Chapter 130

But the strength of Realm still has not recovered. Don’t talk about him, they don’t even have Liu Er. Restrictions under Yuanshi Tianzun were indeed quite strong.

There is also Devil Dao’s technique in it, Liu Er and they can’t crack it. Forget it, what if you don’t call Big Sister to crack it?

As soon as Bi Xiao made the proposal, he was stopped by Qiong Xiao!

“Big Sister has already been punished by the master in private.”

After all, it triggered Heavenly Dao’s engagement and disrupted the two-player game.

Qiong Shi only knows about Zhang Qing and Heavenly Dao.

But still unwilling to destroy.

“What? I was knocked on the door, and the Big Sister has to be locked up.”

“Smelly Master, Bad Master!”

As soon as Bi Xiao said this, Liu Er and Qiong Xiao heard a black line on their faces.

It is estimated that she is the only one who dares to say that to Zhang Qing.

But in the next second, the expression of Liu Ears froze instantly.

And, a little more solemn.

The two elder sisters, the four Sages, the teacher and the educator, moved!

Although Liu Er is a quasi saint, his strength is extraordinary.

Moreover, he was good at listening to sounds and was able to detect reason, and he had already noticed it when Yuan Shi and others set off.


There is no accident, and it is reasonable. Guo Qiong Xiao’s face also became solemn.

After the notification, call Cangjie, Nuwa, um, call Shiji too.


When the doorman left, Liu Er turned to Qiong Xiao and said, “Two senior sisters, I’ll let them know the respected Master by now. They will definitely know about this matter.”

“I’ll do what we should do when I wait.” Those who will commit crimes in the future will all be blocked by the gate! Liu Er is the Head Teacher, which is more thoughtful and more responsible than Qiong Xiao.

Sage’s move was not a trivial matter, but he didn’t choose to ask for help right away.

There is so much he can do!

“Uncle Master, you call me to wait, do you have something to say?”

Nuwa and Bi are not too similar in character, they are just curious babies.

“The four Sages of the human education and the interpretation education have come out. I am waiting to defend the enemy beyond the gate. You are waiting to come with me.”

After speaking, Liu Er did not wait for a response.

He took the lead and flew out of Yujing Mountain. The next few people naturally followed.

However, no one else has arrived. For example, Yang Jian and Nezha are strong.

But the battle after that is not yet something they can participate in. This is also the reason why Liu Er wants to form an array outside the mountain gate.

Although more than 10,000 enemies had attacked before, it was plain. He didn’t take it to heart, nor did he teach others.

But if Sage strikes, even if they are so powerful, they have to deal with it carefully.

If fighting in Yujing Mountain, the aftermath alone can add a lot of unnecessary casualties.

Just this location. There are tens of thousands of miles away from Yujing Mountain.

Although it’s not far away, it’s more fierce than fighting.

With the defense of the mountain guard, everyone in Yujingshan will not be affected.

“Senior Sister Qiongshi, you are in charge of the central government, and you are in the middle of the ten second rank industry fire red lotus!

“Sister Bixiao, you are in charge of the Eastern Qinglian treasure color banner, and stepping on the ten second rank good fortune Qinglian is on the right to provide support!”

“Cangjie, you are in charge of the western plain cloud border flag, and the ten second rank Samsara white lotus is on the left, guarding Nuwa and Shiji. You and others are holding the southern off-ground flame light flag, and the ten second rank black lotus is located From the rear, waiting for an opportunity to counterattack! I immediately took control of the northern Xuanyuan water control flag, and stepped on the ten second rank meritorious golden lotus in front of me, and confronted me head-on!”

Guan Qiongxiao seemed to have objections, but Liu Er said first.

“Don’t worry, I still have the Houtian Merit Supreme Treasure Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda Guardian, there will be nothing wrong.”

Qiong Xiao stopped now.

After all, in comparison, Xu Yixinghuangqi should pay more attention to defense.

It is also the core of Wufangqi.

It should take the most damage.

But since Liu Er has arranged it, it can only agree with it.

There are two points worth mentioning here.

One is the source of the Xiantian Five Square Banner and Xiantian Five Lotus Terraces.

Except for those originally held, the rest are temporarily borrowed for use.

For example, the plain-colored Yunjie flag in the west was borrowed from Yaochi.

Ten second rank Karma Fire Red Lotus was originally held by Kong Xuan.

The central government has a yellow flag, which is naturally in the hands of Yun.

But like other lotus stands and five flags, these are now held by those present.

It’s all because after Yun Xiao ordered Heavenly Dao to give permission for a fight.

Although he was not punished by Heavenly Dao.

But he went down the mountain privately, violating Zhang Qing’s confinement requirements.

Zhang Qing didn’t say anything, but Yun didn’t want to upset Master.

Had to return to Taixutian to continue confinement.

However, the competition between interpretation, Buddhism and generational education.

Sage is bound to shoot.

At that time, if there is no means to resist, can it be okay?

So before returning to Tai Xutian, Yun Lei ran for Liu Er and the others.

Gathered Xiantian five lotus and five square flags.

Fortunately, these five lotus and five square flags are in their own hands, and it didn’t take much effort.

As for the second point, it is why Nuwa and Shi Ji both hold the southern off-ground flame flag.

And ten second rank black lotus.

This is a six-ear own arrangement.

After all, in the final analysis, Nuwa’s strength Realm still has a lot of gaps between Da Luo Jinxian and Quasi Saint.

The strength of Shiji is obvious to all. From the perspective of safety, it can only be so.

“Okay, then I will categorize them separately, and then we can run the big formation!” The few people immediately dispersed.

After the three breaths, when it is in place.

Xiantian Wulian and Five Square Banners, start!

This time there is great movement.

Although it was only six people doing it, it was even worse than the movement of the Ten Thousand Immortals and Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation.

Just like a white lotus purifying the world.

A thirtieth sixth rank Lotus flower that is holy to the utmost blooms.

It is as big as hundreds of miles.

The rich Dao Dao rhyme can be said to involve all three thousand Dao Dao.

Note that these thirty sixth rank Lotus flowers are not good fortune green lotus!

It is Chaos Qinglian.

It can also be called Chuangshi Qinglian.

Speaking of rank alone, it is the treasure of chaos. Chaos Qinglian had long been shattered when the sky opened.

But today, it can actually reproduce its power.

Although only its soul is not visible, it is enough to make people stunned!

You know, this is not the end. After this incomparably holy chaotic Qinglian. Suddenly the world rioted again.

Rao Shi’s entire predicament began to disorder in Five Elements, and the aura of Xuanhuang traversed.

If Chaos Qinglian came out, it would calm all the restlessness in the world.

Everything is condensed, so pure and incomparable.

Then, the thing that is about to be summoned is to make this prehistoric city become mixed.

Become throbbing, become violent!

I saw, suddenly. A flag has grown in the center of this lotus flower.

A colorful and gorgeous flag, which is incomplete when viewed from a distance, and whose shape is indistinct when viewed from a close distance, the Five World Universe Promise Flag

This space was detonated in an instant!

The two breaths go hand in hand, without distinction.

One flower is pure and refined, and one side is at most extensive. However, they seem to be their own.

Don’t fight or make trouble, increase each other’s strengths and complement each other’s weaknesses! 30 The sixth rank Chaos Qinglian has only soul and shapelessness, but it is supplemented by the Five Universe Promise Banner.

Extremely tough and unparalleled in defense!

Wufang Qiankun Wuji Banner can call the laws of the world, but it cannot be controlled. However, they are all controlled by the thirty sixth rank Chaos Qinglian, and the arrangement is clear.

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