Chapter 210

Except for himself, no one else can exert the full power of Magic Treasures.

And the Magic Treasures of the Kingdom of God that Qing’s body may be like this.

Of course they did not die and all believed in the words of the Lord Slaughter the Sky. After all, none of them believe in anyone!

“Well, for the sake of our friends for many years.”

“Killing a little-known junior, let’s make a shot together, we will definitely catch it.”

The Lord of Luowu and the Lord of Night Demon laughed loudly and promised the Lord of Slaughter the Sky.

Regardless of whether the Lord of Slaughter of the Sky said it was true or false, it would not be too late to wait until the treasure was grabbed.

If it’s not Magic Treasures for them, then it’s just going to happen.

If even they can use it, they can only make a deal with the Lord of Slaughter.

Whether to give them more benefits or hand over Magic Treasures, it depends on how he chooses.

Anyway, they can get benefits, so why not do it.


At this moment, the surrounding space vibrated.

In the next second, a huge gray gate appeared in front of many universe masters, emitting unimaginable energy, shaking the entire Singularity Continent.

And this huge gray door exudes a breath of noness, and the unfathomable source energy is engraved on the town. It seems that any magic magic power can hardly shake this gray door.

Appeared, the ruins of Chushen finally appeared.

This is the entrance to the ruins of Chushen. Through this door, we can enter the ruins of Chushen.

“Haha, after waiting so long, I finally waited.”

Many Lords of the Universe saw the appearance of this gray gate, and they were all excited. They waited for a long time and finally waited for the ruins of Chushen to open here.

In an instant, many universe masters couldn’t wait, and immediately flew towards the gray gate and rushed into the ruins of Chushen.

“Let’s go too.”

The master of Xuexu also said impatiently.

Then Zhang Qing and the four entered the ruins of Chushen.

In the next second, Zhang Qing passed through the gray door, and after a while of Spatial Teleportation, he felt that he was in a secret realm.

The barren land was reflected in Zhang Qing’s eyes, and he looked at a piece of dry and cracked land without any vitality.

It can be said that this place looks more lifeless than The Underworld. After that war, the vitality and energy of this place were all lost. No life can be bred anymore.

On the sky, there are several light balls condensed by law, just like the sun.

It is these light spheres that make the ruins of Chushen light, not darkness.

But these balls of light will never fall, nor will they move.

After just a few breaths, the countless undead Heavenly Demon surrounded Zhang Qing and others.

“This is Immortal Heavenly Demon?”

Zhang Qingyanqing showed a glimmer of light. Although he has entered the ruins of the first god for a hundred years, under the leadership of the Lord of the Seven Orifices and others, he has escaped countless undead Heavenly Demon trackers, and has never had the opportunity to face these immortal creatures. .

Now, he can clearly see these undead Heavenly Demon. Only then did I know that these immortal Heavenly Demons are really well-deserved, pure monsters condensed by endless negative emotions.

You know, the master of each universe is the master of their own universe, and they all have countless lives believe.

Therefore, once the Lord of the universe falls, the life that believes in him will also produce various emotions, and these emotions are all stored in the soul and the core of the origin.

It is conceivable that the anger, resentment and other distracting thoughts of all believers from these lives are all gathered together. Formed a collection of evil thoughts of sentient beings.

“Trouble now.”

The Lord of the Seven Orifices, the Lord of Xiulin and the Lord of Xuexu had very ugly faces, because the actions of the Lord of the Night Demon immediately plunged them into an extremely dangerous situation. They are not given any chance to react at all.

In the next second, countless undead Heavenly Demon seemed to perceive the breath of Zhang Qing and others. They seemed to have asked what the prey was, and rushed towards them.

The endless immortality Heavenly Demon was crushed, seeming to swallow this place completely.

Seven tricks!

A weird face appeared in front of the Lord of the Seven Orifices, and the seven orifices on this face were radiant and swept toward Zhou.

The undead Heavenly Demon who was swept up seemed to have been wicked, but they started to be confused and attacked each other.

It seems that this weird light makes them lost in general.

“The Hand of Xuexu!”

The lord of Xuexu gave a low cry, and a snow-white palm was shot out of thin air.

Suddenly, this giant hand seemed to contain ice and snow, and the skin texture on it was cleansed. There were countless laws of avenues integrated into it, and it was incomparably mysterious.

With this palm, it covered a distance of tens of thousands of miles in an instant, and the power was boundless.

“Added to Blood Demon Vine!”

The lord of Xiulin was not to be outdone, and immediately shot his hand. When he raised his hand, immediately countless huge vines burst out of the ground and rushed straight into the sky.

These vines are huge and filled with endless vitality.

In the next second, these vines drew towards Heavenly Demon on the ground and in the air.

The nearby undead Heavenly Demon were all taken away. It disappeared in an instant.


Zhang Qing looked at the three people in front of him, he used to underestimate them.

“No, the power is not enough, you can’t kill these immortal Heavenly Demon.”

At this time, the Lord of the Seven Apertures frowned. Although the attack just now was infinitely powerful, he still couldn’t kill these immortal Heavenly Demon.


Annoying, Dingqing took a look, and it was indeed the same. Just now, the three masters of the higher universe shot at the same time, showing a terrifying power.

But these immortal Heavenly Demons were bombarded on the ground and all turned into fly ash, but within a few breaths, the dust gathered quickly.

It seems that the attack just now has no effect on these immortal Heavenly Demon.

And their number is constantly increasing.

“Can these immortal Heavenly Demon really kill them?”

Zhang Qing frowned.

“It can be killed temporarily. With our power, I am afraid that it will take several times to kill an undead Heavenly Demon temporarily. Although these undead Heavenly Demons will be resurrected in another place after they die, their strength will be short of time. Not as good as before.”

The Lord of Seven Orifices said solemnly.

“But even so, the number of Immortal Heavenly Demon is too much, I am afraid that our Magic power is exhausted, and it may not be able to wipe out all of these Immortal Heavenly Demon. Let’s run away, and we can’t consume them.”

The master of Xuexu said with a solemn expression.

“Can’t escape, we have been surrounded by the immortal Heavenly Demon, there is nowhere to escape.”

The Master of Xiulin said solemnly.

They all know the horror of these Immortal Heavenly Demon, once they smell the breath, they will never die.

Unless they run out of the Ruins of the First God, these immortal Heavenly Demon will not stop chasing after them!

“Leave these immortal Heavenly Demon to me.” At this moment, Zhang Qing said.

here you are?

“This is tens of millions of undead Heavenly Demon, have you dealt with it alone?”

Don’t be aggressive.

The Lord of Seven Orifices and the others looked at Zhang Qing with flickering eyes. They didn’t know why Zhang Qing was so sure, and they didn’t seem to regard these Immortal Heavenly Demons as a thing.

“Just leave it to me. I am best at dealing with these immortal monsters.”

Zhang Qing smiled slightly.

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