Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 120: The first main artery is cleared

Returning to Tianyuan on Mount Buzhou, he began to practice the law.

And the prehistoric land, whether it was the Wu tribe or the demon court, was also quiet.

Because the Zixiao Palace's sermon was over, all the innate sacred beings and ordinary creatures were working hard to practice.

But as time passed, many creatures felt a little depressed, and inexplicably irritable in their hearts.

Hundreds of thousands of years passed in a flash.

In the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou, the main vein in the middle was very lively.

Houtu looked at the end visible to the naked eye, with a deep joy in her eyes.

After hundreds of thousands of years of purification day and night, the main vein in the middle was finally going to be completely unblocked.

There are only three main veins in the entire Eastern land. If one can be unblocked, it will be a great joy for Tianyuan and the prehistoric world.

Houtu looked around, and a rolling voice came out: "Speed ​​up, this main vein must be completely unblocked within a thousand years."

Although the end can be seen at a glance, Houtu is very clear about the difficulty of unblocking the earth veins, especially this last section.

Many witches around responded loudly. Although they were angry about Tianyuan's behavior earlier, under the leadership of Hou Tu over the years, that resistance had long faded.

Even Gonggong in the distance looked forward with expectation.

He broke into the Hunyuan Jinxian, and he also benefited a lot from the hundreds of thousands of years of dredging work.

"I wonder what will be gained after this main vein is completely dredged." Kuafu looked into the distance with fire in his eyes.

The great witches such as Houyi and Xingtian beside him also looked expectant.

A long time ago, they entered the peak of Daluo Jinxian, but they have been stuck in this realm.

Previously, they knew from many tribesmen that the dredging of the entire earth vein would eventually bring great fortune.

And the thorough purification of the main vein in front of them must be the same.

Maybe after the main vein is dredged, they can all enter the Hunyuan Jinxian.

Hunyuan Jinxian, then they will catch up with the pace of the ancestor witch.

The great witches were like this, and the rest of the ordinary witches were even more so. Everyone tried their best to dredge the earth veins.

As time passed, they were getting closer and closer to the end of the main vein.

Finally, after nine hundred years, only a few strange stones were left blocking the end of the entire main vein.

Hou Tu, who had cleared the miscellaneous stones in front of him, jumped out first, and Gong Gong and Kua Fu, who had gradually pulled themselves out, also rushed forward.

Ordinary witches were replaced one by one, and in the sound of booming, only the largest strange stone was left, surrounded by the ancestor witch and the great witch.

The attack of the Hunyuan Jinxian only made the stone shake slightly, splashing a bunch of broken stones.

Hou Tu, Gong Gong and others were anxious, and the many witches around them were also excited.

In the dull sound, accompanied by a thunderous roar, the last strange stone in the main vein exploded.

Seeing the many small pieces of rubble scattered around, Hou Yi and others took action and crushed them all in the air.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, the last piece of rubble was annihilated on the spot.

Staring closely at the many witches around him, he felt the main vein under his body tremble violently, and immediately there was a sound of waves from the direction of Buzhou Mountain.

At the same time, the Buzhou Mountain in the distant sky hummed, and a majestic and vast momentum swayed out.

Through the flowing golden innate spiritual energy, everyone saw the Xuanhuang Qi on the sacred mountain bursting, and a visible yellow ripple swayed towards the entire eastern land.

Countless piercing screams echoed in the sky, and then stopped abruptly.

The many wills wandering in the eastern land were directly wiped out on the spot, and the sky was dyed dark yellow.

As the ripples came, the sound in the earth veins became more and more intense, and Hou Tu and others saw a dazzling golden light coming in the distance.

With a bang, it swept through the densely packed witches, covering them all.

Standing in the field, Hou Tu felt a surge of laws pouring into her body through her limbs and bones.

Then, countless breakthrough waves rose, and even Hou Tu was no exception.

"Haha! I broke through, I broke through!"

"Roar! Hunyuan Jinxian, I have entered Hunyuan Jinxian."

"Great! Great"

"This is too exaggerated."

Cheers echoed in the earth veins.

Every witch cheered violently, with uncontrollable excitement on their faces.

Almost everyone in sight broke through a realm.

Hou Tu Jiao's face was full of joy. The breakthrough of many tribesmen was just the most superficial gain.

The strengthening of Buzhou Mountain's will, coupled with the acceleration of the repair of the Six Paths of Samsara, are the top priorities.

With these changes, the prehistoric world left by the Father God will become more powerful.

This is the mission of the Wu Clan. The Wu Clan should stay in this space and work hard for the benefit of the prehistoric world.

Hou Tu, thinking in her heart, looked at Gong Gong not far away.

The other party widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief. Every Wu Clan member was excited, cheering, and happy.

Although he had already recognized Hou Tu's decision in his heart, the scene in front of him still shocked Gong Gong.

There are more than 100 million people in the earth veins, and they all broke through just because of the dredging of a main vein.

This huge grand occasion was difficult for even him, the ancestor of the witch, to recover for a while.

Seeing Hou Tu looking over, Gong Gong had a strange look on his face and whispered: "Little sister, my brother was wrong earlier!"

Seeing Gong Gong finally bowed his head in person, Hou Tu smiled and walked forward: "It's not too late now, but my brother and them."

She often asked Tian Yuan and Huluwa about the situation of the prehistoric land.

Although the witches and liches stopped fighting, the evil spirits that enveloped the world became more and more intense.

Hearing this, Gonggong looked at the Buzhou Mountain in the distance and said solemnly: "Don't worry, we will work together to capture them in the future."

Gonggong knew very well that this was the only way to save his many brothers.

Only by seeing the grand scene in front of them with their own eyes would the brothers understand their earlier mistakes.

"Yes!" Houtu nodded heavily.

The witches are the children of the Father God, and they should benefit this world instead of fighting and killing in the prehistoric world.

"Roar! Master Zuwu, please teach me!" A rough voice interrupted the conversation between the two.

Houtu turned his head and shook his head slightly, but Gonggong next to him looked cold.

It was Xingtian who was holding a Ganqi in his hand. His eyes looked at Gonggong with a fiery look, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit.

Not far away, Kuafu, Houyi and other great witches also looked over excitedly, with faces full of eagerness to try.

The Wu clan is warlike, and now that they have just broken through, naturally everyone wants to vent.

There was a rumbling sound coming from the front, and many Wu clan members started fighting directly in the earth veins.

Almost in an instant, the entire earth vein was filled with fighting figures.

"Good boy, it seems that your skin is really itchy!" Gonggong was angry and strode towards Xingtian.

Although hundreds of thousands of years have passed, the emotions of being beaten by the stone man earlier are still suppressed in his heart, and now it is time to relieve them.

For the first time, Hou Tu did not urge everyone to clear another earth vein, and began to look at the main vein in front of him.

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