Chapter 205

Zhang Qing looked at this successful golden ring!

If you put this golden ring on the limbs and head of the Jiehuo Beast King, you can control it instantly, and then as long as it disobeys the order, it will be whipped by the law of water.

Moreover, this golden ring cannot be destroyed at all. Once it comes into contact with the Jiehuo Beast King, it will establish contact with its soul, just like an organ in its body, and can no longer break free unless Zhang Qing personally does it.

“Right, try it.”

Thinking of this, Zhang Qing immediately came to the mountain that suppressed the fire robber king.

The fire roaring beast king is still yelling now, with an extremely arrogant appearance.

“You ants, let me go.”

Jiehuo Beast King saw Zhang Qing appear in front of him, and his voice suddenly became louder again.

“It’s not impossible to let you out, as long as you bring these five golden rings.”

Zhang Qing said with a smile.

Hearing this, Jiehuo Beast King was immediately happy, but he reacted instantly. Knowing that this young man wants to use the golden ring to control himself!

“Do you think I will be fooled, this king will not go out.”

“It’s up to you.”

With a wave of Zhang Qing’s hand, he threw out the five golden rings, and the golden rings were worn on the limbs and head of the fire-robbing beast king.

The moment it was worn on the head, a golden thorn deep in the golden ring pierced its head, absorbing a drop of his Blood Essence.

“What’s the matter? What the hell did you mean to me?”

Jiehuo Beast King discovered that his own soul was bound to this golden ring, as if it were originally one.

“These are five golden rings that specifically restrain you. Once you put them on, you can’t take them off unless I allow them. Moreover, you will encounter the backlash of the golden rings if you disobey my orders, and even the Beastmaster can’t resist them. ”

Zhang Qing waved his hand again.

Suddenly he took back the Chaos Three Treasures on the top of the mountain. The mountain composed of the power of faith also slowly dissipated, returning to the auspicious camp.


At this moment, the Jiehuo Beast King was ecstatic, and it sensed that the suppressed own mountain had disappeared.

In other words, there is nothing to suppress oneself now.

“Damn bastard, dare to suppress me for so many years.”

Jiehuo Beast King was excited, and terrifying energy burst out from it.

“You really don’t hit the south wall and don’t look back.”

Zhang Qing didn’t move, but frowned.

Suddenly the five golden rings moved, as if they had turned into a living thing at this moment. It began to shrink on the limbs and head of the Jiehuo Beast King.

At the same time, an incomparably huge law of water enveloped the body of the fire-robbing beast king. The flame on it was almost extinguished.

Jiehuo Beast King immediately felt his own power, as if suppressed, he couldn’t use any strength all over his body.

In the next second, a sharp pain came. It hurts, it yells, and it doesn’t have the power of the Beastmaster at all.

Even if it possesses the power to destroy the world, it can’t alleviate the slightest now.

“No, stop, stop!”

Jiehuo Beast King wailed.

It felt the threat of Death. It seems that in the next second, its entire soul will be torn apart.

“Stop? Then you dare not resist?” Zhang Qing saw this and looked at Jiehuo Beast King faintly.

“Don’t dare, don’t dare anymore, please spare me.”

The Jiehuo Beast King yelled, this time it was really completely softened. This was an unimaginable painful torture, and it was a cruel to the soul.

Therefore, even if it is the invincible fire-robbing beast king, it has to obey and dare not resist.

“very good.”

Zhang Qing could hear that Jiehuo Beast King was a surrender from the heart. He was very satisfied with the power of Magic Treasures specially refined for the Fire Jieking Beast King.

That being the case, I will spare you temporarily, and if there is another time, it will definitely make you worse off than death.

With a light wave of his hand, Jin Huan recovered his calm.

There is no doubt that the Magic Treasures refined by Zhang Qing are a natural nemesis to this powerful and rebellious creature, and no matter how hard they resist, they have to surrender.

At this moment, the Jiehuo Beast King, who was tumbling on the ground in pain, was gasping for breath at this moment. It felt like it had come to heaven at this moment.

To be honest, it never felt that the air was so sweet.

It looked at Zhang Qing’s eyes, both in awe and awe.

It has never encountered such Magic Treasures before, and even the Beastmaster can restrain and imprison it.

Now it regrets it extremely, if it knows that the Lord of the Kingdom of God is so terrifying, it will not come here for anything.

But now it’s too late to regret.

“Do you know other Beastmasters?”

Zhang Qing asked suddenly.

“You, what do you want to do?”

Jiehuo Beast King looked at Zhang Qing in fear. It knows what Zhang Qing is playing attention.

“Don’t dream, I won’t betray them, even if you die.”

Jiehuo Beast King gritted his teeth and said, but his heart was also feared for a while.

Because it had just experienced the terrifying power of this golden ring, that was a power that even the Beastmaster could not resist.

Moreover, it was only a short while ago. In fact, if the power of the Golden Ring is exerted to its extreme, even the mind will be destroyed.

So as to become a puppet without thinking.

If it continues to resist, it will definitely become a puppet without thinking. Then it will be no different from dead. It was because it sensed such danger that it succumbed.

Because its resistance has no meaning, no matter whether it obeys or not, it has no way to resist the power of the golden ring.

If you let other beast kings fall into the hands of the kingdom of the gods, they will probably be the same as yourself, and you don’t know how many beast kings will be driven by him.

Thinking of such a thing, it couldn’t help but shudder.

“Forget it, as long as they don’t come to trouble me, and you don’t indulge too much, otherwise you won’t be merciful next time.” Zhang Qing looked at Jiehuo Beast King faintly.

“I see.”

Jiehuo Beast King clenched his teeth. Although he was very unwilling, he also knew that Daoist had to bow his head under the eaves.

And it knew that Zhang Qing shouldn’t exaggerate, if he really dared to resist, he would punish himself without hesitation and turn himself into a real puppet.

Wait for me, don’t let me find a way to remove this golden ring, you must pay the price. But now, I can only bear with it temporarily, lower this guy’s alertness, and find a way to release it.

Jiehuo Beast King’s thoughts fluttered. It had a series of plans. The most important thing was to destroy the weird Magic Treasures of the Golden Ring. It must not be allowed to appear in the Singularity Continent, otherwise the Origin Behemoth clan would be ruined. .

It suddenly realized that it was shouldering the heavy responsibility of the survival of the entire Origin Behemoth clan, and if the Golden Ring was allowed to spread, there would definitely be many beast kings brutally killed.

I am afraid this will be a crisis for all the creatures in the Singularity Continent, and this guy will become one of the most terrifying monsters in the Singularity Continent.

Thinking of this, Jiehuo Beast King felt a sense of responsibility in his heart.

Then it obeyed the order and came to a room among the kings of the god city to rest for a while. After all, it had been suppressed under the mountain before and lost a lot of power.

It takes a lot of time to return to the peak state

At this moment, Zhang Qing was relieved after solving the matter of the Jiehuo Beast King. Solved a major hidden danger of the Kingdom of God.

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