Chapter 153

“Speak! What’s wrong!” The Bull Demon allowed the old white ape to state his own opinion.

“Old and old, I think that the demons of Huaguoshan alone will make it difficult for the demons to enjoy themselves.”

The Bull Demon was unhappy when he heard this.


“Please forgive the Bull Demon King. The old man thinks that there are countless demon races in this prehistoric continent. My flower and fruit mountain is nothing but a drop in the ocean. Only by uniting the entire prehistoric demon crowd can my demon tribe rise.”

After the Bull Demon King heard this, he nodded and thought that what the old white ape said was not unreasonable.

“How do you feel about the virtuous brothers.”

At this time, the Flood Demon King did it.

“Dage, I think what the old general said is very reasonable! My monster race must be united!”

At this time, the king Yu Yan also had a big belly.

“Yes, it’s better than my brother’s six soldiers divided into six directions, searching the entire prehistoric Immortal Cave, and then discussing with them all about the great cause of this monster race.”

Several other people also nodded and said yes.

Although the Bull Demon felt that this was a bit sloppy, it also had his reason. That’s good, then we will set off tomorrow, abandoning each side to search for the demons in the world!

“Okay! Just as Dage said!”

Sumeru day.

Zhunti Daoist, controlled the white ape to move away the six demon saints.

Zhunti thought that the white ape he had arranged was useless after Sun Wukong went to the underworld.

But today these white apes have their role again.

Tathagata Buddha, Daoist should mention Daoist, Taishang looked at Xuanguangjing and couldn’t help but smile.

Their next plan has been launched smoothly.

Everything is ready now, only east wind is owed.

Tathagata is secretly speaking here!

“Okay, the six demon saints are gone, you can do it, remember not to kill lives in vain.” Zhunti Daoist feels that the strategy they used this time is a bit tricky, but there is no way to come to my Buddhism for the man of destiny. Here. There is no way.

In chaos.

Zhang Qing shook his head.

A wise life, bewildered for a while!

They came to the territory of Huaguoshan.

Motivate the sky thunder.

Yeah! ! Yeah!

The Yaozu of Huaguoshan didn’t know what was going on outside.

All came out to see what happened.

“You demons remnants occupy this flower and fruit mountain and endanger the common people. I will wait for the imperial decree of the Jade Emperor to come and destroy your evil animals!”

Speaking and slapped the ground, many monsters were injured at once.

At that time, there were corpses everywhere, but the two people also knew.

Don’t kill too much. At this time they mainly destroyed some trees and flowers.

Make Huaguoshan look dilapidated.

And wipe out some of the monster races that are really vigorously resisting.

But in the case of the demon crowd in Huaguo Mountain. Even if you don’t kill, there are a lot of casualties!

Heaven Court. Flat peach event.

Sun Wukong sighed while drinking.

Smelly monkey, what a sigh!

Nezha saw Sun Wukong sigh and had doubts.

Hey, it’s been a while since my grandson came to Heaven Court. I miss the six Big Brothers and the children in Huaguo Mountain.

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he picked up the wine glass and drank it in one go.

At this time, Nezha, Yang Jian, and Taibai Jinxing are also good words to comfort.

“This sky is indeed happy and happy, but the gods in this sky are all used to being aloof, lacking a lot of human touch!”

“That’s the true temperament of the people in my substitute education.” Yang Jian couldn’t help sighing.

“That’s not right, if you change to someone else, would you drink and have fun here?”

“If you lose your temperament, you can be regarded as a true god?!”

Nezha also echoed.

Several people raised their wine glasses at the same time and drank the Qiongye Yuye together.

Sumeru day.

Buddha Tathagata, Daoist, Taishang all sat in front of the Xuanguang mirror and looked at everything on Huaguo Mountain.

“Guilty, sin.”

Too closed his eyes, and Zhunti Daoist knew that this method was really despicable.

But because of the rise of Buddhism, I can’t control that much.

“As long as Sun Wukong completely breaks with Heaven Court, then I can proceed according to the original plan.”

After receiving the emotions, Taishang and Zhunti Daoist Tathagata Buddha said.

It is a pity, but this must be done!

The two nodded and said yes.

But Tai Shang always feels that there are hidden dangers.

He even had a feeling that the Eight Trigrams Nine Cycles pill refining furnace of his good corpse Taishang Laojun might really come in handy.

Let’s prepare with both hands first.

Even after being seen through by Sun Wukong, he can immediately adopt the Return to Yuan plan.

At that time, all memories will be erased and then guided.

Sun Wukong will eventually become a Buddhist.

At that time, Buddhism will flourish!

Heaven Court.

Flat peach event.

Sun Wukong drank a little, and said dizzy.

“I said, this flat peach event will take a few days! My grandson wants to go back when the flat peach event is over. By the way, take a few nine thousand years old fairy peaches back and give me a few Big Brothers to taste.”

Taibaijinxing gave his beard a little and thought about it.

This flat peach event is held every nine thousand years. This time it will be held for a hundred days!

“It’s been too long, my grandson wants to go back! Yang Jian has committed the same old problem at this time.

“It’s okay, wait, we, accompany you back together!”

Although Yang Jian was drunk, he also revealed his true feelings.

Nezha also nodded frequently.

Yes, smelly monkey, I would also like to go to your Huaguo Mountain to play, Xiaoye!

Of course, Sun Wukong generously agreed.

Taibai Jinxing, the old man, also put his wine glass.

“Okay, the old minister will accompany a few of you on the journey.”

Several people made an appointment about this, and then they started to change their cups.

After Sun Wukong drank a few glasses of wine, it felt like the sky was spinning.

My grandson is not working anymore, you drink and drink.

Speaking of Sun Wukong, he staggered and left the venue of this flat peach event.

Walk along the way, look all the way.

Sun Wukong walked around and came to Dou Liguan.

Um? Where is this? How did you get to Laojun’s leading official?

Sun Wukong walked in in a daze.

At this time, a white-faced boy was ushered in.

“Great Sage, can you come and find my master?”

Sun Wukong was drunk and confused.

Ah, my old grandson passed by this Dust Palace and wanted to ask for two Medicine Pills for a hangover.

Without the order of my master, the kid wouldn’t dare to be expert! Master went to attend the flat peach event. The kid really dare not!

Stop talking nonsense!

Sun Wukong didn’t care about those, just went in.

I found the old gentleman who put Medicine Pill’s Calabash, and fell into it with one mouth.

Sumeru day.

It’s so distressed.

This wicked animal! I, Medicine Pill, is my Calabash after many years of practice for good corpses.

Seeing this scene, Zhunti Daoist was gloating beside him.

It’s okay, the amount of calamity is important, and the amount of calamity is important.

Tathagata also echoed.

At this time of refining, Sun Wukong’s Cultivation Base can also be improved even if Medicine Pill is at the bottom, which is not a waste! Not a waste

Taishang Laojun ignored them, although he felt distressed, but there was nothing to do for this calamity.

Heaven Court.

After Sun Wukong had eaten Taishang Laojun’s Medicine Pill, he swaggered back to Pan Taoyuan.

Beautifully fell asleep.

This sleep happened to sleep for nearly a hundred days, and when he woke up, the flat peach event was over.

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