Chapter 202: God-tier Communicator

How could the Lord of the Kingdom of God be so powerful that he could suppress the Fire Robber King.

It’s not that the masters of advanced universes in other parts of the Singularity Continent can’t go down anymore. Come to our remote place and enjoy the blessings.

It is not impossible. In the center of the Singularity Continent, the region ruled by the title of the Lord of the Universe, or the region ruled by a stronger existence, even if it is the same Realm, is different.

Many universe lords are afraid that the lord of the kingdom of God is a god-tier communicator from the central area of ​​the singularity continent.

For fear that the Lord of the Kingdom of God will bring them unnecessary trouble.

“No matter what, with his strength, we can’t ignore it!”

“Yeah, I can only meet and talk with the Lord of the Kingdom of God.”

The host of the universe talked a lot about Zhang Qing’s origins. After all, an extremely powerful universe leader suddenly appeared around him, and they couldn’t ignore it.

Just when he asked many of the masters of the universe to discuss Zhang Qing’s affairs, Zhang Qing had already arrived in the secret realm where the fire-robbing beast king was located.

The secret realm where the fire-robbing beast king is located is a world-famous secret realm. After all, this is the source of the fire-robbing disaster.

So in this secret realm world, it’s hard not to be famous.

But this time Zhang Qing came to this place not to visit, but to hunt for treasure.

As a beast king who has lived for countless hours, Jiehuo Beast King does not know how many natural disasters have been launched and how many lives have been preyed on.

On the way, when they destroyed each country, they also collected countless treasures.

Although these treasures are not very useful to the original source beasts, they just like to collect, so the secret realm must contain the treasures looted by the fire robber king.

Now Jiehuo Beast King is suppressed by Zhang Qing, and the secret realm is not guarded, which is suitable for Zhang Qing to search in the past.

If he doesn’t go, others will go too!

At this time, Zhang Qing flew for an unknown distance, and finally reached the secret realm of the Jiehuo Beast King. This is where the Jiehuo secret realm is located.

I saw that this place seemed to be the entrance of a huge volcano, surrounded by rolling mountains, as if magma was flowing in every part of the soil in this place, exuding terrifying temperature.

This secret realm world is empty for hundreds of millions of miles, and it is difficult to see even a single life.

But this is a matter of course. This is the place where the Fire Jieking Beast King is. If other beings dare to live in this place, it is purely seeking death.

It is indeed the secret realm world where the Fire Jieking Beast King is located.

Zhang Qing swept Divine Sense, and he immediately perceived that this tribulation secret realm is extremely large. Its area is already similar to a primary word universe, and it is not known how many times larger than the secret realm of the stone.

There are actually so many Jiehuoyuan beasts.

Zhang Qing touched his chin, his Divine Sense easily penetrated the entire Jiehuo secret realm, without the guard of Jiehuo Beast King.

For him, this secret realm world is simply a treasure trove that no one guards, and he can’t resist him at all.

He perceives the inexhaustible number of Jiehuo Source Beasts in the Jiehuo secret realm. The Jiehuo Source Beasts previously suppressed and contained are only a small part, and obviously they have not popped out.

If all the fire-raising source beasts in the secret realm were dispatched, it would be enough to flood an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles around. One can imagine how huge the number of fire-raising source beasts is.

Of course, for Zhang Qing, the number of Jiehuoyuan beasts is not effective, and more importantly, the treasures in the Jiehuo secret realm, which attracted Zhang Qing.

“Good treasure.”

Zhang Qing’s Divine Sense continued to infiltrate, and immediately he felt that in the depths of the Jiehuo secret realm, there stood one treasure house after another, the number of which even Zhang Qing felt.

And it seems that every treasure house is full of treasures that the Jiehuo Beast King looted every time he looted the Singularity Continent.

Many treasure troves in the secret realm are just a treasure trove, which is enough to compare with an ordinary kingdom. This is a truly rich and enemy country.

And adding up the wealth in all the treasure troves, even the lord of any higher universe could not be compared with the Beastmaster.

Unless it is the title of the Lord of the Universe, it can be compared with the Fire Jieking Beast King.

Zhang Qing looked at these treasure houses, feeling a little excited.

With these things, he will be more at ease on the Singularity Continent in the future.

It seems that this secret realm must also be moved away, and nothing can be left behind.

He didn’t want any treasures in this secret realm to be left behind, so he wanted to take away the entire Jiehuo secret realm.

Although the Jiehuo secret realm is much larger than the original stone secret realm, I don’t know how many times it is.

But Zhang Qing is not what it used to be. He is already the master of the higher universe. For him now, it is not a problem to carry an entire secret realm.

However, the secret realm is too large, so it needs to be divided.

Zhang Qing blinked.

In an instant, Zhang Qing immediately shot and performed the space division technique. At this moment, he was like the creator of the world, dividing the entire Jiehuo secret realm into one.

The entire secret realm was divided from the singularity continent by Zhang Qing, and the space division technique is like cutting tofu to divide the space.

It didn’t take long for the entire Jiehuo secret realm to shook suddenly, turning into small squares in an instant, and finally accumulated and fell into Zhang Qing’s hands.

This is the space cube formed by the Jiehuo secret realm. Regardless of the accumulation of these cubes, they are only the size of a fist, but this is composed of the entire Jiehuo secret realm.

Zhang Qing smiled slightly, and after receiving the secret realm space, he quickly disappeared in this place.

Not long after Zhang Qing left, one after another powerful aura came from a distance. They were the masters of the universe. They were being suppressed by the fire-robbing beast king.

After the news, I rushed here at full speed, wanting to get some treasures.

“What’s the matter? Jiehuo secret realm? It should be here.”

The Lord of the Universe looked puzzled. He looked around, but couldn’t find the entrance to the Jiehuo secret realm.

“Who! Who did it so absolutely, so shameless as to take away the entire Fire Tribulation Realm.”

At this time, a medium-sized universe master felt the abnormality in the surrounding space, as if there was a missing piece, his face changed suddenly, and he roared loudly.

Hearing this, the Lord of the Universe who rushed around was also a little frustrated. After all, who doesn’t know that there are so many treasures in the Jiehuo secret realm, and they can benefit a lot by just getting a little bit.

Who actually eats alone, does it want to fight against all of our universe masters?

“Don’t let me know who did it!”

“It’s too late, it’s too late for us to get the news, and we were actually posted first.”

The Lord of the Universe gritted their teeth, all of them regretted not coming over earlier.

At first they didn’t believe the news that the Fire Jieking Beast King was suppressed, so after they were sure that this matter was true, they thought about the secret realm.

Thinking of the secret realm, there are bound to be many treasures, as long as they can be obtained, it is a big bargain.

But people are not as good as the sky. When they came to the secret realm, they discovered that someone was so shameless that they had taken the entire secret realm away.

Suddenly, the Lords of the Universe were trembling with anger, wishing to smash the corpses of the creatures who had climbed first.

“Haha, don’t want to get any treasures. To tell you the truth, I was the first to be here just now, and I have already seen who took the entire Jiehuo secret realm away.”

The lord of the universe screamed.

“Who the hell is it?”

Many Lords of the universe asked quickly.

It is the Lord of the Kingdom of God.


Hearing this, everyone’s complexion changed, and it became very difficult to look, because the one who suppressed the fire-robbing beast king was the Lord of the Kingdom of God. How could they not know such a terrifying figure.

To be honest, you should feel lucky for your slowness in coming. If you happen to meet the Lord of the Kingdom of God, you might be suppressed, and perhaps you will fall here.

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