Chapter 158

“Ahhh, I’m obedient, obedient!”

Sun Wukong had no other choice but to improvise.

Temporarily agreed.

In fact, I secretly wanted to wait for my grandson to find a chance, and let you go back to the west directly as a bald donkey.

Of course, Sun Wukong was still very convincing.

“Master, do what you say.”

Although Jin Chanzi controlled Wukong, he felt that this method was very expensive.

But when I think of own master, Tathagata is still waiting for himself to promote Dharma.

There is no way.

Both master and apprentice have their own Ruyi Scepter abacus.

Suddenly, both sides of the sorrow shook.

The water in the Yingshou River began to churn.

This brought back the two thoughtful masters and apprentices.

“Master, this eagle sorrow is weird!”

Sun Wukong hadn’t finished speaking yet, and saw a white light soaring into the sky. After the white light dissipated, there was a water column. The water column was very strong and there was a white-faced niche above the water column. This person has sword eyebrows and star eyes, and looks very handsome.

Eyes are piercing, with a sense of heroism.

“I am the third prince of Xihailong Palace, so is Ao Lie!”

Ao Lie scattered the water column under his feet, and a white light fell directly in front of the two of them.

“I am the person who should be robbed of the dragon clan, Ao Lie, the verbal message of respecting the Yellow Dragon Sage, wait here for the person who should be robbed on the westward journey!”

Sun Wukong nodded, secretly happy.

He knows the relationship between the dragon clan and the generational religion. The road to own should be robbed, and a helper is added!

At this time, Jin Chanzi saw the third prince of Xihai Dragon Palace, but secretly said that it was not good.

The Cultivation Base of Prince Longguan is not low! I may have to resist.

The three of them went all the way. Going to Da Leiyin Temple.

But there is a difficulty in front of them, that is, they are living the eagle’s sorrow.

Lie with a smile. How difficult is this?

Speaking, Xiang Tianyi roar showed its original form. A white dragon with a stature of dozens of feet appeared.

The front two dragon claws held the opposite bank of the eagle’s gloom.

It became a dragon bridge. The two Sun Wukong masters and apprentices also walked across the Dragon Bridge.

Arrived on the other side of the sorrowful stream. The two moved forward together.

Guanyin Temple.

Guanyin found the abbot of this Guanyin Temple.

Explain that he asked him to persuade Sun Wukong and Ao Lie to oppose Sun Wukong and Ao Lie, and do his best to eradicate Sun Wukong and Ao Lie.

This golden pool is clear.

Jinchi is the young novice monk under the seat of Tathagata who is in charge of the Buddha Pavilion.

Now he was sent to this Guanyin Temple to wait for Jin Chanzi and others.

The purpose is to help Jin Chanzi to come to the world, or to eradicate Sun Wukong and Ao Lie!

Guanyin left the Guanyin Temple after finishing the task.

Within a few days. Sun Wukong and others came to the Guanyin Temple.

“Open the door, open the door.”

Sun Wukong called the door rudely.

At this time, a little monk opened the door for the three Sun Wukong.

I don’t know what the three are doing.

Jin Chanzi put his hands together and bowed.

The little monk also paid a gift.

“Little master, this journey is far away. Would the three of me want to spend the night?”

“Little monk looked at the three of them, and saw a monkey with a big face and Thunder King’s mouth.”

A monk with a compassionate face, a handsome son.

Can’t help but feel strange, what kind of strange combination is this?

“Ah, I don’t dare to call the shots without authorization. I also asked the three shifts to step into our monastery. I will ask our abbot to make a decision.”

“Master Lao!”

The three were waiting in the courtyard, and after a while, Jin Chi Elder brought people to surround the three.

“The poor monk is justified.”

Jin Chanzi still gave a deep ceremony.

“It’s okay, it’s just a night’s stay, but my Guanyin Temple has a rule. You must Liangbao whenever you come before you can live here.”

