Chapter 203

The Lord of the Universe sneered.

Hearing that, the other Lords of the Universe all had their faces sullen, and they also believed that the Lord of the Kingdom of God had such strength, after all, even the Fire Tribulation Beast King was suppressed by him.

Then it’s easy to deal with the master of their universe.

“It seems that we are not qualified to get these treasures. What’s more, the fire-robbing beast king was originally suppressed by the king of the kingdom of God. It is natural and righteous for him to own the treasure. Since there is no treasure here, then I will leave it.”

The Lord of the Universe said slowly. Then left here.

But even so, there are still some universe masters who are not reconciled and want to stay and continue searching. Even if the secret realm is taken away, there may be some lost treasures around.

But their idea was destined to be just a delusion. According to Zhang Qing’s style, thousands of miles around were searched and searched, and even some ordinary materials were not left. It can be said that I took everything I could, except for some plants, stones, etc.

So no matter how these universe masters look for them, they will not find anything useful.

A few days later, Zhang Qing returned to the kingdom of God.

And these days, he also searched the treasure house in the Jiehuo secret realm to see how many treasures he had.

“This treasure is too much.”

Zhang Qing was amazed. Before telling the truth, he had imagined how many treasures the Fire Jieking Beast King had looted, but after he really searched it, he found the treasures that the Fire Jieking Beast King possessed, which he could not even imagine.

The number of source stones alone surpasses the secret realm of stone, which has source stone veins.

If he refining all these source stones, it is estimated that his original source energy can be increased ten thousand times, saving countless hours.

Of course, in addition to the source stone, there are countless Magic Treasures. But most of them are like broken copper and broken iron to Zhang Qing.

Now only Chaos Magic Treasures can get his eyes.

However, the number of Chaos Magic Treasures in this treasure house is a bit rare, only tens of thousands.

The most important thing is the number of Secret Treasures in the Treasure House, which is a full eighty-one pieces.

You know, even if the master of the Universe can have a Universe Secret Treasure, it is very rare.

But this fire beast king possesses 81 universe artifacts.

It is enough to prove how many kingdoms it has slaughtered, and how many masters of the higher universe have been defeated in its hands.

However, these universe artifacts are not very helpful to the original giant beast if they are not in accordance with the attributes or laws.

Therefore, most of these Universe artifacts are eaten in the treasury, and the Fire Jieking Beast King did not use them.

I wanted to come this time Jiehuo Beast King thought that he could steadily destroy the kingdom of God, so he didn’t bring the Universe secret treasure with him.

But it didn’t expect it to meet Zhang Qing’s iron plate.

In addition to Magic Treasures, there are many rare materials in the treasure house, all of which are unique to the Singularity Continent.

“Motherhood of all things!”

Zhang Qing stared at a huge group of Origin Qi of all things, which was actually a special group of gas born in the Singularity Continent, containing the energy of the origin of all things.

This kind of motherhood is very special, no matter what kind of creature, as long as you come into contact with this kind of breath, you can give birth to own offspring, regardless of male or female.

Even plants are okay. For example, a big tree can give birth to own offspring instantly after being exposed to the mother gas of all things, without any process.

This seems to be a kind of power above the laws of the Great Way, which is very incredible.

And the fire-robbing beast king relied on this group of the mother of all things, so the whole family of fire-robbing source beasts developed rapidly. It gave birth to countless offspring.

This is actually the reason why the fire source beast will not damage its vitality every time it goes out to prey.

It is also because of the increase of the source beasts, the power of the beast king is also increasing.

So it can become a famous disaster symbol in this area.

“Good baby.”

A glint flashed in Zhang Qing’s eyes. He knew that if used properly, it would be a powerful boost.

You can incorporate this into the new lotus platform.

At this time, he thought of the new lotus platform he created. This was originally a spell he developed through Insight doomsday rune.

Although this new-born lotus platform can create life with soul, it is also very limited, such as not being able to control the outer fish at will, not being able to control the biological characteristics, and so on.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qing didn’t hesitate, and with a wave of his hand, the newborn lotus platform appeared under the motherhood of all things.

Then he cast a spell and began to smelt these two things.

Under Zhang Qing’s control, the mother qi of all things seemed to melt into wisps of aura into the new lotus platform.

I saw that after the new-born lotus platform gained the power of the mother qi of all things, it seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the original energy in its body was increasing.

At the same time, the newborn lotus platform quickly reached a kind of Realm similar to completion after the mother-in-kind of all things entered.

I don’t know how long it took, the newborn lotus platform suddenly shook, and all the mother qi of all things merged into it and became a part of it.


A gleam of light appeared in Zhang Qing’s eyes. Looking at the lotus platform with a little excitement.

He could perceive the earth-shaking changes in this lotus platform. In the center of the lotus platform, there seemed to be a cloud of gas, all-encompassing, this is the origin of everything, exuding incredible power.

At this moment, the voice of Lord Vermillion Bird suddenly came.

“Lord of the country, the chief of Youyu Zhou is looking for you outside.”

“Lord of the Universe? Who is it?”

Zhang Qing frowned. He knew that the Lord of Vermillion Bird would not notify him if it was not important.

“It’s the country lord from Xuexu country.”

The Lord of Vermillion Bird said solemnly.

To be honest, although the Lord of Vermillion Bird had some reputation before, he was only near here, and he had never been in contact with the Lord of Xuexu, a powerful superior Universe Lord.

Because he didn’t dare and was not qualified.

“Xuexu Country? I haven’t heard the name of this kingdom for hundreds of millions of miles. I don’t think it’s near here.”

Zhang Qing was slightly puzzled.

Come see me at this time. What is going on?

It may be that the lord of the country suppressed the Jiehuo Beast King, and surprised the lord of the higher universe. In order to show respect, he came to visit.

The Lord of Vermillion Bird is also unknown.

With doubts, Zhang Qing came to God City, the center of the Kingdom of God.

At this time, a strong man wearing a white robe was waiting in the Great Hall for Zhang Qing’s arrival.

He exudes an unfathomable breath.

This strong man is the lord of Xuexu.

“Lord Xuexu, why are you here to find me.”

Zhang Qing’s figure appeared in front of the lord of Xuexu, looking at the suddenly visiting lord of the universe. Before coming, Zhang Qing heard that although the master of Xuexu mastered only two thousand five hundred Dao laws.

But the fighting power was incredible. It had repelled the invading Jiehuo Beast King, so that Xuexu Nation avoided the danger of subjugation.

And some of the masters of the universe who had more Dao laws than he had mastered were none of the opponents of the Fire Jieking Beast King.

From this point, it can be seen that the Lord of Xuexu is not a weaker person, and he definitely has an unparalleled hole card on his body.

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