Chapter 154

After Sun Wukong woke up, he didn’t know how long he slept. I just remember that I seemed to have eaten a lot of wine while watching the ceremony.

At this time Sanxian came to the door.

“Great Sage, I’m waiting.”

Sun Wukong stood up and walked to the door.

What are the three?

Taibai Jinxing said with a puzzled look: “It’s not the Great Sage, you said you want to go back to Huaguo Mountain, I will accompany you to go with you.”

Sun Wukong suddenly realized!

“Yes, yes, my grandson remembered it.”

“Walk around, wait for my grandson to clean up, you and I will rush to Huaguo Mountain together.”

The four of them came to this Huaguoshan Shuiliandong Cave with a golden light in the lower realm.

“Monkey, where is your Huaguo Mountain?”

“It’s down here!”

Sun Wukong looked at Nezha with a puzzled look.

“Are you sure that the following is Huaguo Mountain. My grandson’s home, will my grandson not know?”

This is Sun Wukong pulling away the clouds and looking down.

This Huaguo Mountain is already in a mess. At that time, Sun Wukong opened the eight-petal top beam door and poured a bucket of cold water down.

He didn’t believe that Huaguoshan would become like this.

What about own six Big Brother?

How is the monkey monkey grandson?

How is your own tens of thousands of monsters?

The closer Sun Wukong gets to the ground, the cooler the heart.

Sumeru day.

not good! Too shocked.

“What’s the matter? Sometimes you can’t keep your breath?” Zhun raised his face and looked at Dashang.

The moment he saw the Profound Light Realm, his face instantly sank.

Tathagata sighed, “Destiny, hey! There is no way, this is dark, it can only be revealed.”


Sun Wukong stood in front of the Shuiliandong and shouted!

“Are there monkeys? Your lord, you are back!”

At this time, a crowd of monkeys and grandchildren came out.

At this time, the monkeys were noisy and yelling. The noise made Sun Wukong upset.

“What’s going on one by one?”

At this time, the old white ape has always stood up.

Great King, after you left, these six great kings wanted to find the monster races all over the world to make my clan unite. I didn’t expect that not long after the six great kings left, a group of heavenly soldiers came and said that they came to annihilate them by the Jade Emperor’s will. US.

This old white ape is talking about both voice and affection.

Can’t help but Sun Wukong doesn’t believe it.

At this time Sanxian also hurriedly landed.

Taibai Jinxing hurried forward.

“Great Sage, the old minister thinks something is strange.”

Sun Wukong actually feels that things are not that simple. This time I lost the Three Immortals, otherwise I would go to Heaven Court to find the Jade Emperor for theory when I got excited.

Yang Jian came to the front and glanced at the old white ape, only to think it was weird.

Immediately opened the eyes of the sky, and took a look at the old white ape. I saw the old white ape immediately turned to ashes.

Yang Jian ran forward and stretched out his hand to catch it.

“Yang Jian, what are you doing? Wukong, don’t worry, look!” Sun Wukong saw that what Yang Jian was holding was Hun and Po of the old white ape.

But everything should have three souls and seven.

This old white ape has only two souls and six souls, and lacks one soul and one soul.

Wukong, this shows that the old monkey is a puppet, and every move of the old white ape is controlled by people.

! what!

Sun Wukong was completely angry. He didn’t know who did it. But Sun Wukong knows that these monkey grandchildren are his bottom line.

And this Huaguoshan is his home.

The dragon’s inverse scales will make you angry if you touch it.

This has deeply touched the bottom line of Sun Wukong.

Although he is awkward, but there is no room for compromise, but this matter can’t work!

At this time, Sun Wukong’s horse monkey general came over.

“At the beginning, the six great kings listened to the old white ape’s words, and then they prepared to unite the demons in the world! Moreover, the time when the six great kings left and the time when the heavenly soldiers arrived.”

Just now, Sun Wukong was still half-believing, but now listening to General Mahou say that he fully understands that this white ape is a puppet.

Who the hell is it?

“Really, my grandson is so angry!”

Taibai Jinxing came forward at this time.

“Great Sage, I guess you have the answer in your heart!”

There is indeed an answer to Sun Wukong’s psychology.

That is Buddhism!

