Chapter 132


The Quartet is enemies, and they are all extremely tyrannical.

Rao is this Chaos Qinglian and Qiankun Promise Banner, no matter how strong they are, they can’t resist them all.

The back where Nuwa and Shi Ji were, was a little shaky.

As a result, the Chaos Qinglian tens of thousands of feet above his head had some cracks.

Realm is still a bit worse.

But how can such a movement escape Liu Er’s eyes?

“Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, come out!” Although the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is no better than Chaos Qinglian, it is after all the first defensive treasure. Once it appeared, Qinglian, which had some cracks, was quickly made up.

What’s more, the defense of the big formation itself was immediately better.

How come? ! It was Guang Chengzi who attacked Nuwa.

Ben is still a little bit happy, but his expression hasn’t even developed yet, and it freezes instantly.

It’s true that you don’t have to play like this! Do you teach Magic Treasures without money?

This offensive was also successfully resisted!

When the second wave of offensive of the Four Saints ended, Liu Er actually did something again.

Coming and not going to be indecent!

Although Xiantian Wulian Wufangqi is the No. 1 defensive battlefield.

But it does not mean that there is no means of attack.

Five Elements flag, Wuliantai. Which one is not the master of both offense and defense?

Especially the southern flame light banner and the ten second rank black lotus, their attacking ability, among the many attacking Magic Treasures, is also the top!


Call the green lotus to bloom completely, call the banner to dance the universe!

There is a saying: When the chaotic green lotus is harvested, all things are hidden in the bud; the chaotic green lotus is released, and the world is beyond recognition!

And here is even more important to know!

The Qinglian Parcel Center is the Qiankun Promise Banner! Originally blooming, majestic and majestic, mighty the entire prehistoric.

All things have nothing to resist, plus the things that are released, it is the Qiankun Wuji Banner, and the three thousand avenues are all in chaos.

Entanglement, distortion, explosion!

Qiankun Wuji Banner is like tinkering in the calm water of the pool!

Originally clear, but now it’s muddy!

At the cusp of the storm are the four Yuanshis.

If they can’t resist, it’s like falling into three thousand weak waters.

It can only flow with the river, and then fall into endless sinking!

However, Sage is Sage after all.

They are all people who are immortal and are free from the long river of time. Even the collapse of Three Thousand Avenue has shattered the entire wilderness.

Sage, still won’t die!

Being unscathed is indeed an exaggeration, but death is really not!

No, Xuan Du didn’t react in time, or coincidentally, he was in the original direction where the Qiankun Wuji Banner stirred up.

It is the most powerful place. If it weren’t for Sage’s golden body, it would have reached the immortal state.

It should also be a timely response to help him defend. Otherwise, it is just a blow, and it will be the end of the soul.

What’s more, Samsara couldn’t enter. Because Samsara’s way is also in disorder at this time.

Can’t enter Samsara, how about reincarnation? It’s terrifying, but it’s terrifying.

However, Yuan Shi will not give up!

On his side, there is a back hand!

And let you be mad!

“When all the results are reached, you will know that I will be the final winner!”

His face is already full of hideousness.

Now telling everyone that he is bloody and crazy now!

Everything has to be considered for the next step. This is what Yuanshi has realized after being suppressed by Zhang Qing for a long time.

Moreover, Yuan Shi couldn’t care so much about the current situation.

“Brother, the usual attack methods will probably not work. But the teacher Xiao Xiao is a quasi-sage Cultivation Base. If I wait to increase the number of attacks, they will not be able to support it for long.”

“Be fast! Get rid of them before Sage arrives!”

Tai Shang nodded, still agreeing with Yuan Shi’s statement.

Chaos Qinglian’s attribute can be said to be inclusive of all things. Containing the Tao of Tai Chi, it can be said to be a strong defense formation.

But with Liu Er and others, even far beyond the ordinary quasi-sages.

But in the face of high-frequency offenses, it can’t be sustained for long. Seeing his reaction, Yuan Shi cried out to be cool.

I’m afraid that this old man doesn’t need to do his best!

And he, it is time to take out his back hand!

“Six soul flags, burst!”

“Yes, this backhand is the Six Soul Banner.”

Although it was taken away by Liu Er, the real master is still Yuanshi Tianzun.

The role of the six soul flags is to lock the soul.

But this lock soul is not only as simple as restricting strength.

It also has another method of use, which can only be used once, which is self-destruction. The six soul flags consist of six-sided flags.

Although it is related, it is not implicated.

Therefore, even if the self-destructive side has an impact on the other five sides, it is minimal.

This is why Yuan Shi dare to do this.

Otherwise, instead of exploding now, it is better to wait for the Three Sages to come.

This can be much greater than the effect currently used.

And after the explosion, the locked Hun and Po and Shika will also be further damaged.

It can be said that there is still 30% of the power originally, and after the self-destruction, it is a success.

The most important point. It was this self-explosive six soul flag, which was a sudden situation that could not be prevented.

Sage might have gotten a hit, let alone Liu Er and the others!


Shi Ji and the others also noticed something was wrong and wanted to help, but at this time they were already lacking in skills.

Even though they are already very strenuous.

You know, Liu Er three talents are the strongest among them.

But it is still at the quasi-sage level.

Sage is Sage after all, even if it is four quasi-sage peaks, one quasi-sage early stage, and a big Luo Jinxian peak, to resist together.

It’s still a little worse. The previous offense can be blocked.

It’s even slightly better. In addition to the great five-sided formation, the four Yuanshis were also unfamiliar with formation.

But with this matter, the Four Saints also changed their strategies. This Xiantian five lotus and five square banners is already in a shaky state.

“Everyone, come on!”

Yuan Shi gave a grin, and then Sword Qi flew horizontally, and a devastating offensive erupted.

It seems that the death date of Liu Er and others has arrived.

But even so, the Wulian Wufangqi is like duckweed that will not fall in the squally rain.

Although it has been up and down several times, it is even going to be fallen and destroyed for a while.

But still not overwhelmed by it!

Work harder!

“Come again!”

Zhu Xian Sword Array was already pressing Liu Er and everyone at this time.

The large sword formation on the side opened, and it had completely wrapped Liu Er and them.

Just like cannibalization, a little bit of persecution.

The same is true of the Wulian Five Phalanx, with a little backlash.

Where is the original holiness and vastness.

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