Chapter 204

Worthy of being the Lord of the Kingdom of God, he is indeed heroic!

The lord of Xuexu smiled slightly: “Since you asked like this, I won’t go around in circles anymore. I have taken a fancy to your strength, the lord of the country, and want to invite you to join me to explore the ruins of Chushen.”

“Remains of Chushen? Where is that?”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Qing raised his eyebrows slightly.

“It’s the first batch of powerful creatures born in the Singularity Continent. They claim to be the first gods, and they have a power that is comparable to that of the universe, even stronger than the title of the Lord of the Universe.”

But before not knowing how many years ago, this group of first gods died because of a big battle, and the place where they fought became a relic.

This area was beaten into ruins in the battle of these ancient creatures, and there were ruins everywhere. This also makes this an extremely dangerous area.

Even if the Lord of the Universe enters the ruins of the First God, there is a danger of falling.

In fact, the former leader of the Wushan Kingdom entered the Ruins of the First God, then fell into it, and never came out again.

But since this place can attract countless masters of the universe, there is something to attract them.

There are a lot of treasures in it, such treasures are enough to make the masters of the universe advance by leaps and bounds, and even further, there are even Magic Treasures that make them breakthrough to become the masters of the universe.

Because of this, the countless masters of the universe have entered the ruins of the first gods one after another for breakthrough.

However, the relics of Chushen are usually hidden in the time and space of the Singularity Continent, and even the titled Lord may not be able to find them.

Fortunately, every time the universe dies, the ruins of Chushen will reappear in the sky and reappear in the Singularity Continent.

Every time at this time, there are countless Lords of the universe enter into it to take risks.

When Zhang Qing heard this, there was also a glimmer of light in his eyes.

In fact, he has also heard other universe masters mentioning this matter, but they are all ambiguous. It’s not so clear.

The lord of Xuexu smiled slightly: “According to our calculations, the ruins of the first god will appear here soon, and then it will be a great opportunity for us to go in and get a chance.”

Of course, in addition to the dangers of the Chushen Ruins, there are threats from other universe lords, so every time we enter the Chushen Ruins, we need to be in groups and company with each other. Only in this way can you avoid being attacked by other enemies.

The master of Xuexu’s words changed. Said the main purpose of inviting Zhang Qing, is to have a reference after entering the ruins.

“But I and you are not at all familiar, how can you trust you, and how can you rest assured of me?” Zhang Qing looked at the master of Xuexu and said.

This is actually the biggest problem. It’s easy to recruit peers, but if someone has bad intentions, the problem can be serious.

If that’s the case, it’s better to enter alone~

The lord of Xuexu showed a slight smile.

“We purchased a contract of Origin from the Judge. As long as this contract is signed, after entering the Ruins of the First God, they will not be able to attack each other, hurt each other, or even not even think, otherwise they will suffer. To backlash.”

Zhang Qing squinted his eyes. He had heard the name of this titled Lord of the Universe. The name of this titled Lord of the Universe resounded throughout the entire Singularity Continent and was known as absolute justice.

He is holding the Judgment Greatsword and will never favor any side!

There are many conflicts between the Lords of the Universe, and the judges will be asked for justice.

The title of the Lord of the Universe’s name seems to have become a rule, no matter where you are, as long as you mention the title, he can perceive it!

Even some evil titles of the Lord of the Universe, his name itself is a curse. As long as you mention it, you will encounter disaster!

Of course, the reason why the Lord of Xuexu dared to call his name so blatantly was that the judge would not kill casually, as if he was the incarnation of justice.

The second reason is that, as the master of the higher universe, you can temporarily isolate the surrounding laws, so that the title of the master of the universe cannot be sensed.

So even if you mention the name in a conversation, don’t worry too much.

“If this is the case, it is not impossible for me to join you.”

Zhang Qing nodded

To be honest, he also wants to see what is special about your Chushen Ruins, which can attract so many universe masters.

Despite the dangers, the Lord of Youyu Universe still succeeded.

Moreover, according to the current progress of Cultivation Base, if there is no big chance, it is difficult to be promoted to Realm, the title of the master of the universe.

It is not the opponent of the Devourer.

“That’s great, then we’ll make a decision. When the ruins are opened, we will notify you here, and then we will act together.”

The master of Xuexu said joyfully.

It is definitely a great help to attract a powerful Universe Lord like Zhang Qing and go to the Ruins of Chushen together.

And he had a hunch that this time the treasure hunt for the ruins would be even smoother than the last time.

“It didn’t take long for the lord of Xuexu to leave the kingdom of God. After all, he came this time because he persuaded Zhang Qing to enter the ruins with himself. Since the other party agreed, there is no need for him to stay. Before entering the ruins of Chushen, you must re-run your own strength Ascension.”

Zhang Qing thought.

This time, he suppressed the Jiehuo Beast King and obtained a lot of treasures, and these treasures can help him quickly Ascension strength.

Moreover, there is still a long time before the opening of the Chushen ruins. He doesn’t need to be too anxious for the time being, so it happens to be able to carry out Closed Door Training.

“But before Closed Door Training, there is still something to do.”

Zhang Qing thought of the Jiehuo Beast King who was suppressed outside the barrier of the kingdom of God, and he must be completely tamed to have no worries.

Otherwise, a Beastmaster of Origin Giant Beast has been at the door, always feeling something is wrong.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qing’s figure flashed and came to the place where the treasure was stored.

“I need to refine a Magical Item that specifically restrains this fire-robbing beast king, imprison him, and if he does something out of the ordinary, he will be restricted.”

Immediately, Zhang Qing took out various metals with water properties from the treasury, and instantly melted these metals, and under Zhang Qing’s urging, five metal rings were formed.

Then chaos and gods were forbidden to intrude into it, making these materials blend more perfectly with each other.

Then came some sacrifices.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

After constant refining, Zhang Qing finally succeeded.

At this moment, all the materials merged into one, and then a five golden ring was conceived. A faint golden light burst out. It’s like a bracelet.

And these five rings are filled with incredible power, and there are countless laws of avenues emerging on them, and a large number of laws and patterns have emerged, which look quite beautiful.

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