Chapter 145 Key Issues

The reason for the unhappiness in the human race is really not to blame. It can only be said that the doctrine of the sect is not suitable.

After all, the National People’s Congress likes to be at ease, and most people do not agree with the “struggle” of teaching. But Buddhism and human education are different.

From the audience’s point of view, it is a lot better than Jiu Jiao. It is said that it is more than doubled.

“Brother, there is a way.” Tongtian asked in a hurry!


There were several big clans in the prehistoric times.

“The only people who continue to this day are humans, dragons, monsters, and witches! Humans are not suitable for you. The dragons are high-minded and xenophobic, and only recognize me as the Yellow Dragon. Needless to say, the witches are the most suitable. Only the monsters are the most suitable.” Tongtian still has some I don’t understand, Yaozu is indeed the most suitable for intercepting education to obtain luck.

After all, “the one that cuts the world’s vitality and escapes” is the doctrine of cut-off teaching.

Yaozu is indeed the most suitable. But isn’t this monster race already defeated?

Is it?

Also aware of Tongtian’s reaction, Zhang Qing went on to say!

“Well, you guessed it, I want to revive the monster race!”

Tongtian was a little confused. After all, when the monster clan was destroyed, Zhang Qing was more or less related, but now he hasn’t asked about it, because he also understands Zhang Qing’s character, so that means he has made up his mind.

Zhang Qing’s idea of ​​revitalizing the monster clan is not groundless!

Among them, there is the meaning of taking Nuwa’s wish and helping to reach the sky.

There is also the idea of ​​returning to the previous Karma. But he thinks more about it, he is Sun Wukong, the man of destiny.

In other words, it was the victory of this calamity. Sun Wukong and Peng Demon King and their conversation, Zhang Qing was watching.

In his opinion, instead of letting Sun Wukong become a heaven-defying character, it is better to become a great demon with a far-away heart and lofty aspirations!

Moreover, this does not conflict, and there is no disadvantage to Zhang Qing! After all, Sun Wukong will become his own in the future.

Isn’t it good to have higher achievements?

Furthermore, the revival of the Yaozu is the same as the Wuzu, and it does not want to strengthen the position of the protagonist of the world of the human race, why not do it?

“Brother, let me say. I think Sun Wukong, the man of fate, already has the idea of ​​reviving the demon clan. This is a good thing for us. I want your mount Kui Niu to go to the lower realm to help. I will also send two on behalf of the religion. The Demon King is able to help. It can not only help it complete, but also gain merit. What do you think?”

Zhang Qing’s meaning was very clear, and Tongtian had no reason to refuse.

Coupled with his confidence in his own Kui Niu, after all, he already has the strength of Da Luo Jinxian.

it is good!

People are agreed.

Tongtian waved his hand and moved Kui Niu away. After explaining to him, he broke the two of them. After all, Kui Niu can be regarded as a half-teacher.

Zhang Qing was unwilling to be left behind, and summoned two big demons to lower bounds with the bull.

Who is going straight to Huaguo Mountain?

I call the bull demon king

“I call the macaque king!”

I call the King Yu!

“I’ve come to get acquainted with Huaguoshan Monkey King!”

This bull devil is Kui Niu

Da Luo Jinxian Realm is the strongest on the scene! As he spoke, his momentum exploded, and Sun Wukong and the other Three Demon Kings who had been left behind in the Water Curtain Cave immediately sensed them.

And the king of the tamarin and the king of macaques were ranked by Zhang Qing. The two demon kings were originally ling-monkeys, and they were still the subordinates of the six-eared macaques.

After tens of thousands of years of growth, he also has the strength of Taiyi Golden Immortal. What’s more, they were all monkeys, so they were picked by Zhang Qing.

“What are you waiting for?!”

Even Sun Wukong had to deal with these three, and he could feel that he was actually not the opponent of the bull devil!

But the Bull Demon King did not answer and asked, “You are the Monkey King of Huaguoshan? I waited to come here just to get acquainted!”

