Chapter 208 The Supreme Treasure

This time we enter the Ruins of the First God and form partners, we need to set up an offensive and defensive alliance, help each other, not attack each other, and sign this original source contract, then we are partners. If we are sure that the contract is okay If you do, then sign it.

The Lord of Xuexu took out a source contract from his body, and a dense contract rune appeared on it, which seemed to be connected with the source law, exuding incredible energy and aura.

This contract alone is a supreme treasure.

Zhang Qing took a closer look at the contract. The above treaty is actually very simple. After entering the Ruins of the First God, you must not attack each other. After encountering the treasures, they will be assigned according to the credit.

The time limit is after leaving this relic, the contract is invalidated.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qing didn’t hesitate, and immediately signed his own name on the Siwon contract.

The Lord of Seven Apertures, the Lord of Xuexu and the Lord of Xiulin also signed own name one after another.

In the next second, the contract was established, and the contract burned instantly, as if it had become the imprint of the law. The town is carved in the depths of everyone’s soul.


Zhang Qing perceives the depths of own soul, entwining a chain of laws, as if something has been watching.

Seeing Zhang Qing signed the Shiyuan contract, the attitude of the Lord of Xiulin and others has become a little more friendly to him, and they no longer continue to watch out for him.

After all, before this, they and Zhang Qing didn’t know each other, it was only recommended by the master of Xuexu that Zhang Qing joined this operation.

If Zhang Qing attacked from behind, they would also suffer heavy losses, or even fall.

After signing the contract, the atmosphere between the few people eased a lot.

“Brother, I think you seem to be in bad luck recently, and there are signs of imminent disaster. Are you encountering any trouble?” The Lord of Seven Orifices asked, looking at Zhang Qing.

“Can you tell?”

Zhang Qing curiously looked at the Lord of Seven Orifices.

His current strength is Realm, and it is difficult for the general master of the higher universe to see Karma, the aura of his body. But the master of these seven orifices could actually see it.

I know a little about Qi Luck, and I can see each other’s Qi Luck from the Seven Orifices, and even deduct the future to some extent.

The Lord of Seven Apertures said solemnly: “In fact, the Lord of Xuexu invited Brother Fan because of my recommendation. I think if you join in this operation, the success rate will be greatly increased.”

He told Zhang Qing the truth.

I see.

Zhang Qing nodded, he also felt strange, the Lord of the Universe was strange, possessing all kinds of abilities, and the Lord of the Seven Orifices had such supernatural powers, and it was not such a special thing.

“Maybe we can help you solve the trouble.” The Lord Xuexu said, saying that he could help.

“I have been named the Lord of the Universe, and I will be chased down sooner or later. I don’t know how you can solve it?” Zhang Qing blinked and looked at the three of Xuexu Lords.

Upon hearing this, the corners of the lips of the Lord of Seven Orifices and others twitched. They knew that Zhang Qing was not joking, and that there was really a title master who was eyeing him.

“That, Brother Fan, let’s talk about the ruins of the first god.”

The master of Xuexu felt embarrassed for a while, and quickly turned off the topic.

Neither the Lord of Seven Apertures nor the Lord of Xiulin said anything.

They are just the masters of the higher word universe, how can they solve this kind of trouble?

When they saw that Zhang Qing was in such trouble, he still looked calm. Obviously, this matter didn’t seem to be a particularly important thing to him.

This makes them feel even more unfathomable about Zhang Qing’s strength.

“Well, what do you want to do in this operation?”

Zhang Qing asked.

He knew that the master of Xuexu must have a purpose.

The most important thing is that the Lord of the Seven Apertures, the Lord of Xiulin and the Lord of Xuexu have entered the Ruins of Chushen several times and have a considerable degree of understanding of the ruins.

So he expected to enter the ruins this time, and they could have their own goals.

“It seems that Brother Fan has already seen that we do have our own goal, which is the core of Origin.”

Siwon core!

Zhang Qing’s eyes showed a gleam. Of course, he knew what the Origin Core was. In his own body, there was a Origin Core, which was the crystallization of life energy and Dao Law, and contained infinite energy.

It can be said that this thing is the most precious to the Lord of the Universe.

“I believe Brother Fan also knows that the core of Siyuan is the supreme crystallization that only the Lord of Youyu can condense.”

The Lord of the Seven Orifices looked at Zhang Qing. Generally speaking, after the Lord of the Universe fell, the souls and spirits would be destroyed, and the core of the origin would also disappear and return to the source.

“But the ruins of Chushen are different. This is a super battlefield. Many titles of the Lord of the Universe have been in a melee here. The space here has been destroyed and it is difficult to recover.”

Therefore, the Siyuan core may not dissipate and remain. And there are a lot of elementary, intermediate, and advanced universe masters who were affected by the title of universe masters, and they were instantly shaken to death, and because of this, the origin core on them was also preserved.

In other words, there are a large number of Origin Cores in the Ruins of Chushen? !

Zhang Qingyanqing showed a glimmer of light. At this moment, he knew why the ruins of Chushen was so dangerous, but he still attracted many universe masters to enter.

The benefits of Siwon Core are too many, because he contains the life-long essence of the Lord of the Universe.

If it can swallow a Origin Core, I am afraid that it will be able to obtain the Dao Law mastered by the other party and a lifetime Cultivation Base.

You know, the Lord of the Universe wants to obtain huge Universe Samsara energy, generally it takes a lot of time of penance, I don’t know how long it is.

But with the treasures of this Siyuan core level, it is equivalent to stealing 720 of the assiduous practice of other universe masters.

Save a lot of time and energy.

One can imagine how attractive such a treasure is to the Lord of the Universe.

It’s no wonder that every time the Ruins of the First God is opened, there are many universe masters who enter it without fear of death.


The Lord of Seven Orifices nodded.

Although the ruins of Chushen have appeared for countless years, countless Lords of the Universe have entered it, and many Origin Cores have also been obtained.

However, the ruins of Chushen are too dangerous, even after countless hours of exploration, there are still so many Origin Cores that have not been discovered.

Even the fall of the Lord of the Universe who explored this place, the origin core of their bodies may be left in the ruins.

But in any case, the many treasures of Chushen’s relics are certain.

Zhang Qing and others continued to the entrance of Chushen Ruins.

“The last time we found a place among the ruins of the First God, there may be a large number of Origin Cores hidden in it.”

The Lord of Seven Orifices looked at Zhang Qing and said slowly.

“But because our strength is not enough, plus the ruins are about to be closed, so we had to give up and wait for this entry.”

He stated the purpose of the three people’s coming. Zhang Qing nodded, expressing understanding.

“By the way, in addition to the void storm in its own space and unstable space, this Chushen Ruins also has various laws and forbiddens, but the most terrifying thing is the undead Heavenly Demon in the Chushen Ruins.”

The master of Xuexu remembered that Zhang Qing didn’t know the danger in the ruins, so he explained to him.

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