This Jinchi was originally the little novice who took care of the Buddha Pavilion, and loved gold and silver treasures the most.

In fact, it doesn’t have to occupy one’s own position, it’s just a hobby.

It’s like some people go to see museum exhibitions, just to feast their eyes on it is very enjoyable.

This Jinchi also has such a hobby!

Jin Chanzi had no choice but to take out Jinlan Kasaya, and a light of Buddha suddenly appeared.

Jin Chi doesn’t care about this treasure.

Looking at this treasure, she recognized Jin Chanzi’s identity. He waited again and again for hundreds of years, and finally he was about to come out of the end.

So Jin Chi was a little excited to see Jinying Kasaya.

All this made Sun Wukong see it.

Just now Jin Chi only noticed that Jin Chanzi did not notice Sun Wukong.

Seeing him is even more certain, these three are the ones who should be robbed.

He looked again at Ao Lie and Sun Wukong.

My heart secretly said that it is not good.

The Cultivation Base of these two people is not low, if they really start their hands, they and Jin Chanzi would be really a little troublesome.

At this time, smiles greeted each other.

“This kind of Kasaya is not a common product. I think this Elder must be an eminent monk. Lao Na wants to talk about Dharma with you.”

“Come here, prepare a clean Buddhist room for these two donors, and let them rest.”

“It’s good for this Elder to follow Lao Na to move to Lao Na’s Zen room!”

Jin Chanzi replied slightly.

“The poor monk will bother you.”

This Jin Chi naturally wanted to discuss with Jin Chanzi how to deal with Ao Lie and Sun Wukong.

So he must be alone with Jin Chanzi in the same room, and avoid Sun Wukong and Nao Lie.

He was outside the Zen room, and he had arranged a little monk to come and live with Sun Wukong and others.

A few sound-proof Dharma realms were laid down in their own and Jin Chanzi’s monastery.

Inside the Zen room!

Jin Chi looked at Jin Chanzi and said with a serious face: “I am the little novice under the seat of the Buddha, I am here to help you.”

Jin Chanzi understood everything when she heard this.

“Do you have ideas?”

Jin Chanzi asked.

“I have a Xiantian Lingbao left by Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Nine Cycles Yinhuobell, even Daluo Jinxian can’t escape death! When he two are asleep, let their souls fly away.”

After Jin Chanzi heard this, his heart was shaken, and he fell into deep thought again.

Is it necessary to eradicate dissidents in order to promote Dharma?

And in order to achieve the goal by all means.

Can such Buddhism really save all people from fire and water?

But Jin Chanzi, these thoughts are fleeting.

He knows this now, only the day he successfully arrives at Da Leiyin Temple can he know.

In chaos.

Zhang Qing opened his eyes.

“No, Sun Wukong Ao Lie is in trouble.” At this time, he spoke to the Master of Heaven.

“Sun Wukong Ao Lie is in trouble, you send someone to help secretly, remember not to intervene.

“I understand brother.”

At this time, Tongtian’s eyes rolled.

“Black Bear Daoist, you go to save those who should be robbed.”

This black bear Daoist was originally a black bear. The force is infinite and impenetrable.

In this world, someone who can break the defensive art of the black bear Daoist. Except for some powerful beings, there are very few others.

Without hesitation, the black bear Daoist Huawei went straight to the Guanyin Monastery in a black wind.

It was late at night.

Lie and Sun Wukong meditate and adjust their breath in their respective meditation rooms.

They all know that on this westward road, if there is no strong strength, it is absolutely impossible.

From night to midnight. They only felt very cold at first.

But when I was cold, I felt a burning sensation all over my body. This Nine Cycles yin fire bell will lead to the yin fire, and it will feel burning when it is cold to the extreme.

At this time, Ao Lie and Sun Wukong’s room was flashing green flames.

This flame is eerie and terrifying, Hun and Po!

Fortunately, the black bear Daoist just arrived at the critical moment.

The green flame flickered, fiercely fierce.

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