Chapter 139

Hundreds of millions of Sword Qi waved in every second, and the dragon gas rioted along with it. The huge dragon body behind him was not idle for thousands of miles.

Except for two roars, it is the dragon mouth and the dragon claws.

It can be said to be claws to the flesh!

Whether it is Guangchengzi or Xuandu, neither of them can withdraw from this attack range.

With a wave of the dragon’s claw for hundreds of miles, the world is still imprisoned, and the two of them are only allowed to be beaten.

However, they can be described as extremely unbalanced inside, and they won’t be able to fight like this!

Is Magic power endless?

Doesn’t Magic power need money?

Are you tyrannical?

The two are extremely helpless, but the baby is bitter, and the baby dare not say anything. Because it was only a few seconds, the two of them were already somewhat unsupported.

Before playing against Liu Er, and against Kong Xuan.

Rao is that Sage Magic power is almost infinite, but both of them are a little weak now.

Without him, the Yellow Dragon body Realm is too strong!

So far, the damage caused by his dragon’s claws is more than that of the Zhuxian Sword Array.

“It’s not a way for us now. Otherwise, I wait to get together and resist the four of them together. After all, we have six Sages. If we are defeated by each, wouldn’t it be a bad advantage?”

Yuan Shi was “on a busy schedule” and did not forget to upload his voice with Tai.

Without him, even if the two of them can resist now, they will eventually be defeated.

Moreover, the most important thing is with other people. Not to mention Guangchengzi and Xuantu, after all, they are two to one, which is better.

But the lead over there is really choking. The power of Tongtian, Yuanshi and Taishang couldn’t be more clear.

It is very likely that the first person to lose is the lead!

Then, there is a vicious circle.

But in the end, none of the six of them could escape. It is better to gather together and resist together.

Even if one person cannot support it, others can help.


Taishang immediately agreed.

Even after the gathering, he and Yuan Shi will take on more offensives.

But for the sake of life, this is the best decision.

The most important thing, even if the situation is really bad!

At that time, you can also sacrifice others and save yourself!

Thinking of this, Taishang’s expression flashed with a strong and powerful expression.

As a result, the six Sages who had been dispelled were gathered again in the mutual transmission.

Kong Xuan and others expressed no panic about this scene.

Even happy about it.

This comes from the confidence in one’s own strength!

Checkmates have to get together, Kong Xuan and others don’t stop!

Moreover, you must know that Kong Xuan’s Zhuxian sword formation is tyrannical, not only in the composition of the four Xiantian supreme swords.

Another big advantage is that this Zhuxianjian array map is also an enhanced version improved by Zhang Qing.

It is not too much to say that it is the Zhuxian formation.

In this way, it is difficult for Kong Xuan and others to lose!

“Master, what should I wait?”

The Yellow Dragon was playing righteously, but Guang Chengzi and the other two ran away.

Nowadays, there are still too high class people to help, suddenly unhappy.

“No need to worry about it. A fierce attack is enough. When it’s overwhelming, use point kills!”

“Hey, it’s really insidious old fritters!”

Yellow Dragon immediately understood what Kong Xuan meant.

“Big brother really got the master’s true biography. Well, except for being lazy.”

You know, the Zhuxian Sword Array not only has better attacks, but also lights up the defense function.

In addition, there is a magical effect of “spot killing”.

It is possible to gather the power of the four swords, just to punish one person!

Of course, it should not be used arbitrarily. Otherwise, Kong Xuan and others had already started the whole process.

After he is determined, he will naturally not listen. Yellow Dragon’s current Magic power wave is really no money.

Two people are double happiness. Six people are six happiness!

This account, Yellow Dragon can still figure it out. The nine-clawed golden dragon not only did not shrink, but became larger.

From the original giant of a thousand miles, it has expanded twice.

Just a piece of dragon scale on the dragon’s body is already three to five people the size.

When the paw is slapped, the world will shake for it.

Rao Shi Yuanshi and other six people also had to work together to resist.

Kong Xuan can be described as a black line at this time.

“Second Junior Brother! To make you attack fiercely, you have to use a sword and your entire claws! Do you want to fight a mole? Or do you want to slap a bear?

Going down with your paws, how can I use the Zhuxian Sword Formation? Cut your paws and get hooked too. ”

However, Yellow Dragon didn’t care at all. On the other side, Yunshi and Tongtian were also happy.

Double swords on the wall, the leader of the sky. The king of slasher, Yunlei Sage.

Sword Qi, tangible or intangible, almost fills the whole world.

Within a hundred miles, it is estimated that only dust remains.

Even the magma ejected from the ground for a long time was chopped into powder at the moment it was unearthed.

Even amidst countless riots in Sword Qi, this piece of heaven and earth has completely escaped from the wild land. Without him, the barriers of space have long been destroyed, and the power of destruction displayed from time to time has already wiped out everything around him.

If you don’t leave the prehistoric land, it can even cause The Three Realms to be broken and destroyed.

The Six Yuanshi, who was at the center of the attack, were naturally the most uncomfortable.

Taiyi Duster, the Taishang, couldn’t hold it for a long time.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Ruyi Scepter was sent to the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon by Yun Xiao. Then Yuan Shi sacrificed three Promise Orbs, but one was smashed by the Yellow Dragon claws.

One was chopped and cracked by the sky, and the other was brushed away by Kong Xuan.

Only one of the Sambo Jade Ruyi Scepter is still usable by itself, it has become an empty shell!

Other people are not comfortable. The most injured is the lead!

Even worse than the younger generations of Guang Chengzi and Xuan Du!

He was specially taken care of by Tongtian, and at this time, the three treasures had become “three wastes.”

There were no less than ten sword wounds on his body. Had it not been for the Buddhist golden body protection, he would have been unable to hold on.

Because of a single blow, straight into the heart.

The three people on the side are naturally not much better. If it weren’t for the number of people to dominate, there would be Zhu Xianjian array to resist.

I’m afraid that these six Sages can’t stand it a long time ago. In the dark, several people had an ominous premonition.

However, I still can’t take care of the others. Can’t beat, carry, or escape.

They can do nothing but resist desperately and win a ray of life!

The world has fate, and so does Sage.

I don’t know if it was a moment, or a long time. At least for Yuanshi Six, every second is extremely long

The countless Sword Rays that have never stopped, plus the sky-reaching dragon claws that bombard from time to time.

Originally there were some people who had hoped for it.

At this time, he looked like he was about to die, his eyes were gray and there was no light.

“Brother, I think it’s not good for me to wait until this time. If I don’t break out together?”

What a chance? Yuan Shi was too alert, and did not answer.

What’s wrong?

What do you mean?

If you say you gather, you must gather, and you must run if you want to run. And I really thought I didn’t have this idea?

Every time before he flew up, he was photographed by Dragon Claw.

If I hadn’t had a Tai Chi picture, my body would have long since been unable to bear it.

Yuan Shi also felt that he was talking nonsense.

Including him, which of the six people present has not tried to escape?

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