Chapter 156 Realm

He knew that although Sun Wukong had already entered the Realm. But this Cultivation Base is still not enough to see in this turbulent world. Sun Wukong also listened to Bodhi’s ancestors.

“Come on, disciple, recommend someone for your teacher. Who is that? Master?”

“You just come as a teacher!”

At this time, Sun Wukong and the ancestor of Bodhi went to find the six-eared macaque.

This six-eared macaque is already the quasi-sage Cultivation Base at this time, and the Cultivation Technique of the Hunshi Demon Ape has already been used proficiently. Moreover, both of them are the same four apes, so they will have similarities when they practice.

“Let the six-eared macaque help Sun Wukong cultivation, it couldn’t be better!”

“Liu Er Head Teacher, I have something to ask for. Patriarch Bodhi, don’t need to say, the teacher has already explained it, don’t worry.” Hearing this, Patriarch Bodhi’s heart was completely put in his stomach.

It seems that this Qing’s idea coincides with his own. Since this day, Sun Wukong has been cultivating with the six-eared macaque.

This Sun Wukong deserves to be the chosen one. The cultivation speed is very comparable. He is now able to master the power of the horrible demon ape in his body with perfection.

And his Cultivation Technique is also constantly improving. He had been beaten by a six-eared macaque before.

The two of them became magic apes at the same time, and Sun Wukong’s method was much smaller than that of six-eared macaques. But in the constant progress, Sun Wukong gradually started, from not even a six-eared macaque can take a trick.

Basically, you can have a few tricks with the six-eared macaque. But Liuer, as a head teacher, is usually busy with business.

When the six-eared macaque is away, Sun Wukong cultivates on its own. In this way, Sun Wukong has cultivated for nearly five hundred years!

And Sun Wukong is now as determined as his master to join the substitute education. And the reason why he joined the substitute teacher, except for his respected master.

“That is to revitalize the monster race. Sun Wukong has already sent Da Luo Jinxian late stage to this day.”

It is half a step into the quasi-sage, and the six-eared macaque is watching his work for him. Just when Wukong thought about entering the quasi-sage.

Liu Er Yaohou stopped him. Wukong was puzzled.

“Senior Brother Liuer, why is this? Wukong, you remember that you are the one who should be the one who should do this calamity, but not all the participants in this calamity are our teachers.”

“If you respond to this calamity, it will arouse the attention of the entire primordial land. Of course, there are also Buddhism. As the so-called wood is beautiful in the forest, you must understand the truth that the wind will destroy it!” head.

He understood the intention of Liu Er. At this time, everything about the amount of robbery is ready.

Sumeru day.

Jin Chanzi completed this life and returned to Da Leiyin Temple. This is Jin Chanzi’s ninth life.

Next time, it should be robbed. These nine are the poles in the world.

It’s time for the tenth generation to go westward. Jin Chanzi, in this life, I will send Guanyin to return your Cultivation Base and memory, remember to promote Dharma along the way, and to promote my Buddhism.

In this life, Jin Chanzi’s eyes were not confused, but there was a deepness that even Tathagata couldn’t understand.

Those clear eyes seemed to be able to see through the world.

“Master, I don’t know something.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Is the Mahayana Buddhism in your mouth the right way?”

Tathagata was shocked, he didn’t know why Jin Chanzi said that. To be more precise, he never expected that the apprentice in front of him would question himself.

“What do you mean? Our current Buddhism tells people in the world to obey, and to limit people’s freedom with merit, and to use people’s fear of the unknown and the desire to live in a beautiful life to induce them to believe in the Buddhas. This is what it is now. Buddhism?”

Buddha Tathagata was silent. He didn’t know how to answer Jin Chanzi, but he couldn’t do anything for the prosperity of Buddhism.

He was so angry that even the heavens and the earth changed color.

“Don’t say anything more, just remember your mission, and you will understand the other things.” Buddha Tathagata waved the golden cicada back to the world with a wave of his sleeve. ”

Jin Chanzi fell into the world again in this life.

Twenty years later. Now in the flourishing age of the Tang Dynasty, a young master has emerged from Buddhism, who is young and proficient in Buddhism.

He longed for Buddhism from many people. The horror of this calamity does not lie in the disaster that destroys the world.

But in the era of the end of the law, people in this era are like a piece of jade.

They are unfinished.

They also have no clear belief. The purpose of those who should be robbed on both sides of Buddhism and generational religion is to make their faith clear to their own side.

Such a sect will thrive. So whether it’s a generational religion or Buddhism.

Will promote their own school thoughts in this calamity. And whoever wins will naturally become the representative of Heavenly Dao.

This is that this calamity is not just a hard fight of strength and strength.

At the same time, it is also the hard work of this thought and thought.

The amount of robbery has been opened.

Yujing Mountain.

Wukong is almost there, and Xuanzang, who has been handed down by Jin Chanzi, should set off to go west to Hongdao, go to Leiyin Temple for Mahayana Dharma, and bring back the strongest dynasty in the world today.

Tang Dynasty!

Bodhi began to tell Sun Wukong about the situation of the calamity.

“And this westward journey crosses the entire prehistoric continent, so the propaganda on this road affects the entire prehistoric. If you want to rejuvenate the monster race, you have to help propaganda on behalf of the teachings. As the saying goes, if a big river is full, a small river will overflow, and a big river will dry up. The river is dry.”

“The disciple understands!”

“Wukong, this Xuanzang is passing by Wuzhishan. You are waiting there, telling him that you are a man who should be sent by the sect, and you will go west with him.”

“The disciple understands.”

After talking about Sun Wukong, a somersault turned up somersault cloud.

A golden light headed straight to Wuzhishan.

Changan. Recently, a young master named Xuanzang was named Dong Jingshi.

Even the emperor of Datang personally received it. And named it as own imperial brother.

Give purple rope a happy horse. Feel free to get in and out of the palace.

Xuanzang was ordered by the emperor to give lectures in the imperial palace. At this time, an old monk in ragged clothes stopped Xuanzang’s horse.

“Are you Xuanzang?”

“It’s the little monk, what does this master do?”

“I’ve heard your lecture, but it’s just a one-sided statement from Dharma, without its deep meaning.”

“This is the guard given by King Tang to Xuanzang, how can you listen to such a crazy old monk’s nonsense?”

Ready to step forward and drive away the old monk.

Who knew it was blocked by Xuanzang.

“Don’t be rude.”

Xuanzang dismounted and gave a deep salute to the old monk.

“Xuan Zang, please give me some advice.”

“You can’t learn Hinayana Dharma now, if you want to get Mahayana Dharma.”

“Please give me some more advice!”

The old monk crossed his legs on the ground, meditating with his eyes closed, ignoring Xuanzang. Xuanzang didn’t speak either, and he meditated directly on the side.

After a while, the guards waited a little anxiously. This time the Tang king called Xuanzang into the palace.

Several of them have to bear some guilt.

The old monk half-opened his eyes and saw that Xuanzang was still there.

“Well, that’s fine, Lao Na has a treasure, Kasaya. If you buy it, the old monk will tell you.”

I saw that the old monk took out a broken Kasaya full of patches.

“Thirty thousand taels of silver, I want you to take off your own Kasaya and put it on.”

The little monk doesn’t have that much money. In this way, there are jewels bestowed by Emperor Tang, please accept it.

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