Chapter 131

Three thousand avenues, unbreakable!

This is the power of the Xiantian Five Lotus and Five Square Banners.

Known as the mighty power of the world’s first defensive formation!

This is? Xiantian five lotus and five square banners? !

It is impossible for Yuanshi to feel the movement made by Liuer and others. Without knowing it, all were taken aback.

Although, this Xiantian five lotus and five square flag formation has never appeared in the prehistoric state.

But there is self-sensitivity in the dark. It should be the first defensive battlefield in the wild.

All creatures should know their names! Unexpectedly, the generation teacher has such a background!

Guang Chengzi couldn’t help but express his sigh.

He knows that substitute education is undoubtedly the richest among all the predecessors. With Zhang Qing alone, Magic Treasures can be worthy of the other saints.

But never thought it was so rich! Actually collected Xiantian Wulian and Wufangqi all together.

You know, these ten Magic Treasures. A single carry out can be Xiantian’s best spirit treasure.

It is enough to be the treasure of the sect of the town. Didn’t you see Buddhism still holding a Nine-Rank Merit Golden Lotus as the most precious treasure?


so what?

“With the quasi-sage Cultivation Base of these few people, can they withstand the immortal sword formation set up by the Four Saints?”

Yuan Shi could see that Guang Chengzi could not increase his popularity and destroy his prestige.

However, what he said is also bottomless.

After all, the power of the Zhuxian Sword Array could indeed be regarded as one of the top three in the wild.

But it can’t be said to be the first.

Neither the Twelve Capital Celestial God Array nor the Universe Star Dou Array are vegetarians!

You know, Zhu Xian Jian Zhen has a clear explanation.

If Sage holds it, the four sages must join forces and cannot be broken.

That is, there are few prehistoric sages, so it is not easy to gather together.

If the quasi-sage holds, four quasi-sages will be broken, just equivalent to four times the combat power of Ascension.

Of course, now that Taishang, Yuanshi and others each hold a sword, it is a different matter.

However, there is no doubt that. Xiantian Wulian Wufangqi Grand Formation is definitely the No. 1 defensive battlefield.

Don’t say more, I can’t wait any longer.

Too urged immediately.

The four could not help speeding up.

Only when they are lost in an instant, can they be resolved before the arrival of the Three Sages.

Otherwise, wait for the arrival of the Three Saints!

Liu’er and others were supplemented by the Xiantian Wulian and Five Square Banners, and the purpose of the few people could only be stranded.

When they arrived at the boundary tens of thousands of miles away from Liuer and them.

The body of Rao Yi Yuanshi and the others in Sage also felt great oppression.

It didn’t come from the Chaos Qinglian and Qiankun Wuji Banner in the big formation, but from the whole world.

The great array is alive, and it should be the creation of Chaos Qinglian.

Therefore, the whole world can also be used for it.

This is the foundation of Liu Er and others who can use this formation to fight Yuan Shi and them.

“Take the sword! Array!”

Yuan Shi immediately said to the other four people.

Don’t allow him.

The sword of Zhu Xian, the sword of slaughter, the sword of sinking immortal, and the sword of absolute immortal were sacrificed separately, and each of them held a sword.

Divide into four directions and urge it out immediately.

Suddenly, as if the world was torn apart by people!

Sword Qi fell from the sky.

Then it turned into the Quartet and merged into this sword formation. It can be said that the world collapses, and the lives are destroyed.

There is no aftermath, nothing to suffer.

Cut everything in sight!

Everything that exists around you will be destroyed!

The genuine Zhuxian Sword Formation is indeed different from what Liu Er urged!

Although the amount of six ears is large enough, there are hundreds of millions.

However, after all, this qualitative change is not worth it!

As soon as this Zhu Xianzhen formation appeared, let alone Liu Er and others who were thousands of miles away, but all the creatures living in the predicament had some heart palpitations.

It is different from the Xiantian Wulian Wufangqi Grand Formation. The Zhuxian Sword Formation can be described as transforming all defenses into fierce offensives.

