Chapter 140

As soon as this idea came into being, it was severely suppressed by reality.

But no matter how persistent, I’m afraid it won’t last long!

Because of the connection at this time, the situation is really not so good.

It’s not an exaggeration to say it’s faltering. At this time, he was completely unkempt in his clothes.

Where are the clothes a little bit clean!

The Buddha’s light is no longer, it is full of blood.

A bloody man alive!

Not only that, but his Magic power can be said to be almost exhausted. Even the aura of Sage’s merits behind her head is dim.

Without him, all are used to support their own actions.

Otherwise, he will have to faint now!

What about Sage?

Facing the four people of Kong Xuan’s seemingly non-stop offensive, it is the ultimate that he can maintain his current appearance.

After all, it’s not just about never stopping.

Every Sword Ray, every slap, even the quasi saint must die on the spot. Sage couldn’t reach the defense and was seriously injured!

This is an improved version of Zhuxian Sword Formation, coupled with Xiantian Supreme Grade Zhuxian’s Four Swords, it is so terrifying.

“Everyone! Click on the kill to begin!”

Yuan Shi and others are anxious, Kong Xuan is also anxious!

Rao is their Magic power, and it is not easy to support the continuous operation and attack of the Zhuxian Sword Array.

One must be resolved.

And this person is the lead!

His condition is not only known to himself, Kong Xuan and others are also watching him.

Even a little unexpected, after all, it is considered a veteran Sage.

However, just think about it and understand it.

First he was broken and injured.

Later, he was chopped by the Heavenly Sword, bleeding unstoppable.

In addition, the Yuanshi four had the Zhuxian Sword Array to resist, and he and Zhun Ti didn’t have it.

If it were not for luck, no one targeted, the injury is estimated to be more serious than the lead.

Blame it on luck!

it is good!

The other three responded immediately.

“Scattering” is really cool, but business has to be done.

In an instant, only the real body of the Yellow Dragon was still attacking.

And all four of them began to sign the seal.

But even so, Yuan Shi and others have no desire to escape.

Because, just when they want to seize this great opportunity.

The Dao is extremely huge, and the killing intent to oppress the strongest hits immediately.

The point kill is done!

Zhuxian sword formation, the ability to kill, kill!

In the next instant, the world that had been moved to the chaos changed again.

Dao’s line of sight was out of reach, as if a long sword came slamming from ancient times.

This sword is not a phantom, but like a real thing.

Although it is a sword, it does not have two sides, but four sides!

Crossed as a “cross”, each side is one of the four swords of Zhu Xian compared with the other. This sword is simply the King’s Supreme Sutra, not to mention a mortal weapon.

The Qingping sword that connected to the sky was eclipsed in front of it.

It can traverse a long river of time, it can wipe out endless storms, and it can destroy the Star heavens.

And that’s such a sword, and now it’s so straightforward to lead it.

After all, the lead is also a Sage, even if he was seriously injured, he almost collapsed.

But it is still not easy to kill.

It must be hit with one blow, and killed with one blow!

And this point of killing means, that’s it!

Whether it is the past, present, or future, whether it is the destiny of Karma Samsara.

Its function is to eliminate the existence of links!

Yes, it just exists!

If it is really achieved, the entire Honghuang will never attract this person.

Anything related to it will be affected.

Either it will change greatly, or it will be totally different, and it may not even be eliminated!

At the first moment this sword appeared, the lead was already felt.

In addition to infinite murder, and locked by the Qi machine. The most important thing is that even if the sword has not yet arrived, he can already feel the influence on own!

It’s not that another hole is pierced in the body, or an amputated limb and a short arm. But to swallow him up!

Now, his whole person has become much bleak.

Like a phantom!

Like a ghost!

This is still before the giant sword!

And the sword is coming in the next second!


Very silky, without a trace of hindrance!

I didn’t stay for a moment. How could this huge sword be hundreds of feet wide, and it could hit the receiver as much as possible.

Then, as if entering his body, he didn’t come out again.

Time seems to pause at this moment!

However, Yuan Shi and Sage couldn’t move anymore. I could only watch the lead in front of me, disappearing little by little, turning into nothingness.

All consciousness and existence have disappeared. Their Sage is okay, they can have their memories.

But for others, the introduction of Sage has never appeared. In the precipice, everything about him disappeared.


If someone asks, who is the most grateful person on Sun Wukong’s spiritual path. Sun Wukong will definitely say that he is his own Master, Bodhi ancestor!

But to ask who is second?

Sun Wukong will say that he is the man who fate that day

Whether it is in the Dragon Palace or the Jifu, Sun Wukong admits to himself.

It is through the name of the Man of Destiny, or the time when the Man of Destiny is coming, to get the golden cudgel, and then to erase the name from the book of life and death.

But what does this mean now?

Sun Wukong looked at the sound source, a big bald head that shone and had reflection, almost blinded him!

It turned out to be a bald head. Could it be a Buddhist man in Heaven Court?

Sun Wukong knew that there were Buddhist disciples in Heaven Court. But he has never been to the Lingxiao Hall before going to Heaven Court for the first time.

There are not many impressions, his head is too dazzling, and he doesn’t bother to look at it. For the person in front of me, I have no impression.

“Who are you? You know, you have to be responsible for what you say!” Sun Wukong is ready to sacrifice the golden cudgel and perform somersaults at any time.

“Why are you? I am the Buddha of the Mahayana Buddhism. I come here this time to enlighten you!”

Burning lantern folded his hands together and stood on his chest, ducheng in an indescribable tone. However, Sun Wukong does not have a good impression of Buddhism.

In the previous trip to the underworld, he and the Master were invisible, and he suspected that Buddhism was making a ghost.

Why are you telling me to enlighten me? Besides, why should I listen to you? If it weren’t for the fight, it might damage the tens of thousands of Heavenly Horse behind him.

Sun Wukong estimated that he was going to burn the lantern. No matter what he has or not, let’s talk about it after playing

Naturally, we can see the difference afterwards.

Sun Wukong! You are a being born and raised by nature, and it doesn’t matter to you or me.

But my Buddhism is very fancy to you.

This time, I just didn’t want you to be deceived.

“As for whether what I said is true, you actually know it too! If you are not the man of destiny, the Dragon Palace treasure Ruyi Scepter golden hoop, how can you take it at will? Even Dragon King Realm will be willing to defeat you?”

If you are not the man of destiny, how can the Netherworld be polite to you? The book of life and death makes you want to paddle?

“Even King Qin Guang will allow you to leave. If you are not the man of heaven, Heaven Court can forgive you if you lose your troops? He also sent someone from the lower realms to invite you. Even the Jade Emperor will meet you in person?”

When it comes to talking about the Randeng models, to be honest, Sun Wukong is a little convinced.

After all, with the power of the Dragon Palace and the Underworld, you really shouldn’t be so polite to yourself!

During the time at Heaven Court, Sun Wukong also knew that even immortals had an interest relationship.

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