Chapter 176

All of them have a long life!

“By the way, there is also this Magic Treasures Universe ring.” At this time, Zhang Qing picked up the Magic Treasures of the flame giant. It was this Magic Treasures that caused him a lot of trouble, if not for him a little If you are capable, it might really be melted.

The strength of the flame giant just now was average, but after wearing the ring of the word universe, his strength instantly increased by a hundredfold. One can imagine the tyrannical nature of this Magic Treasures.

He knew from the memory of the flame giant that Magic Treasures also had levels on the Singularity Continent.

The Magic Treasures are divided into Houtian Magic Treasures, Xiantian Magic Treasures, Chaos Magic Treasures and finally the Universe Secret Treasure.

It is said that the Universe Secret Treasures are extremely rare treasures. Even the Lord of the Universe will linger on the Universe Secret Treasures three feet away. There is no objection.

If such a Universe artifact is placed in the Singularity Continent, it is estimated that it can be bought at a sky-high price.

Universe ring!

Zhang Qing learned about the Universe ring from memory.

Although the ring is now incomplete, it can still Ascension over time, the power of Ascension master, and double the power.

The only disadvantage is that the increased power needs to be able to withstand the body, if it cannot withstand it, it may be burst alive by the ever-increasing power, which will cause it to explode.

Another effect is to transfer one’s own power to the ring, and thus burst out the power of terror.

But after this, he will be like a flame giant, and he doesn’t even have the power to escape.

“It deserves to be the Universe Secret Treasure!” Zhang Qing sighed.

To be honest, my ability to distort reality just restrained this Universe ring, and could easily be immune to the opponent’s attack.

“never mind!”

Put it away first, this Universe Secret Treasure is powerful, but the side effects seem to be amazing. I don’t know if my body can bear it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qing put away all the Magic Treasures in the ring and the space of the six beings, and then his figure flashed and set off toward the Singularity Continent.

He wants to reach the Singularity Continent as soon as possible and find more useful information.

Time passed bit by bit, and ten thousand years passed.

“Is this the Singularity Continent?” Zhang Qingyanqing showed a hint of light, and he saw an endless land in the distance.

It’s far beyond own imagination, how big it is.

Even according to his Divine Sense, it only covers a small corner.

Compared with any word universe, I don’t know how many times it is huge.

He saw that this continent seemed to be the source of everything, containing the mystery of the endless laws of the Great Dao.

Permeated with strong chaotic energy and an energy that has never been seen before.

It is conceivable that the treasures in this continent must be countless, and they are not comparable to the universe.


Zhang Qing perceives a group of creatures flying in the distance, with different shapes, seeming to be races from different universes, all exuding a powerful aura.

Just looking at it with the naked eye, there are at least hundreds of thousands.

You must know that in the Chaos Universe, apart from Zhang Qing, it is hard to find anyone who has mastered the Three Thousand Chaos Law, but it is hard to imagine that he can actually see thousands of such powerful people just by coming to the periphery of the Singularity Continent.

If there is no sense of the law of the great road, then the Cultivation Base will be trapped in the bottleneck forever, unable to break through for a lifetime.

Therefore, many powerhouses in the starting point continent choose to find the secret realm in the singularity continent. Trying to find the fragments of the law to help me perfect the understanding of the law of the Dao.

“The gravity here is so heavy.” A Sage couldn’t help but exclaim.

The moment he entered the Singularity Continent, he immediately sensed that the gravity here was extremely terrifying.

Even as a detached Sage, he finds it difficult to walk here.

It seems that the air here is billions of times heavier than the air in other universes.

If ordinary creatures from other universes came here, they would be crushed into a mass of meat sauce in an instant, and it would be impossible to survive.

It’s not just that simple, the law of this place is too strong, we can’t break the space at all.

Zun detached Sage tried to break through the space and transferred instantly.

But he found that the laws of this Singularity Continent were too strong, as if they were one, with his power, it was impossible to break through the space and fly.

You should know that in their respective universes, each is a peak powerhouse, which can be moved at will and teleported to every corner of the universe.

But after coming to the Singularity Continent, he found that his ability had disappeared and he couldn’t move instantaneously.

So it is conceivable, on the vast expanse of the singularity continent.

It might take a lot of time to reach one place after another with your feet!

“This place does not have a complete law, I am afraid it is difficult to fly.” A Sage face was solemn.

He also found that he couldn’t fly anymore, and seemed to be suppressed by the omnipresent source energy in the air.

Now he can at most jump in this place.

No, if we can’t break through space and fly, how do we leave the singularity continent?

Suddenly, many Sage’s complexions changed drastically, and they lost the power to fly. It was equivalent to them being trapped in the world of the singularity continent, a round sky, and could no longer escape.

It can be said that the Singularity Continent is a cage for them to imprison countless Sages.

The law was extremely stable, but it still couldn’t stop me.

Zhang Qingyanqing showed a gleam of light. The Singularity Continent is not a difficult task for Zhang Qing, who has mastered the two complete laws of time and space.

He can break through the void at any time and fly away from the Singularity Continent.

But he can’t go now, and he needs to learn more about the fragments of information and laws.

While Zhang Qing was thinking about it, a Sage said.

I heard that the super teleportation array built by the Lords of Youyu in this singularity continent can be teleported from the singularity continent to the chaotic void.

I have also heard of this. The problem is that every time you use a super teleportation array, you need a lot of genius treasures. How do we spend it?

Just as the sages were discussing, Zhang Qing’s heart moved, as if he had sensed something, and looked up.

A number of figures appeared in the void in the distance, flying directly from a distance, extremely fast.

And each of these figures exudes unfathomable breath and power.

Before long, many powerful beings surrounded Zhang Qing and others in the distance. Among them, there were powerful people who mastered the complete laws, and there were more than one, all exuding unparalleled pressure.

Armed with powerful weapons, they surrounded them unceremoniously.


Zhang Qing squinted his eyes and looked at these uninvited guests. He could perceive the unkindness of these people.

It’s not just that he can perceive it, but Sage in this group also perceives it. Fortunately, there are so many of them that they are not afraid of this group of strong men.

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