Chapter 152

it is good!

The three of them never expected that this matter would go so smoothly.

They thought they would have to spend a lot of time talking about six cars before they could let Sun Wukong go with them.

Sun Wukong certainly has his own mind.

He just wanted to ask why the Jade Emperor lied to himself, and why this Pan Tao would not have himself.

Ling Xiao Hall.

Sun Wukong was full of anger when he saw the Jade Emperor.

“Jade Emperor, why did you lie to my grandson?”

The Jade Emperor glanced at Sun Wukong, sighed, and a trace of darkness flashed in his eyes. Although the dim color was fleeting, Sun Wukong was in full view.

“First of all, the geniuses and treasures of this flat peach event must be prepared in advance. How many days will you come to Heaven Court? Prepare another one? Time is not for me!”

Secondly, this flat peach event must contribute to Heaven Court, and only gods with merit can participate. Do you ask yourself whether there is merit?

Sun Wukong originally came to question the Jade Emperor, but he did not expect that he was speechless.

So why don’t you even let my grandson eat a flat peach?

The great emperor Jade Emperor couldn’t help but smile when he heard this. He also felt cute when he looked at this speechless monkey.

These flat peaches range from three thousand years to nine thousand years. They are all fairy peaches of Heaven Court.

It turns out that although this flat peach has endless magical uses, it is not allowed to eat more.

Eating too much Cultivation Base is not enough to be difficult to refining, and it is not very beneficial to practitioners.

The Jade Emperor was afraid that the monkey would see the peach, so he would definitely not be able to keep it!

These nine thousand years of fairy peaches can be eaten as much as possible.

But the three thousand and six thousand years of flat peaches are different if they eat too much!

Sun Wukong listened to the words of the Jade Emperor, if not, his face was covered by hair.

It is estimated that the monkey’s face is as red as his butt.

“Okay, go back. Although you can’t participate in this flat peach event, I allow you to sit by and don’t be embarrassed by the seven fairies. You can eat the nine thousand-year-old fairy peaches they have picked, but remember, don’t be greedy. Quick talk!”

Sun Wukong is the master who loses people but doesn’t lose face.

Then my grandson was wrong on you, the Jade Emperor I went back.

What the three gods were watching beside was thrilling, for fear that the monkey’s temper would provoke something wrong.

But this time, it seems that there is no danger.

Sun Wukong returned to the flat peach orchard, although he knew that this incident was only a misunderstanding.

But he began to wonder who the old monk was and whether he was a Buddhist!

Although he said he was a scattered ascetic monk, Sun Wukong didn’t think it was that simple!

Sun Wukong once again felt that Buddhism was doing a trick in secret again!

Even if he doesn’t have definite evidence, he said that the man behind it must be Buddhism.

Sumeru day.

They were dumbfounded around the Xuanguang mirror.

This had already succeeded, but it failed again.

Zhunti was a little angry. He felt that own revitalization was already close.

However, he never expected it, but was stopped by the Jade Emperor and the others.

Tathagata feels that everything is under control?


But the three of them are also the great powers of this wild world. After a short time after the failure, they thought of countermeasures again.

As the saying goes, one plan cannot be achieved, two family planning.

Buddha Tathagata had an idea again.

He discussed with Tai Shang, Zhun Ti again.

Pan Taoyuan.

Sun Wukong watched the Seven Fairies come to pick peaches again, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

This time I was confused by people and almost caused a big mistake.

Many questions lingered in his mind this time.

Who is making trouble in the underworld?

Who is this old monk?

Sun Wukong thought it was all Buddhism that caused the ghost, but he had no evidence.

Ling Xiao Temple.

This flat peach event gathers gods and gods from all over the world once in nine thousand years. It can be described as a major gathering at Heaven Court.

The Buddhas and gods all found their own seats to sit down.

In front of them were nine flat peaches of three thousand years old.

Six thousand flat peaches. Three flat peaches of nine thousand years

There are countless genius treasures and delicious delicacies.

Of course, there is no banquet without wine.

This Heaven Court’s jade syrup must be indispensable. The fairies of Heaven Court are also singing and dancing.

Arrays of fairy music have been around the beam for three days, without stopping. This grand banquet is located in the main hall of Ling Xiao Hall.

All the gods lined up on both sides. And in the middle is the place where the fairies dance.

And on a small inconspicuous table far to the side was filled with nine thousand years of immortal peaches. A monkey sat in the back and sighed while eating peaches.

Sun Wukong eats this peach boringly, just when he is boring. Three people came, not others.

It is Nezha, the true monarch of Erlang, Taibai Jinxing.

The three of them walked to the side of the table and held wine glasses by themselves.

“Great Sage, let’s drink together with you and me.”

“Well, my grandson is just boring.”

Speaking of Sun Wukong, he also raised his glass and drank it all in one go.

Several people ate the Xiantao and started to push the cup and change the cup. And almost all the gods at the flat peach meeting were here.

The food on this table is also countless.

The most eye-catching thing is not the food on this table.

It’s the dance of the fairy in the middle. These fairies are all overwhelmed by the country.

The birth of closed moon shame flowers, Shen Yuluoyan. The gods all smiled when they saw it.

In this venue, the fairy aura was curled up, and there was always a strange fragrance wafting out.

Sun Wukong and the others also hooked up their shoulders and put their backs on their backs.

This banquet was just at the time when the Jade Emperor stood up to encourage the immortals.

“Aiqing ranks among the pillars of my Heaven Court. In my Heaven Court, it is also a pillar of white jade, driving the sea with purple golden beams. Today’s flat peach event, please share your encouragement.”

After finishing speaking, the Jade Emperor also picked up the Wenliang white jade lamp in front of him, translating the Nine Dragon Cup.

He took a large gulp of Qiongye Yuye and drank it all in one go.

Sumeru day.

Even though Heaven Court is singing and dancing, but in the West at this time, Daoist, Tathagata Buddha, they are still secretly planning the next step.

In chaos.

Seeing this, Zhang Qing only felt that all this had begun to go in the direction he wanted.

He nodded.

“Old man, wait for me, now I will save you.”

Zhang Qing muttered to himself.

Huaguoshan. Water curtain cave cave sky.

Since Sun Wukong left, the six saints have been in addition to drinking and having fun all day long. They have also stepped up to train the monsters of their own clan.

They knew that if they wanted to rejuvenate the monster clan, the elves of their leaders were of course important.

But the overall strength of their monster race is also very important.

So, after Sun Wukong left.

A few of them even dare not rest. Especially the Bull Demon King, he felt more and more hopeful for the revival of the Demon Race.

Since he came out of Tongtian, this monster race has been thriving.

Six Saints were drinking again in Huaguo Mountain on this day. When I drink it to the place of hospitality, I start to miss my own seven brothers.

“Hey! What’s the matter with this old seventh? It’s been a while since I went to Heaven Court, why hasn’t he come back!”

Speaking of this bull devil, he took a big sip of wine and put on a melancholy expression.

The other five people also responded.

“Yeah, I miss him since I haven’t seen you for more than seven days.”

The Bull Demon raised his cup again.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t come back after the old seven! A few of us guarded this Huaguo Mountain for him!

“Yes, Dage is right! Come and drink!”

Said these people had another drink.

At this time, an old white ape next to him spoke.

“Several kings, there is a saying that the old man didn’t know whether to say it or not.”

It was General White Ape sitting down by Sun Wukong.

Today at the Huaguo Mountain gathering, the generals of the demon army also came.

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