Chapter 141

Otherwise, I will not help you at will, or pay.

Nezha is an exception, but it is also an example if it weren’t for Sun Wukong’s own strength.

It is estimated that the first time they meet, they will be beaten out of Tianhe by the monkeys and horses.

Seeing that Sun Wukong became a little silent, the burning lamp already knew that it worked.

You should add more fire, presumably you already feel wrong.

“Then let me ask you, do you know what their purpose is? Why do you have to go so far as to make way for you even if it hurts your reputation? They just want you to have it for them.”

“You can continue to plot if you are in control!” Sun Wukong heard this, and the whole monkey head became more red.

If everything is as he thinks, then, for Dragon King and King Qin Guang, and even Taibai Jinxing and Jade Emperor, he is very fond of and thankful.

But if it is like what this bald burning lamp said, then Sun Wukong will definitely not accept his fate!

How could he admit his fate?

Impossible to admit fate!

Within minutes, Sun Wukong’s momentum soared wildly, and the golden cudgel was already in his hand. Even the Heavenly Horse who had been close to him and followed him were all shaken away.

“How can you do this to me?”


It turns out that I was given a destiny right after I was born?

It turns out that so far my whole life has been in the calculations of others?

It turns out that what I do, what I see and feel, are all designed by others?

My grandson refuses to accept

Why? !

fury! Even murderous Hengtong! And the first object is the burning lamp in front of him.

Who told you to tell me? Then you will bear my anger first!

Holding a golden hoop in one hand, one can sweep the vastness.

“Burning lamp, why do I suffer so much!”

At the same time, the Jade Emperor in the Ling Xiao Palace also moved in shape.

He actually knew it when Burning Lantern appeared.

After all, even though they were all the pinnacles of quasi-sages, even as Wu Tianshan’s corpse, the Jade Emperor was better than Ran Deng.

What’s more, Heaven Court is his territory, but he didn’t stop it at first. Because he wanted to tell Sun Wukong about this soon.

Ran Deng said, but it’s better. After all, anyone who is deceived is revealed.

But the first reaction was not thanks, but revenge!

Why are you telling me?

When I’m stupid? Still feel smart?

Is it superior to me?

This is so, but in the current situation, he should also take action!

My old grandson dare not say that he has lofty ambitions and dare to serve the common people in the world.

“But it can be regarded as a free and easy generation! I never thought it was just a chess piece played by someone else! I am not convinced! How can I make you wait for it!”

The golden cock has been hit in front of Burning Yideng. Looking at the monkey head in front of him who doesn’t care.

The most important thing for burning a lamp is to resist. Although with his quasi-sage Cultivation Base, it is not difficult to suppress Sun Wukong.

But this time, the request Zhun made to him was that the possibility of cooperation between Sun Wukong and Heaven Court was broken. And it has to bear the favor of Buddhism.

If it is really suppressed, it may not be in line with the plan! A lotus platform bred out, shining with colorful Buddha light.

This is due to the burning lamp Dharma Cultivation Base. This colorful Buddha light is not a five-color light, but Five Elements transforms.

It is because burning lamps penetrated the “five precepts” of Mahayana Buddhism to abstain from killing, stealing, licentious, lying, and drinking!

Taoist comprehension is different from supernatural powers. The colorful Buddha light formed by the five precepts pays more attention to the defense of the body and the soul.

It can be said that there is nothing intrusive and no breach. Just like a great aspiration, if you can universalize all living beings, it is a great merit!

In this way, the golden cudgel hit the lotus platform, unable to advance even half an inch!

“Huh! A bald donkey is a bald donkey! What else do you do besides wearing a bald head as a tortoise shell?”

I have to say that Sun Wukong’s stimulation really worked.

The most annoying thing about burning lanterns in these tens of thousands of years is that others say that he shrinks his head and tortoises. In those days, the robbery of the Conferred God was freed from war, deserted, and compromised.