Kill decisively, and those who touch it will die!

Either one person holds it, others will be unbreakable!

Because the best defense is offense. If this is fierce, you can’t deal with an attack that can involve life, so what else to talk about breaking the formation?

“Brother, as I am waiting, how can I resist the people who are on behalf of teachers while waiting for me to wait?”

I have to say that the 10% of this Zhuxian Sword Formation has increased Yuan Shi’s confidence.

Without him, Gai is this powerful!


Not much to say, Taishang flew straight away.

It is not an ordinary trick.

In the Zhuxian Sword Formation, these Four Sages already represent not themselves, but the Four Swords of Zhuxian transforming themselves into swords, killing people with their swords!

The enemy is immortal, punish it!

The enemy is a demon, kill it!

The enemy is a demon, trap it!

The enemy is human, absolutely!

Whenever it is a prehistoric creature, when there is malice. !

kill! kill! kill

All will be dead souls under the sword, and all will be smashed on the spot!


Liu’er and the others also felt the powerful oppression brought by this Zhuxian Sword Array, absolutely powerful.

Of course, in the hearts of these six people.

Still no one has the slightest wave of thoughts.

As if the entire prehistoric land was affected and shocked by these two great formations!

I am probably afraid that the collision of these two formations will ruin myself.

So between the two, a light tens of thousands of miles long suddenly appeared.

The deep is a never-ending abyss.

The sky thunders four times, and the flood breaks out. Although it is tens of thousands of miles away from Yujing Mountain, it is still affected.

It is totally a doomsday scene. Among them are Yang Jian, Nezha and others.

They all rely on the protection of the mountain protection formation.

Everyone knows it well.

The war is about to start!

war! war! war!

Regardless of the change of the sun and the moon, no matter how the world changes!

I wait and stay still, only to fight against the enemy!

“You wait for Xiaoxiao and die!”

Slaughtering the middle-aged people I teach will naturally let your souls disappear.

Yuanshi contracted the first blow of the Zhuxian Sword Array!

It didn’t take a moment for Zhu Xianjian to shoot through the abyss.

Stabbed straight to Xiantian’s five-fifth continuous formation!


There is no expected sound of piercing, but more like a movement caused by a blast of energy.

After this strike, everyone except for the two major formations. Everything else suddenly turned into powder.

A white lotus floats above thousands of creatures, and a Promise banner governs all laws of the prehistoric world.

Still holy, still noble. Still tyrannical, still invincible

Regardless of how this blow hits others.

But both of them, catch it!

On the other side, as the offensive side, it is still strong!

Four swords are suspended in the void.

Beyond the past and the future, all enemies can be cut by 130!

Endless space has long been split.

Chaos and turbulence, the endless Geng Feng followed one after another.

However, this sword formation did not have the slightest fear.

Only the aftermath will wipe out the “coming enemy” that was poured from the chaos into the wild.

Come again!

I wait for the four to attack together!

Yuan Shi did not want to wait, Yuan Shi wanted to kill

In Sage’s eyes, everything is ants.

But now these ants are going to commit the following? !


After receiving his orders, Rao Taishang followed suit.

The four swords lined up instantly.

Deterrence is better than ever.

Every sword exudes the power of the God Slaughter and the Prison Demon.

The thunder played on it, and Five Elements collapsed.

Even the rhyme of Dao Dao Dao Yun is dissipated because of its destructive power.

The sword is an out-of-sheath sword, how can you not drink blood?

Yuan Shi, who was influenced by Devil Dao Cultivation Technique, was reluctant to try more even if it was a single blow.

With another blow, I’ll wait for you to die


The sound of breaking through the air was heard, and the four swords immediately pierced the big formation.

Although it was at the beginning to go hand in hand, but in the next second these four swords have changed directions.

Cut through the space and shoot straight into the four directions of the Xiantian Wulian Wufangqi formation!

Then, strike out with boundless power!

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