Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 119 The situation of the land veins in the north and south

Tian Yuan stood on Buzhou Mountain, looking north.

There was black smoke and evil spirits everywhere, and no trace of earth veins could be seen.

"The current strength is okay, maybe we can explore the situation of the northern earth veins." Tian Yuan whispered softly, looking at the Qiong next to him.

After meeting Gong Gong, Calabash Brothers went to practice, but he was not in a hurry.

In the eastern land, there are only three main veins left to work on, and the next step must be to comb the earth veins on the other three sides of the prehistoric world.

Although there are flames in the south, at least the shadow of a main vein can be vaguely seen, but the west and north are in trouble.

The earth veins are all shattered, and there is no sense at all. The combing work in the future will definitely be troublesome.

When he communicated with this world, he wanted to go to a few places to take a look, but his realm was too low.

Later, he was busy with the affairs of the two tribes of witches and liches, so he fell behind.

Now that his Taoism is not weak, it is time to put the combing of the other three earth veins on the agenda.

Patting the Qiong beside him, Tian Yuan jumped and fell towards the north.

Compared to the whistling and raging free will in the sky of the eastern land, the north of Buzhou Mountain is obviously much quieter.

There is endless desolation, and the ground is scorched underfoot. The thick evil spirit rises and covers the entire north.

Tianyuan just appeared, and the evil spirits rushed towards him quickly as if they had life.

A layer of faint white light rose, and all the evil spirits were blocked outside.

With his current realm, he is naturally not afraid of these evil spirits, but he doesn't know much about the north, so Tianyuan doesn't dare to be careless.

The Qi walking on the side didn't care about the changes around him. Not only did he ignore the evil spirits that flowed into his body, but he opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

The evil spirits carried by the black smoke rushed in and were all swallowed in one gulp. The other party also burped comfortably, without any abnormality.

Glancing at the Qi leisurely following the side, Tianyuan was happy again. This guy is really good.

A man and a beast walked in the thick black smoke, and Tianyuan did not feel any fluctuations in the earth veins.

"It seems that the earth veins of the northern land have been completely destroyed!" Looking around, Tianyuan looked a little depressed.

The three thousand Chaos Demons were unwilling to be killed by Pangu, and the beasts that were full of resentment and regret had only one goal, which was to destroy the prehistoric world opened up by Pangu.

Most of the beasts were born in the north, and the north was no longer enough to be described as a mess.

The earth veins collapsed, and the spiritual veins were exhausted in the long run, which created the desolation of the north.

Even the desolate western world due to Luohou's self-explosion looked more lively than the north.

The earth veins were completely destroyed, and it was no longer a simple dredging and purification.

A large black shadow appeared in the distance, and Tianyuan slightly accelerated his speed.

When he got closer, Tianyuan frowned.

A skeleton, a huge skeleton, collapsed in the scorched earth.

Tian Yuan walked forward, touched it lightly with his right hand, and it turned into ashes in an instant, disappearing in the air.

There were actually corpses of ferocious beasts here, Tian Yuan frowned and strode forward.

As he went deeper, more and more corpses appeared, and a weak wind swept through, turning them into powder.

"Did you find anything unusual?" Tian Yuan looked at the Qiong beside him.

Bu Zhou Mountain's will gradually revived. Although he was not as strong as before, he mainly covered the eastern land.

There was no trace of the ground veins around, and there was endless evil spirits everywhere. It was obvious that Qiong was more suitable for this place than him.

Qiong, who looked around blankly, lowered his head and shook his head slightly.

Tian Yuan did not speak again, but sped up. After half a day, he stopped, with doubts in his eyes.

Coming from the bottom of Bu Zhou Mountain, the evil spirits were rolling around, but as he went deeper, the evil spirits around did not change.

The concentration of evil spirits here is the same as the little bit of evil spirits coming out from the bottom of Bu Zhou Mountain.

The many veins in the east, whether main veins or branches, the farther away from Buzhou Mountain, the more serious the blockage. Now the north is very different.

Tianyuan felt that the evil spirit seemed to be evenly distributed throughout the northern land, a little too neat.

Glancing at the distance, Tianyuan looked down at his feet.

After a little thought, he fled underground, but he didn't know that there was a flashing array pattern under his feet, blocking his way.

Array? ? ?

Tianyuan's eyes narrowed, with astonishment in his eyes.

He mastered many laws, but he didn't study the way of array.

But how could an array appear inexplicably in the north of the Buzhou Mountain consciousness space.

Tianyuan, who was shocked in his heart, punched the ground with his backhand.

In the rumbling sound, the ground under him shook slightly, and immediately there were dense array patterns rising, and there was no end in sight.

"This" Tianyuan stood in place, with a look of shock on his face.

Without any hesitation, he struck with all his strength this time, and the formation patterns were everywhere he could see with his naked eyes.

The entire northern land was actually covered by the formation.

Tianyuan took a deep breath and slowly calmed down. Although he had not studied the formation, he was still a Hunyuan Jinxian.

After a long time, Tianyuan opened his eyes faintly, looked up at the sky, and then jumped up.

As the evil spirit rose, Tianyuan sank into the air. After reaching a certain height, the formation pattern flashed, and all the evil spirits disappeared.

A terrifying formation locked all the evil spirits in the northern land.