This Buddhism has been constantly making trouble for itself ever since it made troubles in the underworld.

Now, who else can do this kind of thing besides Buddhists?

“Great Sage, this Ananda and Kassapa were from Buddhism before.”

Sun Wukong is even more convinced that the mastermind behind all this must be Buddhism without any doubt!

Sun Wukong has deeply hated Buddhism. He secretly swore that as long as he lives, this Buddhism must disappear in this world.

Then why does Buddhism kill my life in Huaguoshan and the mountains?

They should tell the Great Sage you to turn against Heaven Court, so why they want you to turn against Heaven Court, the old ministers won’t know.

At this time, Nezha spoke to Sun Wukong.

“Let’s go back to the Heaven Court. This time the Buddhist plan failed. I don’t know what other tricks will be taken. We can discuss it with the Jade Emperor.”

Sun Wukong thinks Nezha’s words make some sense.

Before leaving, the four of them joined forces to form an enchantment. This enchantment is indestructible and difficult to destroy under the quasi-sage.

Zhun mention Daoist, the Buddha of Tathagata, I never thought of it. This Yang Jian, Nezha, and Taibai Jinxing would smash their own plans.

However, this is the end of the matter, and there is no other way.

Since it couldn’t work secretly, he had to tear his face with Heaven Court to seize Sun Wukong.

Anyway, Heaven Court will have to fight Buddhism sooner or later.

For this man of destiny, fight.

Taishang secretly transmitted a message to Taishang Laojun, letting Taishang Laojun come to him.

Since I was going to the Heaven Court dignitaries, I couldn’t learn from the unknown.

This monkey’s Medicine Pill can’t be eaten for nothing.

Heaven Court.

Ling Xiao Baodian.

After hearing this, the Jade Emperor sighed, then shook his head.

Goku, don’t worry! I said that I would protect you from the rejuvenation of the monster clan, so I did what I said.

At this time, before the words were finished, a heavenly soldier came.

“Report to the Jade Emperor, this Guanyin Bodhisattva has come to ask to see your Majesty.”

The Jade Emperor was stunned for a moment. He never expected that Buddhists would come so quickly.

At this time, Haotian Sound Transmission Jade Emperor.

Remember this man of destiny must not be lost, no matter what the price is paid.

When the Jade Emperor heard this transmission, he immediately understood what Haotian meant.

And he also knew that the war between Buddhism and generational religion was about to break out.

“Hurry up, please.”

This Guanyin hand holds a mutton jade bottle with willow branches on it.

Step on the nine-pin red lotus,

Piaopiao came in front of the Du Yudi.

“Jade Emperor, the poor monk is justified!”

Master Guanyin, don’t have to be polite! Dare to ask the great master what he can do in my Ling Xiao Palace?

The poor monk came to you to leave alone.

Jade Emperor sighed secretly, hey, what should come is always come.

“Sorry, Tuss, forgive me!”

What? Guanyin never expected.

He would refuse so simply.

I haven’t said who I want?

However, Guanyin couldn’t take care of that much.

Start straight to the point, roll out Sun Wukong

This demon monkey ate the Nine Cycles elixir of Taishang’s good corpse Taishang Laojun, and now Taishang is at my Sumeru mountain, Tathagata Buddha asked me to come and ask for someone!

Guanyin knew that this time there must be many difficulties.

But she never expected that the Jade Emperor’s attitude was so determined. Even though she was exhausted, the Jade Emperor would not give him Sun Wukong.

“Master Guanyin, if there is nothing else, please go back!”

Guanyin saw that the Jade Emperor had already issued an order to chase off the guests, and there was no way, but a golden light returned to the Sumeru sky.

Sumeru day.

When the Buddha Tathagata saw Guanyin Bodhisattva returning to the Sumeru Tianda Leiyin Temple, he asked, “What happened?”

The Jade Emperor refused to let anyone go!

As expected!

Tathagata Buddha knew that Guanyin would definitely return without success. But he had to send Avalokitesvara to go, because this is called courtesy first and soldiers later.

The Buddha Tathagata screamed, shaking the sky and the earth.

The Buddhas all over the sky listen to orders, go to Heaven Court to catch me Sun Wukong alive!

This sky full of Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat heard a Buddha decree.

They all set off to Heaven Court.

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