Chapter 157

“Never mind, here you are. This Mahayana Dharma is going to Sumeru Heaven, Da Lei Yin Temple! Go all the way from the most east to the west of this prehistoric place!”

After hearing this, Xuanzang gave a deep ceremony and finished the ceremony.

Take off Kasaya from yourself.

Put on the shabby Kasaya of the old monk.

At this time, I saw the old monk’s body shape changed, and he was no longer like that poor old monk at all.

Hold the mutton jade bottle in your hand and put one hand on your chest.

Step on the nine-pin red lotus. Yes, it is Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.

Tathagata Buddha pinched his fingers and counted, the time is almost there. He sent Guanyin Bodhisattva to meet the reincarnation of the golden cicada.

At the same time, let the people of Datang see my Cultivation Base of Buddhism. This Guanyin Bodhisattva came so handy on the streets of Chang’an.

I saw Guanyin Bodhisattva pinched the willow branch and waved it gently. A golden light went straight to Xuanzang. At this time, all the memories of Jin Chanzi’s Cultivation Base entered Xuanzang’s body.

But Xuanzang knew well that the play had to be finished.

“Disciple Xuanzang, Master Xie Guanyin enlightened him.”

“Xuan, going west is hard, do you wish to go?”

“The disciples are willing to go!”

“Okay, then I will give you a brocade Kasaya, a four-sided stick, and a crown of five Buddhas. I wish you all the way to the west.” Xuanzang expressed gratitude on his face. In fact, secretly.

Isn’t this mine in the first place?

Why! no way!

At this time Xuanzang entered the pilgrimage to see King Tang.

Royal palace.

Xuanzang and Tang Wang talked about own’s adventures on the way.

King Tang couldn’t help but sigh, this Hinayana Dharma is already so profound.

How about Mahayana Dharma?

“Okay, are you willing to go on this westward journey to learn the Bible?”

“Brother Wang, the poor monk is willing to go!”

“Okay, then I will leave it to you, a citizen of Datang.”

Three days later.

The king of Tang took the civil and military officials and sent Xuanzang to the west of Chang’an City.

The king of Tang presented the customs clearance text and the purple golden bowl to Xuanzang. Yu brother, I have worked hard for you on the long journey.

“Your Majesty, this is a matter for the poor monks.” Xuanzang drank a glass of vegetarian wine after speaking.

Get on the horse and ride away

Sumeru day.

Tathagata was full of thoughts and was silent. Zhunti beside him was smiling.

“Hahaha, what a man of destiny, it is my Buddhist disciples who went into the robbery first, came to my west, and took me into Dharma. I will prosper in Buddhism along the way.”

Too is on the side, but he is constantly paying attention to Tathagata’s expression, which he finds very strange.

What’s the matter with you, Tathagata, we have already seized the opportunity in this amount of robbery, why are you not happy at all when you are in the top spot?

Tathagata shook his head and stopped thinking.

“I don’t know, I always think there is something wrong with Jin Chanzi. The big look in his last eyes shocked me, I’m afraid of something wrong.”

After the Taishang heard this, he fell into his own consideration without saying a word.

Zhunti said disdainfully, “So what? He Jin Chanzi is my Buddhist in the final analysis. If he is obedient, then he will be given the merit position when he comes back. If he is not obedient, let him The canopy will abolish him.”

Suddenly a flash of light flashed in Taishang’s eyes.

But no one found out. Tathagata sighed. That’s all there is to it.

Chang’an countryside.

Five Finger Mountain.

You are the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, a monk of the Tang Dynasty?

When Jin Chanzi walked through Wuzhi Mountain, a monkey stopped Jin Chanzi who was moving forward.

The poor monk is exactly, who are you?

I am the one who should be the teacher on behalf of the teacher, Sun Wukong! I am instructed by my teacher to wait for you to travel west together to complete this calamity.

“Okay, then you and I will complete the calamity together and show the tens of thousands of people the way forward in the dark.”

Guiding the way is pointing the way, but what I am pointing you to is not the same way.

Sun Wukong looked at Jin Chanzi and said firmly.

Jin Chanzi was speechless at this time, just looking at Sun Wukong’s eyes.

And Sun Wukong looked at Jin Chanzi’s eyes clear. I don’t know why I only feel like I am watching an insurmountable valley.

These eyes seem to be able to see through everything, but the compassion in them is revealed from time to time

Sun Wukong didn’t know how to describe this feeling.

But one thing he knew was that this person was different from other Buddhists.

In this way, Sun Wukong and Jin Chanzi both hit the road.

The two people walked all the way and talked all the way. Jin Chanzi asked a lot about Sun Wukong’s past, as well as about teaching on behalf of others.

Although Sun Wukong has been in the generational education for a long time, he has been in the process of cultivation with Liuer and has a lot of understanding of the generational education.

After hearing Sun Wukong’s account, Jin Chanzi also had a feeling. It seems that the generation of teachers and their ideal Dharma are amazingly compatible.

But Jin Chanzi still knows his own mission to promote Buddhism. When I asked Tathagata the question, he himself was constantly thinking hard.

Although the golden cicada and Sun Wukong’s Cultivation Base can easily go back and forth between Datang and Sumeru Tianleiyin Temple.

But after all, they are Yingjie Hongdao, so this thousands of miles away must rely on them to walk step by step.

No words all the way.

On this day, the two reached the eagle sorrow.

This sorrow is hundreds of feet deep. Tens of feet wide, even the eagle flying in the sky will worry!

Anxious at the end.

Xiao Bailong opened his eyes.

He felt that the same people as he should have arrived. He is well aware of the mission of own.

He waited for this day for hundreds of years.

The pride of being a dragon.

He also wants to prove the strength of the Dragon Clan in this calamity. And he also knows that he wants to help the Man of Destiny to promote the teaching on behalf of others.

The eagle sorrows.

This eagle’s sorrow is really deep!

Sun Wukong glanced at the gorge that couldn’t be seen to the end.

He knew that the gorge was deep.

“How do we live this eagle sadness?” Sun Wukong looked at Jin Chanzi and asked.

What? Do you know that it takes hundreds of miles to get around the eagle sorrow. When can I get to Leiyin Temple?

You and me entering this calamity naturally need to be down-to-earth, step by step to the west.

Sun Wukong didn’t get angry when he heard it. This monk was so rigid.

It’s just a stream of eagle sorrow, if both of them are mortal wombs.

It is not easy to jump over this ditch and Cultivation Base for two of you.

I want to jump. At this time, Sun Wukong stepped on the ground, and somersault clouds appeared under his feet.

I was preparing a somersault to turn over this eagle’s sorrow.

Jin Chanzi did not speak when she saw this, and secretly read the Buddha’s curse a golden light in her hand and flew straight to Wukong’s face door.

Sun Wukong was too late to dodge, Jin Guang directly put a golden hoop on Sun Wukong’s head.

At this time, Jin Chanzi began to recite the Curse. Sun Wukong only feels a splitting headache.

The whole Spirit Power cannot be mobilized.

This is the curse that Guanyin secretly gave Jin Chanzi. Tell Jin Chanzi to bring it to the monkey at the right time.

In this way, Sun Wukong can be controlled, and the westward journey will rely on Jin Chanzi to dominate. Jin Chanzi has not had a chance to start these days, but Sun Wukong’s attention is skipping the eagle’s sadness.

Did not pay attention to Jin Chanzi’s movements. This gave Jin Chanzi an opportunity.

“From today onwards, you must respect me as a teacher, do you understand?”

“My old grandson, I don’t understand you a bald donkey!” After hearing this, Jin Chanzi chanted the Curse again.

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