Chapter 144

Demon King Peng is already panting!

He really didn’t expect that this Monkey King could take over the offensive of the three of his brothers on his own, and also be able to fight against himself like this.

tired? Still not working?

How can you admit that you are not good as a male demon?

Although it is indeed a bit choking, Demon King Peng can only hold on. However, before half an hour, he really couldn’t hold it.

No way, Sun Wukong seems tireless!

Not only is the offensive ceaseless, but even every blow is gradually intensifying. Although Demon King Peng said that his offensive was extremely strong, his own defenses were also quite weak.

how to spell?

Can’t fight!

“Stop! The Monkey King! My three brothers are here today to visit Huaguo Mountain. They are familiar with you.”

“There is no need to be so serious, as the saying goes, the two monsters are fighting against each other, I think it’s enough until you click! You are indeed strong.”

Sun Wukong looked at the Demon King Peng, who was originally a Dapeng, who was about to become a vulture.

People say so, what else can they do?

Forget it.

Besides, Sun Wukong also understands that now he can no longer fight alone.

Sometimes, someone really needs to help!

“Okay, since you don’t have the intention to fight anymore, don’t pass it.”

Although he wants to get help, Sun Wukong is a man of high temper.

Active retention or solicitation is impossible. Of course, he can also expect it.

These three people will never leave willingly.

“Farewell! The Monkey King, you and my three brothers, today are not even if we don’t know each other. I’m waiting to drink and eat meat together.

Wouldn’t it be happy to talk to the sky and the earth? ”

“Yes! Anyway, I haven’t convinced anyone since I was transformed into an old Jiao. With your one-to-three strength, I am convinced! Right!”

Unexpectedly, looking at the thin arms and legs, the strength is so strong!

The lion camel king rubbed his red palms and shoulders and said.

Just now, Sun Wukong confronted Sun Wukong, and the counter shock was indeed strong. Not only injured both palms, but even the shoulders almost went white

But looking at Sun Wukong in front of him, he was still unmoved.

The lion camel king didn’t care about the pain, so he went directly to Sun Wukong and put on his shoulders: “Come on, Lao Tie.”

Although we are all at fault, there is nothing that can’t be solved in our Yaozu.

“Yes! That’s two meals, don’t worry, I’ll wait for you to arrange it.”

While talking, the lion camel king stared at his huge eyes and motioned to the Flood Demon King and the Peng Demon King.

Where is the hesitation?

The Flood Demon King waved his arms, and the sea churned.

In the next instant, no fewer than a hundred fresh fish were taken out.

No one is less than five feet!

And they are all the abundant eels of Spiritual Qi. Demon King Peng was not to be outdone, his wings spread out, his body shape changed, but he returned to the spot in the next second.

However, there are four more spirit deer and four wagyu under him. Not only that, but even ginseng antler and Lingzhi Mushrooms summer grass were extracted from the ring.

When Dingqing saw it, it was no less than a thousand years old.

How about it?

I am a few years older than you, so I call you my brother.


Fight, I can’t compare to you, but in terms of eating, it’s so great, there is no one we haven’t had before!

“Don’t tell me, it’s just this posture.”

Sun Wukong already wants to fill his stomach.


In front of several eating world powers, all grilled fish, stewed deer, fried wagyu, and other things were done in less than a quarter of an hour.

“Come here! Although this sake is not as good as the heavenly jade liquid, it is not bad. The main reason is that the mouth is violent and it suits your appetite. Old Jiao and Brother Sun drink one first! How can it be done?”

“We want to drink with you!”

After that, the four monsters who were all Taiyi Golden Immortals began to covet and feast on them!

Not long afterwards, it was a shaky appearance.

Regardless of how many people, Realm is high, this sake is not easy.

Jin is really big!

Trance is a must!

“Old grandson! To tell the truth, we are really wrong this time. But, there is really no way! Although we are known as the Big Three in the Demon Realm, we actually don’t have two decent Immortal Caves! It’s so big, why do we call home? Demon Race Ah, it’s not better than before!”

The Raven Demon is undoubtedly the most thoughtful one here, and the first to get drunk.

After all, alcohol is not drunk, or drunk by itself.

“Dage is here again! But, brother Sun, don’t laugh. I really envy you for having such a blessing.

Nothing like me waiting. Although it is the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it still has inheritance, it is not weak in the entire prehistoric! But so what?

“Monster, there is no place to stay anywhere! The Lion Camel embraces Sun Wukong, like two brothers. However, his melancholy face cannot be concealed. There was indeed a good place before. But I waited again. Don’t want to be sent down by others!”

“Thinking that before that, countless senior demon clan seniors either died or were captured by Mighty Power to act as a foot force. It should be my arrogance, but no matter what, I won’t linger.”

“Brother! Don’t follow in the footsteps of my monster senior!”

Sun Wukong looked at the three people who talked endlessly after getting drunk.

My heart is even more uncomfortable.

Although he is a demon, except for his own monkey group, he really doesn’t understand the situation of the demon race today.

To put it bluntly, the pattern is small!

From birth onwards, the heart is longevity, learning and learning.

But did not see this prehistoric pattern clearly.

To put it bluntly, it is also selfish. With strength, he went to Heaven Court.

But it’s just one-third of acre for oneself. As proud as Sun Wukong, I don’t think it should be right now!

Actually is not saying that I was wrong, but I can only do what I should do!


Did it really retreat?


Is it really only lingering?

The big three monsters in front of you don’t believe it!

He Sun Wukong, don’t believe it either!

Before I knew it, Sun Wukong had an idea in his mind. Today, his biggest gain is not to vent his inner distress, or to make friends with the three demon kings.

It was the first time to understand the status of the demon race, and it was also the first time to face the demon race’s situation squarely.

Of course, it was the first time I knew the direction I was struggling in the future, and Sun Wukong didn’t have much sense of belonging to the monster clan!

However, if you are born as a demon, you will be a demon!

He wants to do his best to achieve the revival of the Yaozu!

“Why, playing chess and drinking tea have become your way?” Yongqing Tianbi traveled to the palace, and the authentic tea Tongtian didn’t expect anyone to come at this time.

After all, this amount of calamity is nothing to do with him.

“Where is the big brother!”

“This is not and cannot be done, it can only be so. That’s right, the person here is Zhang Qing.”

“Haha, you can see it too.”

“But you are a sword repairman. Sword intent is intent. I didn’t explore it, and I couldn’t feel it.”

The two smiled at each other and sat down again.

This time the big brother is coming, but something is going on.

After all, with Zhang Qing’s laziness, it is really rare to be able to move a nest by himself.

Even if he considers Tongtian’s own mood, he will only be called to Taixutian.

“There is one thing, Big Brother said so.”

“In this amount of calamity, although you can’t participate in the teaching, it doesn’t mean that you can’t get benefits!”

“You should know that after the last calamity, although you had merit in intercepting the teaching, you did not have much Ascension in the human race. Even so far, it has dropped a lot. I am here this time, just for this .”

When I heard the sky, I was shocked!

After all, this problem has really troubled him for a long time.

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