Chapter 151

This is not the first time he has eaten a monk.

Haotian God arranged for him, as long as the monks came to eat one by one, he would have eaten a lot.

But every once in a while, a monk will come. He is no different from other monks. However, his skull can float in the river water where even feathers can’t float.

Yunzhan Cave.

This marshal of the canopy has been demoted to the mortal world since he was beaten by the fat. As a result, Marshal Canopy had enough popularity in Heaven Court.

The celestial soldier who threw him was thrown down according to a sow that was about to give birth.

Well, back then, the majestic and murderous Marine General Marshal became a little piggy.

Of course, Taishang Laojun is also a calf protector. Although I hate the Jade Emperor secretly, but there is no way.

I had to drive my own lower realm to find my poor disciple. Secretly lost his memories and Magic power back then.

However, this Magic power is also greatly reduced. Now there is some magic power of Taiyi Jinxian early stage.

But there is no way. Taishang Laojun asked him to wait, there will always be a day when he comes out.

Sooner or later, all (Wang Hao Zhao) hatred can be shameful. The Marshal Canopy had no choice but to obey Laojun’s arrangements.

This place is idle on the ground, and if you occupy a cloud stack hole, you can’t get out of it by yourself.

Zixiao Palace.

Heavenly Dao opened his eyes and nodded to himself. This is Tai Shang and Zhun Ti as long as Buddhism can be carried forward.

That Zhang Qing’s substitute teacher and Heaven Court had their own victory in this immeasurable catastrophe.

Although Heavenly Dao knew that he couldn’t lose. But he still adheres to the principle of Heavenly Dao to be fair, and must not influence the variables from it. So many of his things are left to the Supreme Lord, he is only directing the old gentleman in secret.

Now the control of Heaven Court is also removed from it, so the westward plan is the key to its victory.

Sun Wukong was at a loss after the Seven Fairies left. Then there was grief and anger, and in the end only anger was left.

Why did the Jade Emperor lie to himself? He gave the Jade Emperor his trust twice and was disappointed!

How can Sun Wukong bear it? Originally asked him to go to heaven as Ma Wen, he was already very unhappy.

But there is no way.

That’s it.

Now the Jade Emperor asked himself once, which seemed to make him feel like he was constantly at the mercy of others.

“Ahhhhh! Why is the Jade Emperor, why are you lying to me?” Sun Wukong was full of disappointment.

Sumeru day.

Tathagata, Zhunti, Daoist, and Taishang Laojun, the three of them looked at the Xuanguang Jing with sinister faces.

They know that the chosen person of this day hates Heaven Court more. The easier it is for them to control him.

As long as one can successfully control it, then Buddhism will flourish.

Of course, this is just the idea of ​​Daoist and Tathagata Buddha, and the Taishang Laojun has other ideas.

However, the Supreme Master knew that now he must help Zhun mention Daoist and Tathagata Buddha. Because Heavenly Dao once found him and told him that Buddhism is right.

Go in the sky, although I don’t know why. But what Master said should not be wrong.

The most important thing is that he still owns a small nine in his heart.

In chaos.

Xiao Bailong opened his eyes to clear, he is now at the level of Da Luo Jinxian’s early stage. The Blood Essence of this ancient dragon is indeed well-deserved.

Too strong, he feels that he is more than just a Cultivation Base improvement. That is, the speed of cultivation and the strength of own body have a large Ascension.

Xiao Bailong looked at Zhang Qing in reverence, and now Zhang Qing was shining in his eyes. At this time, Zhang Qing glanced at Xiao Bailong, with a hint of appreciation.

Not bad, this kid, how long has it been since he almost refined the Dragon Blood Essence.

It’s a good seed!

“Well, I am going to give you a task now. Can you do it?”

“Little Bailong, it’s no hesitate to go through fire and water.”

“Well, you are so and so, so and so.”

You understand, Xiao Bailong understands.

This blue let the little white dragon go to the westbound road, one of the only roads, one by one, eagle sorrow.

Let Xiao Bailong wait there.

Whenever a monk traveling westward comes with a monkey, he will find a way to join them.

And while waiting, we must continue to cultivate.

The stronger the better before the monks and monkeys arrive, the little white dragon clears the clouds and rides the fog, a golden light abandons the eagle’s sorrow.

After Xiao Bailong left, Zhang Qing stared at Universe Samsara, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Zixiao Palace.

Heavenly Dao also looked at the mysterious light mirror in front of him with a meaningful expression.

“Well, you Zhang Qing, this method is still emerging, it doesn’t matter. Heavenly Dao naturally knows how difficult a character Zhang Qing is.”

If I want to use this Hong Diao’s body all the time, it seems that I still have to spend some trouble.

Heaven Court.

Haotian transmitted to the Jade Emperor.

Let the Jade Emperor call Nezha, and Erlang shows the holy True Monarch, Taibai Jinxing.

The Jade Emperor also knew that after a while, Sun Wukong would fall out with Heaven Court.

If there is such a day, how to deal with it. And this man of destiny is a contest between the Heaven Court substitute education and Buddhism and human education.

Although Haotian didn’t know about Zhang Qing and Heavenly Dao playing games with heaven and earth and sentient beings as chess pieces. But he can also faintly feel that this two-party dispute is just like water and fire.

Therefore, he must make arrangements and plans early.

The reason for choosing these three people is that the strength of the three people is strong enough. Secondly, the relationship between the three people and Sun Wukong is good enough.

Haotian knows that Sun Wukong is bewitched by Buddhism and hates Heaven Court. But Sun Wukong still has a clear love and hate, and he is very loyal.

So now I have to rely on these three people to receive Sun Wukong. Now the war is about to start, and all aspects are being prepared.

Haotian considers this way, and the Zhunti in Sumeru Heaven is the same as Taishang.

After all, everything is about taking precautions. The amount of calamity is no small matter. It is no longer possible to put all hopes on Sun Wukong.

Even if Zhunti is still determined in his heart, Sun Wukong is not only a man of destiny, but also his apprentice.

However, as far as Fan Ren’s group is concerned, everything can be done. The ending of the last amount of calamity is the best proof.

That was even Heavenly Dao lost!

“Fellow daoist matters, it’s up to you to decide.”

Zhun Ti looked up at Tai, and said boringly.

“Without him, whether he is still too good, even Heavenly Dao has done a great price, but it is the current situation, how can we not worry?”

The melancholy of Zhun mentioned is also natural.

Taishang thought about it and said: “I am good corpse, Taishang Lao Jun has a pill refining furnace. My Nine Cycles Gold Core and Nine Cycles Resurrection Pill are derived from this. If it is the way of refining, my kindness The corpse is not weaker than me. But you need to know that this pill refining furnace not only has the function of condensing and purifying, solidifying into a pill. It also has the function of consolidating the essence, and even eluting and purifying.”

Zhunti understood what Taishang meant, and he wanted to return Sun Wukong to Yuan.

Nezha, Erlang shows the sage True Monarch, Taibai Jinxing came to the door of Pantaoyuan.

The Jade Emperor told them to bring Sun Wukong to see him anyway.

The three of them led the imperial decree and came to the flat peach orchard together.

“Great Sage, can you be here?”

Taibai Jinxing went to ask the door.

When Sun Wukong heard someone calling him, he walked forward with great anxiety and opened the door for several people.

When he saw the three of them, he changed his enthusiasm in the past.

He said indifferently, “What’s the matter?”

Taibai Jinxing stepped forward and said flatly, “Jade Emperor, let the Great Sage-go to Lingshi Palace.”

After Sun Wukong heard Taibai Jinxing’s words, his expression was even more indifferent.

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