Just don’t fight, just don’t fight!

The bull demon king is too powerful, and even the powerful lion and camel king feels a pain in his chest.

“A guest from afar! Just let me go to Shuiliandong for a description.”

Sun Wukong, whose mind has changed, is not just as simple as setting goals. As long as it was the revival of the Yaozu, he wanted to take it seriously.

What’s more, he didn’t feel the murderous aura in the Three Demons at all!

“Okay!” There is no doubt about him, the Bull Demon King was not seen outside, and he entered Huaguo Mountain with one foot.

All the seven saints gather, what will it be like? !

“Null Devil, I wonder what you are talking about?” Although Sun Wukong is the youngest, but now the Big Three listen to him.

After the Niu Devil and the others came, Sun Wukong immediately used the highest standard of Huaguoshan to receive them.

It was originally a peach and various fruits, but now it has changed its appearance.

Seven-fowl jasper soup, stewed fat beef indiscriminately. Fire dragon antler feast, Ling fire roast suckling pig!

Molten Mountain Spring Dew, Thousand Island Shark Fin Pot! There are no less than a hundred species.

It can be said to be the prehistoric on the tip of the tongue!

that is! Did you know the fourth child of my family if you wanted to?

At the beginning, it took a lot of setbacks for us to get acquainted.

“How can it be cheaper for you now?!”

Demon King Peng and Demon King Jiao are like singing double reeds, you say one sentence for you.

Several people around can see it, it’s nothing more than a fall out of favor.

“A bunch of big masters, do they still play palace fights?”

In this regard, the Bull Devil had no idea.

Because in his opinion, although the strength of the Big Three of Peng Demon King is good, it is not enough for him to fight.

“I also heard that you don’t know each other if you don’t fight.” Or, did we do it too?

Suddenly there was no sound!

Demon King Peng and Demon Flooding, who were still a little detached, immediately don’t want them honestly.

“Lai Niu boss, these seven poultry meat are fresh and tender!”

“Suckling pig is the best in the world, taste it, taste it!”

This shark fin melts in your mouth, and when paired with a small wine, it is absolutely amazing! After a while, these demon kings, each with a purpose, merged into one.

Under the catalysis of wine and meat, they all began to call themselves brothers and sisters!

“Boss Bull!”

“You are the strongest and the oldest. How about I wait for worship today?!”

The lion and camel king is also an iron man, but he is also a true temperament.

It can be seen that his words are absolutely sincere!

The Bull Demon King did not rush to answer, but looked at Sun Wukong.

Plan to watch the reaction. After all, before he left, the Master Tongtian had explained that the main purpose of this trip was Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong was also happy and drank a lot. But there is still some distance from being drunk.

“I think it’s okay! I want to worship too!” The other five showed their thoughts.

Sun Wukong knew that it was definitely impossible to hide.

But he did not reject it either. In recent days, getting along with Demon King Peng and others, if you go out of their chat, it is also comfortable.

Even the three Bull Demon Kings I saw today are considered speculation.

“My grandson also agrees! What do you want to do so much? It’s over!”


“Since you all have ideas, then I will bow later, but since the seven of me bow to bow, I must separate the elders and the young.

Let’s talk about the division according to strength, or according to the elders and the young? ”

The Bull Demon is not stupid, no matter which option it is, he is now the first.

“Long and young!”


The other big monsters they were doing all expressed their opinions.

Only one person said to divide the strength.

Of course it is Sun Wukong!

The reason is simple, he doesn’t want to be the youngest

“Ha, then divide it according to age and age!”

Explain to each other, from growing up to young: Bull Demon King, Flood Demon King, Peng Demon King, Lion Camel King, Macaque King, Yu Tamarin King, and Monkey King.

I have to say that everyone is pretty happy.

But how can it be satisfied?

“Since I wait for worship, I have to change my name!”

Anyway, the name of our Big Three in the Demon Realm can’t be used anymore!

The devil seemed to have thought of some key question.

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