Chapter 147

Opposite him was a monkey, and this monkey looked extraordinary, with the temperament of the leader among the monsters.

“Great Sage, the Revival Monster Race should come to Heaven Court!

If you want to protect Huaguoshan comprehensively, it will be difficult for you to have your demon brothers alone.

Sun Wukong is still dubious, but has fallen into contemplation.

He didn’t know where to go, but Taibai Jinxing was right, and it was indeed not enough just to rely on a few monsters.

“I want to discuss with my six Big Brothers.”

Okay, the old minister is waiting for good news here.

After Sun Wukong left, Taibai Jinxing smiled, shook his head from time to time, took the peach in front of him and ate it.

On the other side, the Seven Demon Saints in the Water Curtain Cave were listening to the words of Taibai Jinxing recounted by Wukong.

Over time, they all fell into contemplation.

It was not until after a while that the Bull Demon King spoke.

Seventh brother, I think what the old man Taibai said is not unreasonable!

The other five people also nodded and said yes, and they also felt that although Taibaijinxing was to reassure them, what he said was not unreasonable.

Now in this world, Taiyi golden immortals are as numerous as dogs, and big Luo golden immortals are walking everywhere!

The strength of a few of his own is not mediocre.

“But I really don’t know who to believe now.” Sun Wukong said with a look of embarrassment.

At this time, the Bull Demon patted Sun Wukong on the shoulder, his face solemn.

“Seventh brother, the monster clan wants to thrive, but our strength is far worse. I think the western bald donkey is not credible.”

After Sun Wukong heard these words, he sat in a precarious manner, a kind of slaying suddenly appeared on his face, and he slapped the table.

“Well, I will go with this old man Taibai, and all the gods and Buddhas will be destroyed by my grandson.”

The Bull Demon looked excited, and looked at Sun Wukong with some excitement in his eyes.

“Okay, Dage supports you!”

Sun Wukong returned to the place where he was talking to Taibai Jinxing, looking at Taibai Jinxing who was eating peaches and the peach pits in one place, Sun Wukong had a black line on his face.

How hungry this is too white!

Didn’t you say that the food at Heaven Court is pretty good? He patted Taibaijinxing on the shoulder and grabbed Taibaijinxing’s wrist.

“Okay, my old grandson will go with your old man again.”

Speaking of the two people flying in the clouds and driving the fog, a golden light disappeared.

Ling Xiao outside the hall.


This Ling Xiao Hall is worthy of being the land of the fairy family. It’s really foggy, and the fairy spirit is floating!

The lotus leaves are planted in Qiongchi on both sides of the Nantianmen, and cranes fly by from time to time around the Heaven Court. This Ling Xiao Yin is also magnificent, carved with beams and painted buildings, and from a distance, it exudes a colorful halo, like a fairy house.

“Yeah, who should I be? Isn’t this a monkey watching a horse?”

A noodle doll walked out of Nantianmen just to face Sun Wukong and Taibai Jinxing.

“Ou, it’s you, little baby. Don’t talk nonsense. Lao Sun is now named the Great Sage of Heaven, and his grade is higher than you!” Sun Wukong looked at him jokingly.

“If my grandson is unhappy, I will stew lotus root soup with you.”

“Bah, you have a monkey looking at a horse.” Nezha looked at the monkey with contempt.

After fighting with the third prince Nezha for a while, Sun Wukong walked into the Ling Xiao Hall!

Sumeru Mountain.

Zhunti Daoist has a gray face, and his face is full of anger. This old guy who has not lost his temper for thousands of years has lost his temper this time!

“Ahhh, this Wu Tian is really repeated five times, it’s endless!”

He closed his eyes too much, as if everything in this world had nothing to do with him.

Don’t look at him on the surface, but in fact it is in his heart.

Secretly scold Haotian.

“You are talking, this man of destiny has been recruited by Heaven Court again.”

Zhunti Daoist looked at Taishang Laojun angrily.

Taishang Laojun slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Zhunti Daoist, and closed those compassionate eyes.

“It’s okay, this monkey is half-believing about you and me now. Those who really can’t fulfill the destiny should change it. The canopy is already down!”

Although the quiet and inaction Daoist speaks calmly, his tone is so cold that Daoist feels a little chilly.

“You go directly to your apprentice, so as to provoke and divorce your strengths. What are you talking about? This is a Western Sage.”

Zhunti Daoist looked innocent.

“Go ahead, if it doesn’t work, this raccoon (Mawang Zhao) cat will be the prince.”

Taishang Laojun looked directly at Daoist Zhunti. Although Zhunti hadn’t finished speaking, Zhunti already understood what Taishang Laojun meant.

Is the chosen person of this day arrogant to change?

Zhunti Daoist looked at Taishang Laojun with horror.

“Then if the person chosen this day is ruined.”

Go, this is also the next thing to do.

Taishang Laojun closed his eyes again and ignored Daoist.

That’s right, Tai Shang and Zhun Ti are already a little frustrated now.

If you don’t get it, you will destroy it, and if the civet cat is a candidate for the prince, they are all ready.

Of course, it’s not a last resort, and they won’t do it.

Ling Xiao Baodian.

Sun Wukong saw the Jade Emperor and did not kneel down.

The Jade Emperor didn’t say anything, because he knew that Sun Wukong was a man of destiny.

He was born to be rebellious, otherwise he would not go down to the Heaven Court in a rage, and even named himself the Great Sage of Heaven.

He looked at Sun Wukong and said seriously.

“Sun Wukong, since you want to be the Great Sage of the Monkey King, then I can make you the Great Sage of the Monkey King.”

Sun Wukong looked directly at the Jade Emperor. He seemed to be facing this abyss. He knew that if the Jade Emperor was willing, he would be destroyed by the Jade Emperor at any time.

But how can he condescend because of this?

“Okay, but I really don’t want to raise horses this time.”

The Jade Emperor sighed. He also knew that although Sun Wukong is only a Taiyi Golden Immortal now, how could the cultivation process of the Man of Destiny be comparable to others.

Don’t worry, I am really making you the Great Saint of Heaven this time.



Sun Wukong cupped hands cupped fist, simply bowed.

Then my grandson thanked the Jade Emperor here.

“Go, I will hand this Pan Taoyuan to you.”

Taibai Jinxing took Sun Wukong to Pantaoyuan.

“Dasheng, this is the Pan Peach Garden, and this pan peach tree is Xiantian Spiritual Roots.”

Sun Wukong was shocked as soon as he entered Pan Taoyuan.

The Spiritual Qi in Taoyuan is abundant, and the birds and flowers are scented.

Sun Wukong took a big breath, and the abundant Spiritual Qi flushed his spiritual platform.

I feel the energy that I can’t use up all over my body.

“Old man, this flat peach orchard is really a blessed place.” Sun Wukong was full of joy when he saw this flat peach orchard.

After listening to Taibai Jinxing, he was a little proud.

“Of course, these flat peach and fruit trees are all conceived by the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth. Looking at the entire The Three Realms, it’s just the Heaven Court.”

Sun Wukong nodded after listening.

If you say that you are old, then this old jade emperor is really good to me.

“The great saint must not pretend to be your Majesty. Of course, the old official said that the Jade Emperor really wanted to help you revive the monster race.

Great Sage, you have to remember that without the approval of the Jade Lake and the Jade Emperor, this flat peach must not leave the flat peach garden for half a step. ”

Speaking of this Taibai Jinxing has a serious face.

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