Chapter 209: Immortal Heaven?


Zhang Qing had never heard of this name, and was a little confused for a while.

The Lord Xuexu saw Zhang Qing’s doubts and explained Zhang Qing carefully.

The immortal Heavenly Demon is actually the soul that survived the fall of the Lord of the Universe, and the surviving souls from them merged with the endless grievances, death and other negative energies in the ruins of the first gods. After a long period of upgrading, the immortal was born. Scary monster.

The lord of Xuexu’s face is solemn: “Such a monster cannot be killed and cannot be completely eliminated. Even if you kill it, it will be resurrected from a certain place in the ruins. Moreover, they are powerful, possess the strength of their lives, and are full of them. Endless karma. These karma is formed after the death of countless Cosmos Lords. Once contaminated, it is almost impossible to get rid of it, and it will gradually wipe out your soul. Finally, it will become a mindless walking corpse.”

The number of these immortal Heavenly Demons is so large that it is not enough to describe the number. It is conceivable that once surrounded by them, the result will undoubtedly die.

“I see!”

Zhang Qing stroked his chin, and he was considered to have a preliminary understanding of the ruins of Chushen.

The four of them watched their surroundings as they rushed.

Fifty years passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Qing, the lord of the seven orifices, the lord of Xiulin, and the lord of Xuexu finally arrived in a mountain-like terrain, and this place was conveniently the place where the entrance to the Chushen Ruins was opened.

Every time the Chushen ruins appear in different places, they seem to randomly appear in various places in the Singularity Continent, so finding the entrance to the Chushen ruins is very troublesome.

“It’s finally here, but luckily it hasn’t started yet.”

The Lord of Seven Orifices breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Qing looked around, and suddenly discovered that there was a Lord of the Universe hidden in this place, the number of which was far beyond his expectation.

Originally, the Lord of the Universe is the Lord of a country in the Singularity Continent, either practicing Closed Door Training or taking risks in the secret realm. It is difficult for the general detachment Sage to see the power of the Lord of the Universe.

However, because of the opening of the ruins of Chushen, countless universe masters have been attracted to this place.

Only from what he perceives, there are tens of thousands of universe masters.

The masters of these universes each have their own companions, forming a small team. Keep a safe distance between each other.

Obviously they are quite jealous of each other, lest someone attack them.

Why is there no title Master of the Universe? Isn’t the things in the ruins enough to attract them? It’s because they hide their breath, I can’t perceive it.

Zhang Qing felt around and found that most of them were the masters of advanced universes, and there were also some bold elementary and intermediate universe masters.

Because there are unique laws in the ruins of the first gods, which contain the laws of the supreme mighty Restrictions. If the Lord of the Title Universe enters, it will be suppressed by the rules in the ruins. So there is no title as the Lord of the Universe dared to enter again.

“The Residence of Qiqiao explained that it is forbidden to enter the ruins of the first gods with the title of the Lord of the Universe.”

Zhang Qing nodded.

If you think about it carefully, if there is no such restriction, then it would be impossible for the Lord of the Higher Universe to take the risk here, and all will be taken away by the Lord of Titles.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, the sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from a distance, and the three figures came to Zhang Qing and the others in an instant.

Zhang Qing squinted his eyes to clear, he felt that the coming person actually mastered at least two thousand nine hundred great principles, and his strength was unmatched. One of them even mastered the two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine great principles.

This is a super powerhouse who can step into the master of the universe with just one step.

The other party rushed to this side directly, should be rushing towards the Lord of Seven Orifices and others.

I saw that their three faces were also extremely ugly, staring at the three powerful masters of the universe.

“Be careful, these three are not good people.”

Divine Sense, the master of Xuexu, spoke to Zhang Qing.

“Why, they are your enemies?”

It can also be said that the strongest among them is the Lord of the Kingdom of Slaughter. The Lord of Slaughter of the Heavens has reached the perfect state of the Lord of the Universe, and only one step can step into the Realm of the title of the Lord of the Universe. Very powerful. And there is a Universe Secret Treasure on his body, which is very overbearing.

The Lord of Xuexu pointed to the man in gold who was the head of the three and said.


Upon hearing this, the Lord of the Seven Orifices and the others were all puzzled. They didn’t understand why?

Seeing that they were all confused, Zhang Qing told everyone what had happened. It just didn’t mention anything about the secret treasure of Universe.

The Lord of the Seven Orifices and the others looked at each other, and they could hear what Zhang Qing said, presumably, there were some inconvenient reasons.

In fact, in the Singularity Continent, such a thing is really normal.

They are also smart people and will not continue to ask questions.

On the other side, the three people of Slaughter of the Sky came to another area, and a formation was set up around them, covering the surroundings to prevent any sound and images from being transmitted.

“Lord Slaughter, this is not like your style, how can you provoke a superior Universe lord so much.”

The Lord of the Universe, surrounded by the black mist, said with a smile. But there is still a distance between each other.

Although they are companions, in fact they are also afraid of each other.

What the Lord Slaughter of the Sky did was very different in peacetime, which made him aware of something.

“It seems that Lord Slaughter of the Sky, you have other ideas for that kid, could it be that you didn’t know him?”

The Lord of the Universe with wings asked curiously.

“Lord of Luowu, Lord of Night Demon, don’t guess for yourself. I told you clearly. This person has a treasure that I have coveted for a long time. So after entering the ruins this time, I will kill him. Go out.”

He straightforwardly stated the own scheme.

It is not that simple to kill a master of a superior universe. If one is not careful, the three of us may also fall into the ruins.

The Lord of Luowu’s eyes flickered.

As long as you help me kill this person, then I only need 10% of the things I get from entering the ruins this time, how about?

The Lord Slaughter the Sky looked at the two people in front of him.


The Lord of the Night Demon and the Lord of Network Mist were shocked, because the three of them formed an alliance to enter the ruins, and they were always assigned according to work.

Every time he moves, because the Lord of Slaughter Heaven has exerted great strength, he can basically occupy more than half of it. The rest is the distribution of the two.

It is incredible that the Lord of Slaughter of the Sky was willing to give up such a big profit in order to kill a high-ranking Lord of the Universe.

They are also calculating in their hearts, what kind of treasure it is that the Lord of Slaughter is willing to make such a big sacrifice.

The Lord of Luowu narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the Lord of Slaughter.

The words of the Lord Slaughter the Sky proved that the Lord of the High Universe must have greater benefits in his body, so the Lord Slaughter the Heavens made such a decision.

“This treasure is very special. It will be an opportunity for me to be promoted, but it should be of little use to you, so it is useless for you to get it.” The Lord of Slaughter looked at the two Lords of Luowu, and he knew that they were. What are you thinking about?

I see.

The eyes of the Lord of the Netmist and the Lord of the Night Demon flickered. In fact, there are countless Magic Treasures in the Singularity Continent, and there is always one tailor-made for yourself.

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