Chapter 173

A ray of light appeared in his eyes. A light that hasn’t appeared in tens of thousands of years!

Bai Jiao read the spell and untied the string from the green bull spirit.

Qing Niu Jing got off the ring, but he did not leave and did not return to Sumeru Mountain.

Bai Jiao gave Xiangniu Devil a look. The Bull Demon nodded knowingly.

Let’s go to the ring. Of course, the two also faked a few rounds.

Bai Jiao saw that the time was about to come and flicked a sword. Out of the circle, cupped hands lost.

None of the monsters in the audience dared to come up. The Bull Demon became the ultimate winner of this ring

He became the emperor of ten thousand demons proud to come to the country!

All the demons under the ring knelt down, and this scene was very spectacular.

Tens of millions of demons knelt down and shouted.

Unify our emperor, revitalize the monster race!

The Bull Devil stood on the ring and looked west.

“Goku, what you asked Big Brother to do, Big Brother did it!”

Three days later, the enthronement ceremony. A dragon chair was placed in this water curtain hole.

In front of the dragon chair is a long red carpet. On both sides of the red carpet stood the Yaozu who came to the fore in this fight.

They are given grades based on their strength. They are assigned to official positions based on their respective strengths.

This water curtain cave is like the golden temple of mankind. The auspicious time has come, and the enthronement ceremony begins!

At this time there are monsters playing music on both sides of Shuiliandong.

Many monsters surround the Bull Demon King. Today, the bull devil did not wear the bird golden armor.

Instead, he wears a Mianliu crown, an ocher robe, and a jade belt across the waist. He looks like an emperor.

He shook three steps and walked from the entrance of the water curtain to the dragon chair.

Today, the Demon King ascends the throne, and the country name Ten Thousand Demon is proud to come!

Year number, God bless. At this moment, the Bull Demon King is over the world!

He dominates the demons. Under the dragon chair, all demons knelt.

“Congratulations on my emperor’s longevity and Tian Qi, and revitalize the demon clan!” Niu Devil sat on the dragon chair and waved his hand.

“All the love is flat.” The Bull Demon King knew that he was only temporarily the emperor of the demon clan.

If one day my own brother Sun Wukong comes back.

“I must give way to him.” At this time, the Bull Demon King began to honor Hou and worship him.

The other five demon saints were sealed side by side with Xiaoyao King.

The demon king of Immortal Cave was made a vassal. The monsters who performed outstanding today were named generals.

And these monsters with more ingenuity were named various civil officials, and the power of the monster clan was established!

And just when Wan Yaoao came to the country to celebrate the whole country.

In the corner of Shuiliandong, a person stopped far away.

He plucked up the courage and went out. I also want an official position!

Everyone looked at this man. This one has a bull’s head and its skin is a little green.

It is this green bull spirit. The Bull Demon King looked at this green bull spirit, and then at Bai Jiao.

Bai Jiao nodded and gestured to the Bull Demon King. The Bull Demon also nodded.

Okay, I’ll make you the marshal of soldiers and horses!

Qing Niu Jing was stunned, and he came to ask for an official position with a cheeky face.

I thought that the people who came to the country proudly would coax themselves out.

Unexpectedly, not only did they fail to do so, but instead gave themselves a position above 10,000 people!

Only at this time did the green bull spirit understand that only monsters and monsters can have a real sense of belonging!

Only the own kind will forgive own mistakes!

I must be a country for these ten thousand monsters in the future.

Do your best and die!

The Bull Demon King will seal these tens of millions of monsters as they deserve to be sealed.

And it is stipulated that the first and fifteenth day of each month shall come to discuss this demon tribe’s major event. After he had dealt with all this, he took Hong Haier and Princess Tiefan around.

“My son! How is your cultivation recently?”

“The child has not been put down, I have recently realized that Cultivation Base has improved a bit!”

The Bull Demon nodded in relief.

And let Hong Haier show herself the recent cultivation results.

Seeing every move that Hong Haier used, they all carried the shadow of Sun Wukong.

The Bull Demon couldn’t help sighing, he did miss his old brother a little bit.

“My son, do you miss your master?”

Red Boy nodded desperately.

Sun Wukong is really good for Red Boy. Give all the skills of own to the red boy and leave it alone.

He also gave the sun fan of the Banana Bao Fan to the Red Boy.

The Bull Demon looked at the red boy and said with a splendid expression.

“Then you can go to your master, and tell the master that he will establish the arrogance of ten thousand monsters and come to the country.”


Hong Hai’er is full of joy, because this is the first time he has gone out of the house since his cultivation.

Normally, father and mother would not let themselves leave their side.

This time I was finally able to go out for a while.

This red boy is a kid after all!

Before Hong Hai’er left, Princess Iron Fan gave her a thousand orders.

I’m afraid that something is wrong with my precious son.

The next day.

Hong Haier set off to look for Wukong and his party in the direction of Leiyin Temple. Besides, Sun Wukong and his party.

At this time they faced a high mountain, the mountain was unpredictable, and the road was even more difficult.

At this time, Wukong called out the father-in-law of the earth.

“Land, my grandson asked you why you are here?”

“Return to the Great Sage, this is the Shituoling of Eight Hundred Miles!”

This mountain is huge, and the road is difficult. How to pass?

The Shituoling mountain is huge, and the mountains stretch for thousands of miles.

The mountains are denser with trees and muddy roads.

If you go around, I don’t know when you can go around!

I am afraid I will lose my way over the mountain and not have the road!

“Great Sage is not anxious, there is a small peak fifty miles along the mountain range, which can be climbed over! It’s just…”

“Just what…”

Seeing the land hesitating, Sun Wukong’s impatient old problem has committed again.

Looking at Sun Wukong, I must be anxious, and the land can’t help but feel a little scared!

It’s just that there is a cave on the Shituo Ridge called Shituo Cave, and there are three great kings in the cave.

There are indeed three demon kings, namely the Blue Lion Spirit, the White Elephant Spirit, and the Golden-winged Great Peng Spirit.

Sumeru day.

Supreme, Zhun mention Daoist, Tathagata Buddha is facing the mysterious light realm.

This green lion, white elephant, and Golden-winged Great Peng were all sent by Buddha Tathagata. The green lion and the white elephant are respectively the mounts of Manjusri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.

“These two are not important yet.”

This Golden-winged Great Peng is the god bird on his shoulders. At the beginning, this Golden-winged Great Peng flew to Da Leiyin Temple for pilgrimage.

This road is not only a long way, but also encounters wind and rain.

When he flew to the door of Da Leiyin Temple, his wings had been injured and he could not move.

I was seen by the little novice monk guarding the gate of Da Leiyin Temple.

Sent to the presence of Buddha Tathagata, Tathagata healed his illness with the light of Buddha.

From then on, the Golden-winged Great Peng stood on the shoulder of Tathagata.

Listen to Tathagata chanting every day. Cultivation Base is very good.

Now it is also the Cultivation Base of Quasi-Saints!

Buddha Tathagata sent them down with confidence. And Zhunti Daoist also gave Golden-winged Great Peng a Yin & Yang bottle.

This treasure is very powerful, and Da Luo Jinxian’s Cultivation Base turned into pus at one and three moments after entering.


Lion and Camel Cave.

The three demon kings drank and had fun, and the stench inside the cave was unpleasant.

And there are tens of thousands of little monsters in the cave!

The three are pushing their cups and changing their cups.

A bobcat spirit ran in.

“Report, report to the king! Today I patrolled the mountain and saw five people! One has a hairy face, one looks like a pig’s head, a full-faced beard, and two people who look normal, a rich man, and a monk. .”

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