These evil spirits rose from the ground, and when they surged into the air, they returned to the ground. Such a cycle is also an important reason why the evil spirits in the northern land are so balanced.

"Is it the shackles of heaven and earth or man-made?" Tianyuan looked down at the entire north with a puzzled look on his face.

The evil spirit is of great benefit to the witch clan, but it is of no benefit to other creatures in the prehistoric world.

It will disturb people's minds, corrode spiritual roots, and erode spiritual veins, which will be harmful to the entire world.

Tianyuan, who was standing in the air, didn't know either, but if he wanted to restore the northern land veins, the first task was to remove these evil spirits.

Now that all the evil spirits were trapped by the formation, it would be convenient for future actions.

The northern land veins still had to rely on the Wu clan.

After looking around and finding no other abnormalities, Tianyuan led the Qi to the south.

Just as they fell into the south, a rolling heat wave hit, and even Tianyuan felt a little hot.

The earth was red, with terrifying cracks everywhere, magma flowing in the middle, and flames emerging.

"It seems that the south has to rely on Dijun, Taiyi and other three-legged golden crows." Feeling the scorching heat around him, Tianyuan had already made some calculations in his mind.

Glancing at the only main vein visible in the distance, Tianyuan strode away.

Just after walking a few steps, he clearly felt the temperature rise sharply.

In the crisscrossing cracks, fireworks with faint light were spewing out under the sound of wheezing, accompanied by wisps of thunder.

The Jiao who was following beside him was panting heavily, with a look of disgust on his face.

"Flames are fine, but how can there be thunder?" Glancing at the lightning around him, Tianyuan frowned.

A long time ago, he found thunder flashing in the southern land, but now he still doesn't understand.

It's understandable that the fireworks came from the immortal volcano, but the thunder was a bit strange.

And those thunders looked very powerful, and ordinary golden immortal creatures might find it difficult to resist.

Although the spiritual veins in the southern land are visible, the work of combing the land veins is probably no more difficult than in the north.

Not long after, Tianyuan came to the only visible main vein.

It looked like a huge crack, and the outline of the main vein was vaguely visible, with burning flames in it.

Under the land vein and on both sides, there were many pits of different sizes, all spewing fireworks.

If Tian Yuan's identity was not simple, he would not have known that this was a main vein.

Just as he stepped into it, he heard a whirring sound in his ears, and the flames burning around him roared and surged.

Before Tian Yuan could be surprised, a fire snake whizzed out of a pit not far away.

It was ten feet thick, with a faint light in its eyes, and it had the cultivation of a golden immortal, and rushed straight to Tian Yuan.

The j next to him opened his mouth and sucked, and the fire snake was swallowed by it.

Tian Yuan, who was walking in the middle, looked a little solemn.

Not only was the land vein in the south seriously damaged, but the key was that it also bred fire elves, and that creature did not look normal.

Feeling the many movements coming from the pits around, Tian Yuan sped up and fled.

The temperature was getting higher and higher, and from time to time, figures jumped out of the pits and cracks around, but Tian Yuan ignored them.

Estimating the distance, Tian Yuan did not see any branches on both sides of the main vein, only countless cracks.

Other flames began to burn in the quietly flowing magma, which looked not simple.

Only the main vein maintained a weak appearance, and there was no trace of the branch veins at all, all of which were eroded by the flames.

A man and a beast quickly escaped through the earth veins, and Tianyuan saw a huge mountain from afar.

The immortal volcano in the south, the habitat of the Phoenix tribe in the past.

Kunlun Mountain and Shouyang Mountain have never appeared in this space, and the immortal volcano actually sits on the earth veins.

The huge mountain was burning with black flames, looking like a black mountain. From time to time, silver thunder flashed, and there were also pits all over.

The flames and thunder, even Tianyuan felt a little threatened.

As if sensing the appearance of Tianyuan, swish, swish, there were huge fire snakes protruding from the many pits on the mountain.

And there were hissing sounds coming from the earth veins and on both sides, all of which were fire snakes.

At a glance, the sight was full of swimming figures, and many of them were flashing with thunder.

"This number!" Tian Yuan looked a little solemn as he looked at the many fire snakes of the Golden Immortals.

For the dredging of the southern earth veins, these derived creatures are the first task to be cleared.

After taking a closer look, Tian Yuan did not stay and turned to escape towards Mount Buzhou.

On the way here, he casually smashed a lot of fire snakes, but the scattered bodies could be restored in an instant.

Unless they are completely wiped out, it will be useless.

This time, the main purpose is to explore the simple situation of the land in the north and south, and now I have a bottom line in my heart.

Countless fire snakes rushed out and filled the earth veins that looked a little broken.

Just as Tian Yuan was wondering whether these creatures were going to chase to Mount Buzhou, a faint cry sounded behind him.

The crazy fire snakes all paused, and then scattered one by one.

Except for the fire snakes that came out at the side after hearing the sound, there was no longer chasing Tian Yuan.

With the speed of the Golden Immortal of the Primordial Chaos, it didn't take long for him to return to Mount Buzhou easily.

Looking at the southern land from afar, a towering mountain can be vaguely seen in the blazing fire.

Tian Yuan also heard the sound, and it was obvious that there was something strange about the Undead Volcano.

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