The situation is better than people!

But now, he is a quasi-sacred peak, but a little Dayi Golden Immortal still has to say?

How can you bear it?

“Running the Five Precepts!” After thirty thousand years, Ran Deng focused on the “Five Precepts”, and even developed his own magical powers.

It is these three types and five precepts. For the runner, reversible! The second is Purdue, which can pass through the world every second and the third is nonsense. It is an escape move, comparable to Sage’s shots, no one can stop!

It can be said that the burning lamp is still left!

Good coming!

Sun Wukong is not satisfied with the fight!

But after all, considering the existence of Heavenly Horse, the Chaos Demon Ape was not called out. Instead, the golden cudgel is turned into billions of fine needles and attacked.

Even though these billions of fine needles seem to divide the offensive, they are not. I learned this when I competed with Nezha.

After all, Nezha is the reincarnation of Lingzhu, and there is also a Huntian Ling body guard. Most of the Golden Cudgel’s offensives failed to work.

And this has become a golden cudgel of fine needles, it can be said to be broken with points, and it will last forever. Even if it is solid, it can drip through the stone and be pierced by it.

The moves of the two are quite strong! The five ring seals of the runner collided with billions of fine needles, even in this Heaven Court, the law was strong and not easy to break.

He almost broke through the nine-thousand-mile Tianhe. Even if it passes a little bit, it is estimated that the nine thousand miles of Tianhe will flow through the barren land.

The two palm prints came from both sides of the duel between Sun Wukong and Randeng. And the middle of the contest with the move is combined.

With this, all the offensives were extinguished. There is no aftermath!

It seems that he has never appeared before, and his palms are separated.

Both Sun Wukong and Burning Lantern retreated dozens of steps. Ran Lan only felt that there was a net in his chest, and he wanted to vomit out some net blood.

Sun Wukong was taken care of, but nothing happened.

However, the golden cudgel, which had turned into billions of fine needles, was restored, alive and honestly, beside Sun Wukong.

“Lan Lan! Do you have an invitation to come to Heaven Court? Really when I dare not touch you from Mahayana Buddhism?!”

The person who released his palms just now was the Jade Emperor.

“Jade Emperor, if Haotian comes here, I might retire directly, but what is your ability?”

Perhaps it has not been beaten in 30,000 years, the strength Realm Ascension!

Moreover, Mahayana Buddhism is developing well now, and the burning lamp has already expanded at this time! You are so arrogant!

“If you want to, don’t blame me for being here, you have lost hundreds of thousands of years of hard work!”

The Jade Emperor was also unparalleled in front of him. The straightforward burning lamp was speechless.

Because at this moment, I can feel that the entire Heaven Court is like a cage, and it seems to have endless strength.

Not only did he block him, but there was also a force that was countless times stronger than the power of Universe Star to suppress!

Unexpectedly, controlling all the Heaven Court would make Jade Emperor or Wu Tian so powerful!

Burning the lantern warned Sun Wukong, who was still furious, but compared to his being suppressed, otherwise he wouldn’t have moved at all.

What a thick skin the wind is pulling the burning lamp!

If you know that you can’t beat it, you will immediately change your mindset, regardless of whether you are embarrassed or embarrassed.

An instant body disappeared in place.

Of course, he also paid the price. The escape technique is the method of blood circulation, after which it is inevitable to adjust the interest rate for a few days.

“Sun Wukong, you…”

The Jade Emperor turned to look at Sun Wukong, but he was greeted with an expression he had never seen before, as if he was about to eat her.

“Lao Jade Emperor. You don’t need to say you want to kill anymore. But if not, let me go back to Huaguoshan!”

Sun Wukong knew that he was definitely not Jade Emperor’s opponent. People can’t move their town while waving their hands.

However, failing to beat does not mean that we have to compromise!

He, Sun Wukong. Is it a generation at the mercy of others?

The Jade Emperor could see Sun Wukong’s determination.

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