Chapter 207

But these thorns stopped spreading abruptly after a while. The surrounding time and space are completely frozen.

And the Flash Beastmaster is not much better. Although it quickly escapes to the door of the room with the speed of light, it is still wrapped in the time and space Realm of the eternal clock. Immobile.

Not to mention the Glutton Beastmaster and the Water Howl Beastmaster, they were frozen in place without even reacting.

Then Zhang Qing waved his hand, and suddenly several golden rings flew out, imprisoning the four beast kings.


Jiehuo Beast King saw this scene, and his heart was half cold, because if this golden ring was worn, no matter how great the opponent had the ability, he would not be able to escape.

With a bang, the three Beastmasters fell to the ground and were suppressed.

At this time, the Flash Beastmaster was so radiant, as if he had broken through the limits of time and space, and rushed out of this Realm abruptly.

“Haha, want to trap the light? Don’t be delusional.”

With that said, it is about to escape from the kingdom of God.

Back in time.

Zhang Qing sneered.

Flash Beastmaster was taken aback, it was a little dumbfounded. Originally it had escaped from Realm, but his body regressed involuntarily, as if it was brought back by time.

Its body immediately returned to the position it was a few seconds ago.

After that, the golden ring was imprisoned on its body without any accident.

Can actually play with time to this point, what is this universe secret treasure?

Jiehuo Beast King stared wide-eyed. It has lived for so long, and it has naturally seen countless Universe artifacts. I am afraid that such a Universe artifact that can control time is extremely rare in the entire Singularity Continent.

No matter how fast this Flash Beastmaster had, it couldn’t match the power of time.

At this point, the four beast kings who invaded the kingdom of God were all captured, and they were all bound by the golden ring, and they could no longer escape.


Zhang Qing was very satisfied. He actually grabbed the four great beast kings in an instant, that is, the master of the four high-level characters. This also gave the kingdom of God a huge boost, and progress strengthened the power of the kingdom of God.

A few days later.

After some lessons, after knowing the horror of the Golden Ring, the Flash Beast King, the Thorns Beast King, the Water Howl Beast King, and the Glutton Beast King all surrendered, and could no longer resist Zhang Qing’s orders.

“Well, well, go down, take a good rest, remember not to make trouble in the kingdom of God, and you can’t leave the city of God casually. You don’t even want to run. There is a golden ring. Even if you run to the other side of the mainland, you have to do it yourself. Come back obediently, do you know?”

Zhang Qing warned.

“I see, my lord.”

The Jiehuo Beast King and others felt extremely aggrieved, but they also knew how powerful this golden ring was. No matter how far apart, Zhang Qing could contact him through the golden ring, and even manipulate it.

If they don’t lift the east bondage of this golden ring, I’m afraid they can’t escape anywhere.

“Very well, then go down.”

Zhang Qing waved his hand and let the beast kings go down quickly.

Hearing these words, Jiehuo Beast King and the other Beast Kings were relieved. Although they had surrendered to Zhang Qing on the surface, as a powerful Beast King, there was no time when they were so aggrieved.

So they just obeyed Zhang Qing on the surface, but didn’t accept it at all in their hearts.

So one by one quickly left the official hall where Zhang Qing was located, and went to another room to rest. After all, they were tortured by the Golden Ring for several days, but it was not easy.

“Jiehuo Beast King, you traitor, you are all to blame.”

After arriving in the room, the Beastmaster of Thorns began to show off his power.

It stared at the Jiehuo Beast King with a look of anger: “What a shame it is to let us be the beast king and treat people as pets.

“It’s not the time to talk about this. The news that you were arrested may have spread, and your friends may come to rescue by then. If this guy makes another move, I am afraid that the entire army will be wiped out.”

Jiehuo Beast King said with a gloomy face.

“What?” Hearing this, the other beast kings were taken aback, hearing the reminder of the fire robber beast king, they also knew the seriousness of this matter.

“Then what should we do?”

For now, we can only wait for the opportunity to find a way to crack the golden circle.

Jiehuo Beast King said slowly.

After surrendering the four big beast kings, Zhang Qing began to look for fragments of the law in each secret realm, although he is now tyrannical. But there must still be such a big gap with the Devourer.

So he must become stronger.


Zhang Qing felt a shock in the sound transmission stone left by the lord of Daoxuexu.

“what’s up?”

Zhang Qing asked.

The Ruins of Chushen opened ahead of schedule. Time is earlier than we thought, and it is also time for us to set out to enter the ruins of the first gods.

There was a hint of excitement in the voice of the lord of Xuexu.

Is it on?

Zhang Qing suddenly remembered the ruins of Chushen, which contained a large number of secret treasures, which was also a huge attraction for the Lord of the Universe.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: “Very good, then where do we meet?

“It’s in the Kingdom of Seven Apertures, this place is just not far from the ruins of the Chushen. And the Lord of the Seven Apertures is also our companion this time, so it’s better to gather there.”

The master of Xuexu replied.

Seven-aperture country?

There was a gleam in Zhang Qing’s eyes, and he had also heard about the Seven Aperture Kingdom, which was an even older kingdom than Xuexu Kingdom.

And the Lord of the Seven Orifices is a powerful and powerful master of the higher universe, mastering at least two thousand six hundred great principles.

It can be said that the opponent is indeed a strong man, although not as good as the Fire Jieking Beast King, it is still extremely powerful.

“Well, I’m going to the Seven Aperture Nation.”

Zhang Qing nodded.

Five hundred years have passed since the blink of an eye.

Even at the speed of Zhang Qing’s high-level master of the universe, starting from the Kingdom of God and arriving at the Kingdom of Seven Apertures because of the long distance, it took hundreds of years to arrive.

At this moment, over a forest near the Seven Aperture Nation, a young man wearing a blue robe suddenly appeared, and he came directly in front of Zhang Qing.

The moment he appeared, he exuded a vast aura, covering the space in all directions.

“I am the Lord of the Seven Orifices.”

The man in the white robe looked at Zhang Qing and smiled.

“If I’m not wrong, you are what the Lord of Xuexu said about the kingdom of the kingdom of God. It is indeed the legend that can suppress the existence of the fire-robbing beast king. It is really amazing to be able to come to the Seven Aperture Kingdom so quickly. With you participating, this time I’m pretty sure.”

“You’re polite.” Zhang Qing said modestly.

I wonder if the Lord of Xuexu has arrived yet?

“I’m here long ago, I’ll leave you.”

With a bang, a loud male voice remembered that a man in a white robe walked out of the void, exuding a boundless air, and he was the Lord of Xuexu.

Because of the close relationship between Xuexu Kingdom and Qiqiao Kingdom, the Lord of Xuexu also arrived first.

“Just two?”

“Of course not, we are still a companion, and we should be coming soon.”

The master of Xuexu said.

At this moment, another man wearing a green robe walked out of the void. The moment he appeared, it seemed that the surrounding plants had received a pardon and grew rapidly.

This is another master of the superior universe who is no less than the master of Xuexu.

I am the Lord of Xiulin Kingdom and the Lord of Xiulin.

The man in the green robe introduced himself, and said his name and origin.

It turned out to be the master of Xiulin.

Zhang Qing nodded, this is another famous master of the higher universe.

In fact, the lord of the seven orifices, the lord of Xiulin and the lord of Xuexu will all be the lord of the famous higher universe nearby.

Many masters of the universe have heard of their names.

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