Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 118: Much smarter than the ancient witch

Glancing at the Qiong who was following him, Calabash Brother whispered, "Father Mountain! Where are we going?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after the crazy swallowing in the air just now, Calabash Brother felt that the opponent's momentum was stronger.

Tianyuan's sight also swept across the huge figure next to him.

He had swallowed a lot of corpses of the Chaos Demon God under Mount Buzhou, and just now he absorbed a lot of wills. He clearly felt that there was a huge power shrouding Qiong's body.

Tianyuan estimated in his heart that this guy might also break into the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

The fierce beast Qiong in the Hunyuan Golden Immortal realm might be a bit troublesome in the prehistoric land, but this is the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou, and Tianyuan is not afraid of it.

As he broke into the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, several laws that were manifested also broke through.

Coming here, Tianyuan is not afraid of any hard bones, as long as the opponent dares to resist.

However, although this guy has a strong body, he also has a lot of laws to practice. He manifested more than ten laws in this space, which surprised Tianyuan a little.

"Let's go for a walk under the earth veins!" Tian Yuan responded casually.

The scene of the Hou just now made Tian Yuan feel vaguely that everything in the prehistoric earth was beneficial to this space.

Needless to say, the two tribes of witches and liches can dredge and purify the earth veins, and the spiritual roots can also purify the world and absorb the free will, and the Hou of the East China Sea can actually devour these wills.

Tian Yuan had some expectations for the upcoming Wangchuan River.

"Under the earth veins?" Calabash Boy muttered, but did not ask again.

He had also been there, and the blood waves were surging. There was nothing before, but after Hou Tu came back, there was a Naihe Bridge.

In the familiar earth veins, the two people and the beast slowly sank in the flowing golden aura.

The blood waves rolled around, but it was obviously much thinner than before.

The Hou following beside him opened his mouth to suck, smacked a few times, and spit out the blood again, with a disgusted expression on his face.

"This guy is really related to the underworld!"

This bloody aura can erode one's will, but the Qiong is not afraid at all, worthy of being the ancestor of zombies.

The gourd baby next to him also widened his eyes and looked at the other party with more curiosity.

It didn't take long for the Wangchuan River to appear below, just like when he first saw it, flowing quietly in the air, and no one knew where it led to.

Tianyuan and the gourd baby looked calm, and the Qiong, who was originally bored and followed, roared and ran forward excitedly.

Then, in Tianyuan's surprised eyes, the other party jumped up and plunged straight into the trickling blood water.

"Isn't this guy too powerful?" The gourd baby opened his mouth, his eyes full of disbelief.

He had been here before, and he knew very well how powerful the Wangchuan River was, and it could even erode the will of his father mountain.

The divine beast Qiong actually jumped into the river like this, and looking at the other party's expression, it seemed very happy.

The hu fell into the Wangchuan River, tumbling with its limbs, playing happily in the bloody water.

The bloody water with strong erosion seemed like ordinary river and lake water to the other party.

Tianyuan walked to the river, his eyes sparkling, just as he thought.

After playing for a while, the hu stepped on the bloody water and roared to the sky, then opened his mouth and sucked fiercely.

In an instant, the blood-red water surface gurgled, and then dense gray air flow gushed out, mixed with the deep red blood, and quickly converged into the mouth of the hu.

Death, the most concentrated death in the Wangchuan River!

A huge whirlpool formed on the surface of the river. Under the strong suction, deep white bones could be seen in the surging blood water, densely packed, almost covering the entire river.

Earlier, because of the dark red river water covering, now all are revealed.

Those skeletons are all strange, but without exception, they are all huge.

"Why are there so many corpses here?" The corpses looked very powerful.

The Wangchuan River is located in the underworld, how could so many creatures fall in it.

"It should be the beasts killed in the beast calamity!" Tianyuan had some guesses in his mind after just a glance.

There can be so many corpses, only the heaven and earth calamity.

After Pangu opened the sky, the prehistoric world also experienced the beast calamity, the Dragon and Han calamity, and the battle of the magic way.

Looking at the corpses, there are only beasts that wreak havoc on the world.

They are creatures bred from the corpses of the Chaos Demon God. Most of them have no wisdom and are simply for destroying the prehistoric world.

The land veins in the north of the prehistoric land were destroyed by these guys.

"Beast?" The gourd baby whispered softly, looking carefully at the j in the center of the vortex. This guy also looks like a beast!

At this moment, a low roar exploded in the surging sea of ​​blood.

Tianyuan was startled and looked over quickly.

