Chapter 142

Nodded, didn’t say much. He moved away with a wave.

“It’s better to go slowly, and then call Taibai to come.”

For Sun Wukong, it is just a few things to do.

But what surprised him was that when he first entered the Huaguo Mountain realm, he was discovered by monkeys and grandchildren.

I have to say that he is very pleased.

It seems that after he left, the Huaguo Mountain Monkeys did not put down their practice.

Let go of Divine Sense, I really didn’t expect it!

There are tens of thousands of monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, and a half of them have reached the level of immortals!

This is amazing!

You know, although Sun Wukong raises Heavenly Horse, he also knows about the strength of Heaven Court soldier Realm.

Heaven Court is so powerful, even Heavenly Horse is extraordinary, almost the strength of human beings Realm.

However, not everyone can ride Heavenly Horse. Ordinary heavenly soldiers, that is, as far as human beings are concerned!

In Heaven Court, only Celestial Immortals or the real fairy level can be qualified to be equipped with Heavenly Horse. It can be said that this little monkey-grandson is now comparable to most of the heavenly soldiers.

In this regard, Sun Wukong is also very surprised. Although there is one day in the sky and one year underground, less than fifty years have passed in total.

He hadn’t expected the Huaguoshan monkey group to develop to this point.

In fact, what he didn’t know was that after he entered Heaven Court, the Jade Emperor had already turned Huaguo Mountain into a subsidiary of Heaven Court.

Not only has the source of prosperity soared, but even the Huaguo Mountain, which is originally known as the ancestor of the ten continents and the dragon from the three islands, has a few grades of Spiritual Qi.

And also sent the Taibai Venus lower realm to teach the four masters to practice Cultivation Technique.

This is how it is today!

What’s more, the four great generals now have the strength of Celestial Immortals!

I have to say that when I returned home and saw Sun Wukong, who was in a bad mood, I felt relieved a lot.

“Great King! You are back!”

In less than a quarter of an hour, tens of thousands of monkeys gathered together, surrounded by Sun Wukong with the four masters as the leader.

“Yeah! My grandson is back!”

Sun Wukong also picked up a baby monkey kindly and said.

Just a few words, it can be said that the monkeys have blown up the pot! They were already active, and it seemed that they could overturn the entire Huaguo Mountain in an instant.

Even Sun Wukong couldn’t help but smile.

“The king! Are you still going back to the Heaven Court this time?”

Asked the little monkey in his arms.

“Not going back!”

Heaven Court, how can we stay at Huaguoshan comfortably? !

It’s over, no monkey can calm down with these words.

Sun Wukong is their king!

King forever and ever!

However, a touch of otherness flashed in the eyes of the four masters.

Actually it is not unhappy, but after all, the four monkeys have seen Taibaijinxing, and they have also inherited their love.

Now, naturally I also feel something wrong.

“Go! Back to the water curtain hole!”

To be honest, it’s just a blast of gongs and drums and firecrackers!

After a while, Sun Wukong and others returned to Shuiliandong.

Of course, tens of thousands of monkeys can’t hold it.

In addition to the four-key generals who came in, it was also the leaders of the monkey group.

After all, monkeys are also divided into categories, gibbons, macaques, hairy macaques, brown apes, and so on.

“During my absence, you have performed well.”

“The Huaguo Mountain Monkey Group, even in this area of ​​thousands of miles, or according to the four continents, is considered a powerful tribe.”

“How can you be unhappy to be praised? Whether it’s the Four Great Generals or other leaders, it’s a break away, not beautiful.”

“Unexpectedly, I have already returned. After that, I will take charge of the monkey group. The matter of cultivation must not fall behind.”

“When I was in the Heaven Court, I knew that this great wilderness was so big that I couldn’t wait for a drop in the ocean. Only with strength can I gain a foothold in this great wilderness!”

I have to say that after staying with Taibai Jinxing for a long time, Sun Wukong’s language skills have soared.

Today, it can be an idiom!

“This has to be commended for the next four masters. I heard that all of you are the four of you, who have obtained the Cultivation Technique, so that our clan’s strength can be Ascension.”

The four masters listened, although he was happy, but also a little apprehensive.

At this point, Sun Wukong cannot let it go.


“You wait until you have something to say.”

One of the four masters passed the gibbons out and said, “My lord, I am waiting for something wrong! This cultivation technique was taught by the heavenly court messenger Taibai Jinxing. I waited to see how high it is, and it is conducive to the development of the monkeys, so I took it. Wang Dawang disposes!”

After speaking, he also handed a simple book to Sun Wukong, which was compared to the Cultivation Technique.

To be honest, Sun Wukong was angry and annoyed at this time, but still a little grateful.

The words of burning the lamp let him know that in this predicament, there is absolutely no gain for nothing.

These things came because of his “man of destiny”.

But he also had to thank, because at this time Taibai Jinxing would not do it. But they are still willing, Sun Wukong took it down.

“Fine! Don’t worry about waiting. I, Sun Wukong, the monkey king, never owes favors.”

Karma here, pay it back later!

The Gibbon Monkey had long felt wrong, otherwise the king would definitely not come back for no reason.

“Majesty, ministers and others have doubts, will the king really not go back in the future?” Sun Wukong smiled a little relieved.

My grandson said.

“Who is the Monkey King?! Come out to this Demon King.” A loud shout rang out, and Sun Wukong’s words were cut off.

“This Huaguo Mountain Realm is really good. Today it belongs to the three of my brothers.” A total of three voices came.

It must be three monsters.

“It’s not just He Fang Xiaoxiao, who took the four of me to clean up.”

The four masters will go out immediately to kill the three monsters.

“Four strong generals, you can stay. With your strength, they are not their opponents. It can be seen that during the time when Sun Wukong was away, the four strong generals did not lessen the visiting monsters.”

But it wasn’t just a coincidence or something. The Three Demon who came this time were extraordinary.

Under Sun Wukong’s investigation, these three demons are all Taiyi Golden Immortal Cultivation Base.

The four masters go out, it’s not enough for them to stuff their teeth! Besides, Sun Wukong is really depressed now, and really needs a few fights!

In the next second, Sun Wukong flew out of the water curtain hole. In an instant, the golden armor, golden crown, and golden boots were already on her body.

The golden cudgel was also held in his hand. The moment the waterfall emerges outside the Shuiliandong, the water is turbulent. The sun spreads on him, that is, at that moment, Sun Wukong can attract everyone’s mind! It can be said to be extraordinary!

“Who is the demon?!”

Condescendingly, Sun Wukong pointed at the three monsters under him with a stick in one hand, his momentum can be described as extreme.

“Huh! Little monkey demon, dare to question us?”

“Are you the Monkey King?”

“It’s okay, I’m afraid it’s not a sissy! But since you ask, then I will tell myself when I wait.”

“I! One wings spread to cover Nine Heavens, Peng Teng for hundreds of millions of miles! Peng Demon King, one of the three giants of the demon world!”

I! Carrying two mountains on one’s shoulders, only palms broken mountains and rivers! The lion camel king, one of the three giants of the monster world

“I! The wind and clouds are rising in waves, covering the sea and the sky. I want to pick up one of the Big Three, the Demon King!”

In fact, Sun Wukong can see the types of the Three Demons at a glance. After all, the Monster Qi distributed can’t deceive people.

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