Chapter 143 Ten times may not stop!

Moreover, none of the monsters who can cultivate to the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm are ordinary and simple.

According to Sun Wukong’s speculation, they are either prehistoric alien species or have special abilities! After all, these three, no matter who they lead out individually, the aura that they radiate is much stronger than the Jade Faced Demon King that Sun Wukong had previously killed by himself!

It may be more than ten times!

Sun Wukong naturally recognized the identity of the “Big Three in the Demon Realm” referred to by the Three Demon.

After all, after the demons became lonely, their strength could bear the Big Three!

However, before he could speak, the three monsters started arguing on their own!

“Falling Demon King! What do you mean? Both Lion and Camel King and I said five words and five words, why are you seven words? And why do you still say that Wuya will seize the sky!”

“You took it, how can I fly?!”

Is the Flood Demon Lord embarrassed: What? Do you blame me if you have no culture?

“Furthermore, what I mean is that after I cover the sea, the wild land is submerged and the sky no longer exists.”

“What? Envy and jealousy?!”

Shi Tuo Wang couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Don’t think I don’t know, the Demon King! Did you catch a mortal into your Immortal Cave a few days ago, or was a prime minister of a certain country? If it wasn’t for him, could you say this? When my watery big Lion-eye blind?!”

Looking at the three who are about to fight, Sun Wu himself feels a bit losing face.

“Well, I feel that I actually value the Three Demons so much, so I will go all out to Losing face when I appear on the stage.”

Just these three funny comparisons, come to my Huaguoshan to hit the field?

You should go to Aolai country to sing a show!

Cough! That’s it! Don’t want to be shameless? The Monkey King is still watching, is it a bit fanciful?

After all, Demon King Peng was more sober. But it’s totally useless!

Lion and Camel King Zheng and Jiao Demon King blew their beards and stared.

The stance of fighting has already been pulled! Can you fight? If you want to fight by yourself, fight first, and I will take a break.

“If you want to fight with me, don’t use the ink, my old grandson doesn’t have so much time!” Sun Wukong’s words are like a gunpowder keg!

“You demon is pretty fluttering! Just your little arms and legs, I don’t have any left after my lion king’s mouth. I slapped him on the face with a small spray to make this guy sober!”

“Punish him!”

Punish him!

Punish him!

After all, it is the Big Three of the Demon Realm, although the mouth is strong, but the strength is not weak!

What’s more, Sun Wukong also has a lot of pressure to shoot together.

Behind the devil, the two wings spread out, it turned out to be colored glaze

But Sun Wukong can feel that if the two wings hit him, not to mention the destruction of the golden armor, even he himself must be injured.

The lion camel king was the most powerful, after all, he was the owner of Liangjieshan on his shoulders.

Although the body has not yet arrived, the majestic air pressure has blocked Sun Wukong’s breathing!

And the Flood Demon King really wants what he said, that he has the power to cover the sea!

With every gesture of action, the sea over a radius of thousands of miles began to riot.

And soaring, the highest point is full of heights!

“Shoot” directly at Sun Wukong!

“Good! Good job!”

Fight if you want! My grandson is not afraid!

For Sun Wukong at this time, the first thing to deal with is the offensive of the Lion Camel King! Regardless of the infinite power of the Lion and Camel King, but the speed is not slow at all.

Like a sharp sword, it shoots directly at Sun Wukong.


Sun Wukong was holding the golden hoop, but he still said.

I saw the golden cudgel swerving suddenly.

The original bright golden color has changed, becoming extremely thick!

Even evolve into red gold!

And it slowly grew bigger, although it was still held in Sun Wukong’s hands, it was no less than five laps thicker than before.

Watch my grandson suppress you!

A stick blasted out, different from the fierceness of the previous battle.

This stick is more focused on power and power, as well as a sense of majestic weight!

Ruyi Scepter Golden Cudgel is also called Dinghai Shenzhen!

In addition to the power of gold travel, it also takes care of both water travel and land travel.

Gold lets it, the scratcher will hurt, and the touched will die!

Water makes it soluble in the deep sea and pervasive, so that it can bear the word “Ruyi Scepter”!

This red gold golden cudgel met the lion camel king head-on.



The first sound was when the two collided, which was very dull.

But this sinking net is actually very powerful!

Even at the point where the two meet, time begins to warp and space begins to collapse.

It really breaks Wanfa!

Can cause such power, only Ronaldo late stage.

But this was achieved by two blows!

The second sound is because of the huge coercion between the two, or repression!

Depressing the surrounding scenery for dozens of miles by more than a hundred meters, even the huge waves called by the Flood Demon King were blasted away a lot!

And this, as expected by Sun Wukong!

Because the next thing he had to deal with was the Demon King’s offensive, in fact, the wings that the Demon King had already urged to kill at this time.

But Sun Wukong has somersaults in the end. And the two are a bird and a monkey!

In terms of speed, no one can beat Pengniao!

But in terms of flexibility, monkeys can be the first. Since this side can deal with, Sun Wukong is naturally not in a hurry.

But as soon as the giant waves of the Flood Demon King invaded, the entire Huaguo Mountain would not be destroyed.

Also, don’t look at the power of the giant waves.

However, Sun Wukong, who is holding the golden hoop, is most afraid of this huge wave, retracting the golden hoop and calling it its original form.

At the same time, a tumbler evaded an offensive from Demon King Peng. Taking advantage of this gap, Sun Wukong’s figure spun wildly, and his carrier moved with the golden hoop.

Suddenly, a stick hit the huge wave straight.

I saw that this stick suddenly appeared a stick shadow that could not be seen in length, and it was a hundred feet wide! Fighting on this huge wave is like cutting tofu with a knife, as if there is no obstacle at all.

Just shoot out this huge wave!

Divide this sea in half!


How can it be? !

The Flood Demon King was also surprised, but did not give up.

After all, his ability to cover the sea is more than just this huge wave. There is also sea water that is invading endlessly!

But Sun Wukong did not stop either. After the stick went down, he turned around and swung the stick.

Block the offensive of the Peng Demon King who has already raided in front of him. And relying on his extraordinary physique, he knocked it into the air for several miles, and then he still didn’t stop!

The golden cudgel suddenly grew bigger in his hands.

Just after a breath, it stretches for hundreds of miles!


The golden cudgel is like a huge wheel pushed by countless people, heading towards the boundless sea. Even though it is a hundred miles long, it is still relatively small in front of this boundless sea.

But in the end, the Golden Cudgel is a Dinghai Shenzhen, and only using this state is enough to let this sea level breathe. It’s less than a star on Huaguo Mountain.

“Next, it’s you!” Although there was no golden hoop, and the golden armor and other equipment could not resist the demon king’s offensive.

But Sun Wukong still has to fight him. The majestic fighting spirit can’t stop him!

An instant body meets with Demon King Peng. Four hands and four feet, facing each other.

Of course, Sun Wukong must take extra precautions against double wings!

Really punch to the flesh!

But just the aftermath caused by the confrontation has caused Huaguo Mountain and the surrounding land to oscillate constantly!

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