Chapter 201

“Impossible, if he is really the Lord of the Title Universe, would he stay in a remote place like ours?”

“Just kidding, this is a matter of course. Even the Fire Beast King was suppressed at the gate of the kingdom of God and used as a watchdog. Which higher universe master can do it?”

Many residents of the Kingdom of God talked and were extremely excited, feeling a sense of security that they had never had before, and with the protection of the Kingdom of God, they no longer worried about the animal tide.

This is simply the gospel to the creatures who often live in no fixed place.

And this time in a place far away.

After seeing the whole thing, the men and women were also dumbfounded. They had already planned to retreat, for fear of being affected. But he saw the scene of the suppression of Jiehuo Beast King.

“It’s terrible, it’s so terrible. Even the Fire Jieking Beast King can suppress it. What a Realm is the Lord of the Kingdom of God.”

The woman said in disbelief.

She knew what a terrifying creature Jiehuo Beast King was. It once brought huge disasters to their kingdom, devastated and wounded countless.

But it was such a creature that was suppressed by this mysterious and unpredictable God Kingdom Lord.

If she hadn’t witnessed it with her own eyes, she would never believe it.

It’s really scary. The strength of the Lord of the Kingdom of God is probably stronger than we thought.

The man’s face was very solemn, and he saw clearly just now.

He saw with his own eyes that fierce and mighty Jiehuo Beast King, like an ant, was directly suppressed by a large mountain on the ground, and his body could not move.

At this moment, even though he was far away from this mountain, he could still see the majestic mountain standing outside the barrier of the kingdom of God.

“Big Brother, if the Lord of the Kingdom of God is so powerful, will he be in alliance with us?”

The woman looked at own Big Brother worriedly.

To be honest, if countries are close in strength, it is called alliance.

But if there is a big difference in strength, it is called a vassal.

If one is not careful, maybe the kingdom of own will be swallowed by the kingdom of gods.

“This matter is too important, we can’t make a judgment at all. It seems that we can only use the Void Sound Transmission Stone to contact the master of the country.” The man said in a deep voice.

The so-called Void Sound Transmission Stone is a group of peculiar stones on the Singularity Continent. It is divided into two, Yin & Yang.

As long as you hold these two stones, one yin and one yang, then no matter how far apart they are, they can communicate with each other.

However, such stones are scarce. And there is a limit on the number of times, as long as the limit is exceeded, it will be turned into fly ash.

Therefore, the value of this kind of sound transmission stone is expensive. If it is not a last resort, it will not be used. After all, if it is not used once, there will be one less opportunity to use it.

But now it’s a big deal and it won’t work if you don’t use it.


Thinking of this, the man immediately took out a sound transmission stone from his body, which was a Yang stone.

He mobilized the energy in his body to activate this sunstone.

Suddenly, there was a ripple around the stone.

What happened? Why use the Void Sound Transmission Stone to contact me?

At this moment, a lazy voice came from the other end of the sound transmission stone, and the person speaking was the leader of Xuexu Kingdom.

The lord of Xuexu.

“Master of the country, the fire-robbing beast king attacked the kingdom of God, but the kingdom master of the gods took action and instantly suppressed the fire-robbing beast king, and this fight was brought to an end.”

The man will roughly say it again.


As soon as this remark came out, the originally lazy master of Xuexu immediately got serious.

You said that the Jiehuo Beast King was suppressed by the Lord of the Kingdom of God?

Upon hearing this, the lord of Xuexu was shocked.

To be honest, when the Jiehuo Beast King took action and raged around, many of the universe masters received similar news, and all of them were very nervous, for fear of the beast tide coming to their kingdom.

If this is the case, then they can only escape.

Later, when they learned that the tide of beasts was heading towards the kingdom of God, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

And the master of Xuexu is even more calm. After all, the distance between Xuexu Kingdom and Divine Kingdom is very far away.

So he didn’t care much.

But he did not expect that the Fire Jieking Beast King would be suppressed. …This is simply incredible to him.

It’s no wonder that he is not well informed, because the Singularity Continent is too big and communication is very difficult, and it may take tens of thousands of years for a piece of information to spread.

Therefore, Life’s creatures in the Singularity Continent are only acquiring things that have been around for hundreds of millions of years. As for things that are far away, it is simply impossible to acquire them.

“Yes, this is true. I have seen it with my own eyes. At this moment, the Jiehuo Beast King has been suppressed outside the barrier of the kingdom of God, like a watchdog.”

The man said solemnly.

“If this is the case, then the Lord of the Kingdom of God is really not easy.”

The master of Xuexu said with a serious face.

He had fought with the Jiehuo Beast King, and he naturally knew the horror of the Beast King. If he hadn’t relied on his own secret treasure of the Universe, he would not be the Beast King’s opponent at all.

But the terrifying fire-robbing beast king was actually suppressed by the Lord of the Kingdom of God. One can imagine the power of the Lord of the Kingdom of God.

Even if the opponent is not the master of the title, but among the masters of the higher universe, the fighting force is definitely ranked high.

“My Lord, what should we do now?”

The man asked.

He felt that it was no longer suitable to form an alliance with the kingdom of God, because the leader of the kingdom of God was too powerful.

It’s not appropriate to form an alliance now, but it’s okay to get to know it. This world respects the strong, and interests are paramount.

A gleam of light appeared in the eyes of the master of Xuexu.

“You find a way to get into the kingdom of God and lurking in it. Report to me from time to time. I have to go to the kingdom of God in person and talk to the leader of the kingdom of God. I need to know his thoughts.”

“In person? Your Lord, it is too dangerous for you to do this.”

If in the course of the conversation, the Lord of the Kingdom of God had any selfishness, then the Lord of Xuexu would be in danger, and he might be suppressed in the Kingdom of God.

“Don’t worry, although the Lord of the Kingdom of God is powerful, it is not that simple to kill me or suppress me.”

The master of Xuexu is full of confidence.

He is not joking, after all, he has lived for countless hours, even longer than a universe. Being able to live for such a long time means that he has a lot of hole cards in his body.

Of course, these hole cards are generally not leaked out casually, and only used at critical times.

But even so, these hole cards can only ensure that the enemy can’t kill him.

“Since the Lord of the Country is sure, that’s great.”

The man nodded.

“You are lurking in the kingdom of God, waiting for my arrival. The impact of this incident is more profound than you think, now the Lord of the universe around the kingdom of God.” The Lord of Xuexu said lightly.

At this time, Zhang Qing casually suppressed the Jiehuo Beast King’s incident spread throughout the surrounding kingdoms, large and small, and countless other universe masters knew about it!

This incident made them feel very incredible.

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