Chapter 177

However, they are all arriving at the Singularity Continent for the first time. They don’t know the situation here. They are not very familiar with the strange powers who suddenly appeared, and they don’t know what they want to do.

“There seems to be too many people.”

At this moment, an old man spoke.

“It’s okay. Using the space division technique, this group of creatures from the universe can be separated instantly, and they don’t have any advantage in number.”

An old man said solemnly.

“Unlucky for them. They actually met us as soon as they entered the Singularity Continent.”

A tall old man was full of disdain in his eyes.


In an instant, before Zhang Qing and others could take action, these uninvited guests took action.

It seems that a supreme magic technique was used, which was condensed into a law formation and crushed.


Zhang Qingyanqing showed a gleam of light, and he immediately felt the picture enveloped, and instantly cut the void into billions of pieces.

Then thousands of Sages hardly had any resistance, and they were randomly transmitted by this void wave, seeming to be divided and transmitted to every corner of the forest.

In this way, they no longer have the advantage of being crowded, and all Sage is broken up.

The same was true for Zhang Qing, and he was immediately teleported to a place where he was the only one.

Then three old men with tyrannical aura surrounded him.

They held a black giant axe in their hands, which was the level of Chaos Magic Treasures.

And they have mastered a complete law of the Great Dao.

Is this person the strongest existence in this group of detached Sages?

An old man in black robe looked at Zhang Qing.

“Yes, although he hides very deep, but only his knowledge of the sea I can not watch. He must be one of the strongest in this group of universe creatures, and it is extremely dangerous.”

Another gray-robed old man said solemnly.

He has a special Divine Sense, he can spy on people who are weaker than him at will, and learn beneficial information from it.

“So, it seems reasonable for the three of us to deal with this person, otherwise we don’t know how much threat it will pose to other Elders.” A green-robed old man showed a brutal light in his eyes.

“What on earth do you want to do? If you want to welcome me, you don’t have to be so excited.”

Zhang Qing looked at the three old men faintly.

“What do we want to do? It’s very simple. Tell me all the Magic Treasures on you, as well as all the spells you have learned, so that you can live, otherwise, die here.”

The black robe old man looked at Zhang Qing with cold eyes.

It turned out to be a group of robbers.

Zhang Qing nodded.

“Hehe, Qiang? That’s right. The Singularity Continent itself is a place where The Weak are Prey to the Strong. Who told you to meet our Qianlu clan? Of course, when you meet other clans, you will have the same fate.”

The gray-robed old man sneered.

“Don’t talk nonsense with him, kill him.” The old man in Qingpao yelled and shot his hand instantly. Almost while Zhang Qing was talking, the giant axe in his hand smashed over with one axe, and immediately produced a world-breaking power. , Like Pangu.

Undoubtedly, the strength of this green-robed old man is absolutely powerful, and this axe smashes down like the trajectory of the law of a great road.

Produced unparalleled lethality.

Even if it is a prehistoric world, I am afraid that it cannot withstand such a shocking axe, and this axe completely locks Zhang Qing’s aura, making him inevitable.


In fact, it wasn’t just such a red-robed old man, the other two old men also killed one after another.

The three of them have a tacit understanding of their actions, and don’t know how many times they have cooperated with each other.

They are divided into three directions, which surround Zhang Qing like a triangle.

The supreme supernatural powers have stagnated one by one!

Suddenly, Zhang Qing’s heart moved, and instantly a supreme technique in his body was inspired.

The huge law of chaos gushes out from the depths of his body, causing the surrounding space and time to slowly stagnate.

The attacks of the three old men who had attacked and killed also slowly stopped. Don’t move anything.

“Impossible, what kind of magical power is this technique that can stop our attacks, what’s a joke? Could it be that this person has mastered several great laws?”

The old man stared wide-eyed and his body trembled. They couldn’t believe that own-eye-clear, own full-kick was easily stopped by the person in front of them.

“Now it’s my turn.”

Zhang Qing faintly watched the terrifyingly terrifying atmosphere of the great avenue exuding from these three old men. Even if he is suppressed by the Singularity Continent now, he can still exert extremely terrifying power, which is not comparable to that of ordinary transcendence Sage. of.

“Damn it, go away.”

The complexion of the three elders changed drastically. They didn’t know how long they had been fighting, and they were extremely sensitive to danger. Seeing Zhang Qing stopped their attack, they immediately knew that this person must have mastered the complete laws of the Great Dao, better than them. many.

And this gap cannot be made up by the number of people.

It’s not bad, they knew all at once that they mentioned hard stones.

They knew that occasionally some powerful men called monsters might appear among the creatures of the universe, and their strength was unfathomable, and they were not comparable to ordinary indigenous tribes.

But they didn’t expect that they would meet one day.

But even if they wanted to escape now, it was too late.

In an instant, a black lotus platform appeared. The black light flourished. Exudes the aura of destruction.

The black light shone on the three elders, and suddenly the whole body began to slowly crack.

This is a doomsday magical power, how could he have a doomsday magical power!

The black-robed old man’s eyes were full of panic.

After a short while, the bodies of the three elders turned into a pile of ashes and fell on the ground.

But the souls of the three people still stayed in place, wailing constantly.

A strange black flame was burning above the soul, sizzling.

At the same time, the terrifying energy of this black light seemed to destroy the Universe space, turning everything into chaos and completely destroying it.

Zi Zi Zi.

The elders of the three Qianlu clan let out a miserable scream, and their souls slowly turned into fly ash like a candle in the wind.

Just destroying the lotus platform, these three Qianlushi Elders were made into powder with no bones left.

I was afraid of snapping a few times. When these old men died, three storage bags were left from them, as if they contained a lot of treasures from the three old men.

They have not been reduced to ashes with the elders.

Zhang Qing did not hesitate, grabbed it with a big hand, and immediately put the storage bag away.

This is a storage bag left by the natives of the three Singularity Continents, even if it doesn’t contain all the treasures, it is a lot of income.

And the axes on them are all treasures of the Chaos Magic Treasures level. They are unparalleled sharp. Although they are not as good as Pangu’s God Axe, they are not inferior.

If you practice it for a while, you might be able to reach the level of the God Axe, which is a legendary treasure.

At the moment when the three elders died, the other Qianlus Elders also sensed the situation here, and their expressions changed drastically, and they were extremely frightened.

“Something happened, Elder Qianlu’s and the others are dead and killed by the creatures of the Universe.”

The Zun Qianlu clan couldn’t help screaming, his heart was filled with endless shock.

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