Chapter 174 Soul Search

When everyone heard, isn’t this the Sun Wukong group?

At this time the three discussed a countermeasure.

Bai Xiangjing looked terrified

“Here, what should I do?”

At this time, Golden-winged Great Peng spoke.

“Second brother, can you calm down, what’s so scary about this monkey? Look at how calm Dage is!”

The Lioness raised his face and tried his best to control his trembling legs.

Of course, I think I swallowed five hundred arhats with one mouth back then!

Golden-winged Great Peng hurriedly covered the lion spirit’s mouth.

“Don’t talk about this, Dage, it’s this passage that the Buddha doesn’t like to listen to the most!”

I understand the look of the lion spirit.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t we have the Yin & Yang treasure bottle? Even when the big Luo Jinxian arrives in this bag, he has to turn it into thick water for me.”

This white elephant spirit and blue lion spirit are used to pampering themselves under the seat of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Manjusri Bodhisattva! The wildness of the year is long gone.

In addition, they also heard that Sun Wukong was killing demons and demons along the way, and many of them were beaten enough by Sun Wukong.

Especially the King of Golden Pond and King of Golden Horn, and King of Silver Horn, Sun Wukong, let them describe it as simply terrible.

That is simply hate the sky without a handle, hate the ground without a ring.

If the sky has the right, the earth has the ring.

He can pull the two together and let the world close again!

Zhang Qing felt a few strange auras in front of him, as if this fierce fight was going on.

He was not surprised and rejoiced, because he hadn’t seen any life for tens of thousands of years, and now he saw other lives.

In this empty space, it is also a luxury.

And this may be the first time I saw an intelligent life outside of the chaotic world except the Devourer. The significance is very significant, maybe some intelligence can be obtained from the other party.

Of course, Zhang Qing is also extremely cautious, not knowing whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, what is his strength?

If you are unkind and strong, then you may be entangled again.

So he wanted to sneak in and see what happened.

But before Zhang Qing could do anything, the breaths from the distance seemed to perceive something, and immediately surrounded Zhang Qing, the speed was incredible.

In an instant, five or six figures appeared in front of Zhang Qing.

I saw that they all have different appearances.

Three of them are heads with snake bodies, the lower body is a snake, the upper body is a human, they have two hands, and they also hold a black giant axe in their hands.

A terrible fierce hostility emanated from them, sweeping the chaos.

The other three are flame giants. They are made up of flames and covered with dense chaotic runes.

They are filled with unmatched flame power, and every move seems to melt the void.

Moreover, these six powerful masters have all mastered the Three Thousand Dao Law, but none of them are complete laws.

“Sure enough, the Devourer can be regarded as the strongest even in the world outside of Chaos!

Seeing the appearance of these six powerhouses, Zhang Qing was relieved a lot!

It turns out that the creatures outside are not all as powerful as Devourers.

Like these six powerful demon gods, he can deal with them completely.

“Who are you and what do you want to do?”

Zhang Qing squinted his eyes, looking at these creatures, he could sense the evil intentions of these creatures.

Jie Jie, he dared to walk alone in the void. It seemed that this was the first time he came to the outside of the Universe.

“It happened to be met by us, I think he still has Youyu Zhou Secret Treasure.”

“Today is really good for us to make a fortune.” The three snake men continued to laugh, exuding a terrible murderous aura.

As soon as the voice fell, the three snake men came with a black giant axe in their hands, and a terrifying atmosphere of the great avenue broke out from them.

Zhang Qing blinked his eyes and stretched out a finger.

In the next second, these black glows bombarded Zhang Qing’s fingers, and the black glows were instantly shaken to powder, but Zhang Qing’s fingers were unharmed.


The few snake men couldn’t believe it. They didn’t expect that their own full blow would actually be unable to harm this mysterious character.

Is this your full power?

Zhang Qing was a little puzzled.

In his speculation, these outer creatures should be extremely powerful, beyond imagination.

“The Devourer” proves this!

But the appearance of these guys does not seem as powerful as imagined!

“Weak? You actually said that we are weak? It’s just the first time we came out of Universe. Don’t be ashamed of telling me here.”

Hearing these words, these snake men flew into a rage, apparently because of Zhang Qing’s words.

Haha, you idiots, have long known that you are weak and terribly weak, and a novice who came out of the universe for the first time can’t beat it. It’s up to us.

The flame giant quacked and laughed.


In an instant, it hit directly with a punch, and the power of terror erupted at this moment, seeming to hit a huge flame vortex. At the same time, a terrible punch is formed.

Just when this boxing force was about to strike, Zhang Qing glanced at it, and his eyes were full of birth and death.

Suddenly, the flame giant didn’t know what was going on, and instantly turned into ashes.


The remaining two flame giants and the three snake men were stunned. They thought that this outsider was just a rookie who just came out of the universe where they were, and could easily clean them up.

But now that this guy gently waved his hand, he actually killed one of their companions.

The strength of Cultivation Base can be described as terrifying!

The other two flame giants were furious, almost furious.

“Can’t underestimate this rookie, I am afraid that the Three Thousand Dao he has mastered is even more complete than ours, and the strength is already incredible. Let’s strike this person together.” The other three snake men looked solemn and suddenly became vigilant. stand up.

S! hiss! hiss!

The horror is spreading, and a bloody feast seems to be about to begin.

Zhang Qing is not interested in talking nonsense with these creatures, since they want to kill himself, then he doesn’t need to be merciful.

Although he wanted to know some information from these creatures, it seemed that he wouldn’t be able to tell him easily by looking at the appearance of his group of creatures.

Their six masters collectively shot, but they were all killed by such a person who just came out of the universe. What a terrifying force this is.

Just now, none of the six are opponents, but now there is only one remaining, so how can it be an opponent.

At this moment, it didn’t dare to stay at all, and it could hardly wait for it to move instantaneously.

But Zhang Qing only glanced at the flame giant, his figure flashed, and teleported to the flame giant’s side, then grabbed it with a big hand and squeezed it lightly.

In an instant, the body of this flame giant turned into powder, leaving only a strand of soul.

“No, forgive me, forgive me.”

The flame giant screamed in horror, desperately begging for mercy, it felt the fear of Death.

“Soul search.”

Without waiting for the flame giant’s soul to say anything, Zhang Qing directly displayed the method of searching for the soul, and forcibly retrieved all the memories in the flame giant’s soul.

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