sure enough, as I guessed, weakening the ring can absorb the opponent’s strength.

Zhang Qing nodded.

Then waved.

Tai Chi Yin & Yang lotus emerges.

Blocked the strongest blow from Lord Slaughter’s bombardment.

Zhang Qing directly blasted out a punch, and was blessed by the double ring.

I don’t know how much I have saved.

Suddenly, infinite power is superimposed on this punch.

Even the power of this punch has almost surpassed the level of the master of the higher universe.

This sturdy fist bombarded the Lord of Slaughter Heavens, and he was unstoppable, unable to escape.

Do not!

The Lord Slaughter the Sky screamed and let out a scream.

There was finally a look of horror and unwillingness in his eyes. No matter what, he couldn’t make any movements.

In the next second, his whole body and soul were dissipated, and he couldn’t bear the punch at all.

At the same time, the surrounding space was directly penetrated by this punch, and a huge crack was abruptly punched out.

It seems to have penetrated the ruins of Chushen.

Only the weakening ring and Magic Treasures, the storage of the Lord of Slaughter, are left in the same place.

But the core of his Origin was shattered by Zhang Qing’s punch. Dissipated between heaven and earth.


Zhang Qing felt that the weakened ring wanted to escape by herself.

It turns out that if there is no owner, they will be far away from each other.

In an instant, Zhang Qing grabbed it with a big hand, and instantly grabbed the weakening ring in his hand.

At the same time Divine Sense entered it.

In just one second, under Zhang Qing’s powerful soul power, the weakening ring was no longer in resistance, and he was instantly refined.

So far, the two Universe rings belonged to Zhang Qing, which almost never happened.

If it is said to be known by other universe masters, it will surely shock the entire Singularity Continent.

It is estimated that even the master of the title Universe will be stunned.

It’s a pity that he used too much force and shattered his Origin Core.

Zhang Qing was a little sorry.

“The Lord Slaughter the Sky is dead?”

Really dead, even the soul has completely dissipated.

It is incredible that a strong man like the Lord of Slaughter, who has dominated for tens of thousands of years, actually died like this?

At this moment, the Lord of the Seven Apertures, the Lord of Xiulin and the Lord of Xuexu were shocked when they saw this scene.

They had no idea that Zhang Qing would kill the Lord of Slaughter Sky so quickly.

After all, the Lord of Slaughter the Sky is the Lord of the Advanced Universe who has mastered the two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Dao laws.

Coupled with the weakening of the ring’s power, his combat power can almost be said to be invincible among the masters of the higher universe.

If you want to kill the Lord of Slaughter, I am afraid that only the title of the Lord of the Universe will take action.

But now Zhang Qing used brute force to kill the Lord of Slaughter.

To be honest, they can’t believe it now, it’s incredible.

It can only be said that the Lord of the Kingdom of God is too unfathomable, and there are more than 80 pieces of Universe artifacts on his body.

They were also extremely fortunate that they invited Zhang Qing, a powerful master of the universe, into the ruins.

If Zhang Qing were their enemy, they would have been beheaded long ago.

“Everyone, the trouble has been solved, and then we can explore this ruin with peace of mind.”

After Zhang Qing collected the Magic Treasures of the Lord of Slaughter and the others, he came to the Lord of the Seven Orifices and the others.

Solve the trouble?

The corners of the mouths of the Lord of the Seven Orifices and others twitched when they heard Zhang Qing’s calm words.

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