Chapter 146 Too thin!

I have to say that Sun Wukong is still very excited.

After all, whether you understand it or not, at least it is compelling! Huaguoshan Monkey King Sun Wukong!

Too thin!

Add another Bute Ma Wen?

Sun Wukong doesn’t want to advertise his experience of raising horses.

“The third child is right, let’s think of a name each.”

“I’ll come first! I’ll be the Great Sage of Fu Hai, the Demon King!”

This name appeared in the head of the Flood Demon in an instant. If you don’t like it, then I will be called Great Sage Yishan!

“I am the Great Sage of Ventilation! I shall be called the Great Sage of Excitement!”

The lion camel king, the macaque king, and the tamarin king also spoke out successively. I have to say that they are all based on their most prominent direction.

Sun Wukong is fascinated. His most prominent is nothing more than seventy-two changes and somersault cloud.

Transform the Great Sage? Somersault saint? Not to mention whether the name is loud or not.

If it is both of them, they will not reflect all of his self.

Just as Sun Wukong was thinking about it, Peng Demon King 0 happened.

“In that case, I am called Great Sage Huntian! After all, Peng can travel among the nine heavens.”

Hundred Sage is also suitable.

“Then I will be the Great Sage of Peace!” The Bull Demon King is capable and only has one leg, but he doesn’t lose his balance.

It’s all right to be called the Great Sage of Peace!

All the names are spoken, especially the names of the Bull Demon King and Peng Demon King, which really inspired Sun Wukong.

There are gods in the sky, but there are also Xiaoxiao!

Since my Sun Wukong exists in the prehistoric land, I shall be equal to the sky!

It’s also saying that he Sun Wukong, never left to others!

“My old grandson! It’s called the Great Sage Qitian, Sun Wukong!”

In the next few days, Huaguo Mountain was very hot. After the Seven Great Sages worshipped, everyone seemed to have a fanatical skill.

Originally it was just the Big Three, but there was no comparison.

But after the Bull Demon King and others came, there was a contest! Of course, such a contest is benign.

Not to mention anything else, it’s just that the territory within a thousand miles near Huaguo Mountain has all been controlled by it.

No matter what kind of ethnic group it is the same!

Even in the process, two golden immortals and one great demon of Taiyi golden immortal were destroyed.

Without him, just to rectify the demon clan’s name! Jade! These three demons are all evildoers!

In this way, it appears that Sun Wukong has nothing to do. Because he wants to coordinate the Huaguoshan monkey group, but he is still thinking about the way forward.

It was here that a familiar figure driving a crane appeared on the horizon.

“It seems that whoever should come will always come!” For Taibai Jinxing, Sun Wukong said that it is impossible to have no grievances.

However, it was just resentment!

After all, Taibai is also controlled by others, but still secretly teaches the monkey group Cultivation Technique.

For this behavior alone, Sun Wukong has to give people a face. Taibai, you can still stay stunned, it was almost half a month before you came to find me.

According to Sun Wukong’s idea, Taibaijinxing should have arrived long ago.

“The Monkey King, no, I am going to be called the Great Sage now! If I had come before, no matter what I said, you would definitely not listen.”

On the contrary, it is better not to come, let you think about it alone.

Taibai Venus seems to be talking about such a bland thing.

He walked to Sun Wukong and ate a peach.

“Yes, that’s how it feels!” Sun Wukong looked at him with a black line.

I have to sigh in my heart that Taibaijinxing is indeed one of the few friends he recognizes.

Just this understanding cannot be done by others.

But what?

Everything in the past is being calculated by others, how can Sun Wukong let go? It’s the same no matter how long I think about it!

“If you have anything, just say it. If it’s just for the spirit peach, I will bring you some of it. I chew my tongue in the back of the province and say that I am stingy in Huaguoshan.”

The resentment in this tone can be heard by the individual.

However, Taibai remained unmoved. Just eating the spirit peach, his eyes fixed on Sun Wukong.

There was no dodge for a moment, no half-heartedness.

In this way, time has passed for a long time.

Too white! My grandson really has no temper? !

Sun Wukong was indeed a little uncomfortable being watched by Taibai Jinxing. In his eyes, Taibai is definitely the one who has had it.

Now he is looking at himself so squarely.

“It’s too true! Great Sage, you have actually guessed it! The man behind everything is not in my Heaven Court.”

As for the Dragon Palace and the underground palace, the same is true!

Sun Wukong was surprised at first.

However, this is not a time of weakness, so what?

“I don’t believe you Heaven Court and the Lower Mansion could not benefit from it!”

Why say more? !

However, facing his reply, Taibai was still the same as before.

Silence is just watching. Because Taibai does not want to expire Sun Wukong again.

Benefits, of course Heaven Court has obtained. However, in the final analysis it is not what you wanted!

Moreover, Taibai could see that Sun Wukong had been shaken, or tangled for a moment!

That’s right! Sun Wukong has thought about these days and put together his previous experience.

It should have started since Fang Cunshan descended.

Whether it’s the Master driving it away, or telling him not to go back and report his name in the future, there should be Buddhism’s handwriting.

Dragon Palace should have it too. As for the netherworld, it is obvious, as King Qin Guang has already pointed it out in his dialogue.

In addition, everyone has an acting element throughout the whole process. Presumably it wasn’t for him to see, it should be for Buddhism!

After all, judging from the contact between Sun Wukong and Taibai Jinxing and even the Jade Emperor.

Both of them are not acting like that, and their emotions are also sincere!

If you really calculate yourself, you don’t have to!

“Taibai, why are you here this time? You said, I just listened to it.” Taibai Jinxing saw Sun Wukong’s face change, and he also knew that his own words had played a role.

“I am here, there is only one thing. It is to let you go to the heavenly palace again!”

“Never possible.”

Sun Wukong immediately refused.

“What’s the joke? Let me go back to raise a horse again?”

If the person mentioned is not too white, it is estimated that Sun Wukong’s golden cudgel has already hit him.

“The Great Sage is going to be angry. I was also restrained by others in the Heaven Court.” This time I let you enter the Heaven Court to justify your name.

“Don’t you call yourself the Great Sage of Heaven? I will call you the Great Sage of Heaven in Heaven Court!”

It was Sun Wukong who didn’t expect Heaven Court to have such a big deal!

But obviously, this is not over yet!

And, I can let you guard Pan Taoyuan.

“This flat peach is one of Xiantian’s top ten Spiritual Roots. It has so many magical uses, even for me, Heaven Court is also a symbol.

Do you think it’s okay? ”

Usually there is a but here, but there is really no one here!

However, Sun Wukong did not reply yet, and Taibai continued, “If you can go to Heaven Court, your Huaguo Mountain is a perfect blessed land, and Shuilian Cave is a blessed land in the blessed land.”

This has also led to many spirits and strangers on the Huaguo Mountain, and the peaches that are connected are also very sweet.

In the water curtain cave, a white-haired old man is slowly tasting a spiritual peach.

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