Chapter 175

After a moment of effort, a huge memory entered Zhang Qing’s sea of ​​knowledge.

Its eyes were clear with a look of sudden realization!

He can be considered to have an understanding of these creatures outside the chaotic world.

At this moment, the soul of the flame giant was about to completely disintegrate, disappearing into the chaos.

Zhang Qing still keeps it useful, and can’t let it die like this.

Immediately call out a new lotus platform, and put that strand of remnant soul into the lotus platform.

It turns out that the universe is also hierarchical.

Zhang Qingyanqing showed a gleam of light.

From the memory of this flame giant, we can know that the whole world will be born countless universes, one after another, the number of universes is like the gravel in the desert, it is simply innumerable, the world seems to have no end. .

But the universe is divided into size.

Although the big laws in the universe are also three thousand, they are all incomplete.

To obtain the complete Three Thousand Dao, one must break through from one’s own universe and come into this nihility.

And the fragments of the Dao law are in the secret realm in this nothingness.

Therefore, walking in this outer chaos, mastering the Three Thousand Dao Law is the most basic, otherwise it will not be able to withstand the disaster in the chaos.

And at least master two thousand five hundred complete Dao laws, and then can walk freely in this chaos and dominate one side. And won the title.

Therefore, the Devourer has at least mastered two thousand five hundred complete Dao laws, which is really terrifying.

Zhang Qing frowned.

Because he himself had just mastered the two complete laws of time and space, compared with the Devourer, it was a huge difference.

So at first Zhang Qing felt that these creatures seemed extremely weak, and that was normal.

Because they do not have a complete mastery of a great law.

Although they are the strongest in their respective universes, they are still not worth mentioning in the world outside of Chaos.

Not to mention Zhang Qing, a person who has mastered two complete principles of the Great Dao.

There is also the Chaos Universe where Zhang Qing is located, which is also a larger existence in all Youyu universe!

Therefore, it is only the background, and I don’t know how many times stronger it is, and completely crushes the strong of the same rank.

“No wonder the Devourer refuses to leave.”

Zhang Qing suddenly realized that, he also understood why the Devourer was so reluctant to leave the Chaos Universe, because the Chaos Universe is extremely rare and rare, and it can be called a handful of them.

Will be the title of the Devourer, the Lord of the Universe. How could you leave for such a delicious meal?

Once the Chaos Universe is swallowed, the power of the Devourer is bound to be ascension unimaginable.

It is estimated that only a large universe like the Chaos Universe can resist the power of the Devourer. If other small universes encounter the Devourer, it may not be avoided.

Among other things, just the doomsday power gushing from the Devourer is enough to destroy one universe.

“Wait, I have flown such a long distance before, and I have never seen any universe. Could it be that those universes have been swallowed by the Devourer?”

Suddenly, Zhang Qing thought of this, and her expression became awe-inspiring.

I am afraid that before the Devourer came, there may be many universes around, but the Devourer arrived. Wherever he went along the way, all the universe was swallowed up.

So where he flies, there is nothing, nothing exists anymore.

Thinking of this, he can even feel the danger of the Devourer, and he is definitely an unusual terrorist creature.

After all, this is a terrible monster that feeds on the Universe.

Lord of the universe?

Zhang Qing stroked his chin. What he wanted to know most was actually the situation of the Lord of the Universe.

In the memory of the flame giant, the Lord of the Universe is also divided into strengths and weaknesses and grades. The powerful Lord of the Universe can easily be the king of the weak and weak.

The truly powerful Lord of the Universe is an invincible existence who truly dominates one side and allows countless lives to surrender.

It is a pity that the flame giant is not qualified to be exposed to the existence of that level, and there is no detailed information in the memory.

“But if you go to the Singularity Continent, I am afraid you will be able to figure out these things.”

Zhang Qing squeezed his fist.

Singularity Continent, this is the most important information he got from the flame giant.

It is said that this is a super land that has always existed without knowing when it started. It is called a wireless land. No one knows how big this land is. Even the master of the universe has not finished exploring it.

No one knows what the origin of this land is.

This land is known as the origin of all things, and countless the strongest from various universes will basically gather in the singularity continent.

It can be said that the Singularity Road is simply Crouching Tiger and Blue Dragon, and it is not uncommon for many universe masters to be in the Singularity Continent.

And these flame giants came from the Singularity Continent.

If you arrive at the Singularity Continent, you will definitely be able to find the intelligence and information you need.

“Singularity? It’s getting more and more interesting.”

A clear glow flashed across Zhang Qingyan.

Zhang Qing grabbed it with a big hand and immediately found a space Magic Treasures from these six creatures.

Walking outside the chaos, space Magic Treasures are almost necessary for every creature. It contains all their belongings. Among them, he occupies the singularity Feng Shui compass.

The so-called starting point Feng Shui compass is a piece of Magic Treasures that can find the “singularity continent”. Because the world outside the chaos is vast and boundless, even the Lord of the Universe can’t find the boundary.

So there must be a Magic Treasures that locates the singularity continent in order to find it.

Any creature that leaves the singularity continent, if there is a singularity Feng Shui compass. No matter where you are, you can find where the Singularity Continent is, so you won’t lose your way.

It is not that the flame giant does not want to stay in the Singularity Continent, but that there is an unknown danger in the Singularity Continent.

Many terrifying creatures were born, and they could easily slaughter other strong men.

At the same time, they competed with them, basically from the peak powerhouses of the major universes.

It is conceivable that the competition in the Singularity Continent is so fierce that anyone who does not pay attention will be beheaded.

But it is different in the chaotic void. Regardless of the scarcity of treasures and the vastness of the area, as long as you find a secret hiding place, you may be able to obtain a peerless treasure.

If you are lucky enough to enter a universe and plunder treasures and resources, this is not much simpler than in the Singularity Continent, and it is not too dangerous.

It is true that in the chaos, you will occasionally encounter terrifying creatures like the Devourer, but the chaos is too big, and the chance of encountering such a strong is almost negligible.

Therefore, even if it takes a long time to find treasures, it is nothing to them, anyway, the last thing they lack is time.

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