Chapter 211 Destroy the Lotus Terrace!

To be honest, before seeing these undead Heavenly Demon, he still didn’t know what these undead Heavenly Demon were.

But now, after his observation, he found that these immortal Heavenly Demons weren’t really incapable of death, but to wipe out all their karma.

Just doing this will consume a large amount of Magic power of his own, and there are so many undead Heavenly Demons, which will not give him a chance to restore Magic power at all.

And he happens to have Magic Treasures that wipe out any matter.

Destroy Lotus Terrace!

With a wave of Zhang Qing’s hand, a black lotus platform emerged.

This is the ruined lotus platform created by Zhang Qing.

And this lotus platform is a symbol of destruction, with this terrifying power, as Zhang Qing’s strength has grown, it has also been promoted to the level of Chaos Supreme.

Zhang Qing has not really urged the real power to destroy the lotus platform before.

But now it’s different. These undead Heavenly Demon are extremely powerful opponents, just suitable to destroy the lotus platform.

“This Magic Treasures seems to contain the power to destroy everything!”

The Lord of Seven Apertures, the Lord of Xiulin and the Lord of Xuexu were all taken aback. They are also well-informed people, although they have never seen this ruined lotus platform.

But they perceive the power of this Magic Treasures is absolutely beyond imagination.

Zhang Qing urged the destruction of the lotus platform and gave a slight shock.

Suddenly, terrible waves of destruction erupted from the Destruction Lotus Platform, silent and silent, like the supreme law of destruction, filled with the breath of Death, destruction, and extinction.

This kind of fluctuation caused the Lord of the Seven Orifices, the Lord of Xiulin and the Lord of Xuexu involuntarily to make protective actions. This kind of power seemed to be able to destroy everything in general.

In an instant, after the surrounding Immortal Heavenly Demon was touched by these destruction waves at this moment, his body was severely injured in an instant.

Immediately, tens of thousands of immortal Heavenly Demon died instantly, completely disappearing here, and their various negative emotions and karma were all absorbed by Destroy Lotus Terrace.

However, because this place is among the ruins of Chushen, destroying the lotus platform can not absorb all, so they will still be reborn in another place of the ruins of Chushen.

“It was killed in an instant.”

The Lord of the Seven Apertures, the Lord of Xiulin and the Lord of Xuexu stared at this scene and couldn’t believe it!

Just now they spent a huge amount of magic power, and they only wiped out a few undead Heavenly Demon.

But Zhang Qing just urged the lotus platform to make all these undead Heavenly Demon disappear. What kind of Magic Treasures is this, it’s really amazing!

At this moment, on a mountain in the distance, the three masters of Slaughter the Heavens concealed their breath, watching here.

They originally wanted to wait for these immortal Heavenly Demons to exhaust all the original source energy of Zhang Qing and others, and then they secretly killed Zhang Qing and others to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

But seeing Zhang Qing’s deeds now shocked them all.

“How is this possible? In just an instant, all the undead Heavenly Demon dissipated. What kind of power is this?”

The Lord of the Night Demon couldn’t believe what he saw.

“This is not the power of this person, but the power of the black lotus platform. It seems that there is a destructive power permeating this black lotus platform. It happens to be the nemesis of these immortal Heavenly Demons, so it is so easy to kill them. Immortal Heavenly Demon.”

The Lord of Luowu was amazed, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

“Good Magic Treasures, if we also own this lotus platform, wouldn’t we be able to walk freely among the ruins of the first gods?”

A gleam of light appeared in the eyes of the Lord of the Night Demon.

“Snatch it, you must snatch this person’s black lotus stand. It should belong to us.”

The Lord of Luowu gave a low growl, wishing to take action immediately.

At this time, seeing this scene, the Lord of the Seven Apertures, the Lord of Xiulin and the Lord of Xuexu were immediately relieved.

They all secretly rejoiced in their hearts. Fortunately, they invited Zhang Qing to go with them. Otherwise, they would be more ill-advised this time.

“My technique of occupancy seems to be quite correct. The addition of this person will definitely bring us huge benefits.

With this method, no matter how large the ruins of Chushen is, we can travel everywhere. ”

The Lord of Seven Orifices and others are also particularly excited.

To be honest, with the help of the power of destroying the lotus platform, killing these immortal Heavenly Demons is not difficult, just like cutting melons and vegetables.

The reason why the Lord of the Higher Universe can’t help these immortal Heavenly Demons is because they don’t have the power to deal with them, so naturally dealing with them is extremely easy.

But he is different. The ruining lotus platform on his body is the nemesis of these immortal Heavenly Demons, and can easily kill them.

At this moment, the Lord Slaughter Heaven and others could not sit still.

“Do it.”

Suddenly, Eye Qing, the Lord of Slaughter of the Sky, showed a murderous aura. He wanted to kill this young man with his own hands to win another Universe ring.

Magic Mist Chain!

The Lord of Luowu made a move in an instant, and saw him transformed into a boundless magic mist, covering thousands of miles, attacking Zhang Qing like an overwhelming sky.

Sword Brother of Slaughter!

The Lord of the Night Demon took out a huge sword, which contained incomparable sharpness. Obviously, this was also a Universe secret treasure, and I didn’t know how many Universe Kings had been killed.

This giant sword did not know how much blood of the Lord of the Universe had been absorbed, shining with a terrifying light.

The other universe masters know that he is fast, and with a pair of wings, he travels across an area.

The Lord of the Ordinary and Advanced Universe can’t keep up with the speed of the Lord of the Night Demon at all.

But the real bronze assassin of the Lord of the Night Demon is the sword of killing.

With the speed that ordinary people can’t match, coupled with the extremely sharp sword of killing, this is simply even more powerful.

With a swish, the body of the Lord of the Night Demon disappeared, as if it had merged into the space. Quickly attacked Zhang Qing.

Dominate all directions!

The Lord of Heaven shouted loudly.

Immediately, an immense force rolled over, destroying the heavens and the earth as if the heavens and the earth had collapsed at this moment, and the force of the law in the space was strangling towards Zhang Qing.

It seems that at this moment, the entire world is Zhang Qing’s enemy, an endless stream of laws, like soldiers rushing forward, to crush all enemies for the Lord of Slaughter.

The master of the high-ranking universe shot at the same time, and the burst of power could easily kill a master of the high-ranking universe, almost irresistible.

Sneak attack, despicable and shameless!

The Lord of the Seven Orifices is guarding against the Lord Slaughter and the others.

But obviously the attack speed of the Slaughter Lord and the others was too fast and too weird, and at this time, they suddenly took action, making them too late even if they wanted to rescue.

Zhang Qing naturally felt the breath and killing intent of the three. Surging from all directions.

But at this moment, he almost wiped out all the surrounding undead Heavenly Demon.

He was at peace with no waves.

The force of the most powerful law surged from his body, destroying the world like a flood bursting a bank.

The Universe Secret Treasure revealed an eternal clock.

A silver clock appeared above him, surrounded by incomparable power of time.

With a click, the time Realm spread out from the eternal clock and enveloped the surrounding space.

Suddenly the time and space in this area was distorted, and the flow of time slowly stagnated.

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