This time, the purpose of bringing the get here, in addition to manifesting the law, is to explore the Wangchuan River.

Such a big commotion really attracted the creatures in the river. The gourd baby next to him also stared with curiosity.

It was the skeleton of a fierce beast, like a lion and a tiger, with two balls of dim light in his eyes.

It escaped from the bottom of the river and pounced on the was swallowing the dead air.

It was so clear that Tianyuan could naturally see the origin of the other party at a glance, a creature derived from the remnant of the fierce beast.

Before they could speak, the corpse standing on the river surface roared, and the corpse exploded in the distance.

The two balls of dim light screamed and were about to escape to the distance, but they could only be embarrassed and sink into the mouth of the get.

In the surging blood waves, figures appeared from time to time, but they were swallowed by the gain before they got close.

"This guy is going to be very rich!"

Feeling the increasingly powerful aura of the beast, Tian Yuan's eyes were filled with joy.

The netherworld is the most suitable place for the Qiong to survive, but this guy stayed in the East China Sea and hunted dragons everywhere.

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, a strong momentum surged from Qiong's body, and the other party successfully broke into the Hunyuan Jinxian.

With a thunderous roar, a more dense death aura emerged from the Wangchuan River and sank into the other party's mouth.

Under the surging blood, there were piles of bones, and from time to time, the remnants of ferocious beasts ran out, all of which were ruthlessly swallowed by Qiong.

Seeing that the other party still had no tendency to stop, Calabash Brothers couldn't help but exclaimed: "Will this guy continue to break through like this?"

Tianyuan didn't say anything, just watched quietly, without any worries in his heart.

As the other party's momentum continued to rise, the water level of the Wangchuan River seemed to drop slightly.

Finally, accompanied by an excited howl, Qiong's originally huge body became more majestic, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

Feeling the powerful momentum of the other party, Tianyuan just watched quietly, but the Calabash Brothers beside him had a little nervous face.

The figure in the river stepped on the ground, splashing blood, and landed steadily in front of Tianyuan.

Almost instantly, the rolling brutal aura was completely restrained, and the Huo slowly lowered his head.

Tianyuan stretched out his right hand and gently touched the other's forehead. This guy's brain was much brighter than the ancestor witch.

Seeing this, the gourd baby next to him also wanted to reach out and touch it, but he didn't know that a pair of blood-red eyes looked at him, and his little hand froze in the air.

Hesitated for a while, but still withdrew his arm depressed.

Although Huo was the pet of Fushan, he had now broken into the Hunyuan Jinxian, while he was still at the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

Tianyuan didn't say anything, but looked at the gourd baby and whispered: "Huluwa, you have to double your practice in the future."

Being deliberately planned to be eliminated by Hongjun, the gourd baby must be of great use to the prehistoric world.

However, Buzhoushan's will was not restored enough, and he didn't know what the other party's Tao was.

"Got it, Fushan!" Calabash Boy nodded, feeling a little depressed.

It would be fine if Fushan broke through, but now even Fushan's pet is stronger than him, Calabash Boy feels that he needs to practice hard.

Touching the other's head, Tianyuan said gently: "Let's go and see Gonggong, the reckless man."

After being beaten by the stone man for thousands of years, that guy should be almost done.

Qiba smacked his mouth, did not stay, and slowly followed Tianyuan.

At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, Gonggong lay on the ground, looking at the stone man leaving in the distance, his eyes blank.

As one of the twelve ancestor witches, he would never succumb to Tianyuan's tyranny. Even in the face of dozens of stone men beating him, he still insisted on his own ideas.

It's just that in the past few thousand years, more and more stone men have emerged, almost all of them are at the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

And in the last few hundred years, several of the stone men who beat him earlier have broken through again and entered the ranks of Hunyuan Jinxian.

He didn't know why there were so many stone men here, and why they broke through so quickly, but he knew that the witch clan really had no hope.

The only hope was that he hadn't seen other ancestor witches being captured so far.

Gonggong didn't know what realm Tianyuan had reached, but if all the stone men here went out, the ancestor witches would definitely not be able to stop them.

The Father God really abandoned them and chose a big monster.

There was a dull sound coming from under him, and Gonggong was very familiar with it. It was the stone man who came to beat him again.

This kind of habitual beating had made him, who was so proud, feel no shame at all.

His pride as an ancestor witch had long been shattered, and he was beaten with thick skin and flesh.

After waiting for a long time, no stone man appeared, but there was a shadow covering his head, and a terrifying head came out.

Gonggong was shocked and quickly turned over.

A strange beast with a monstrous and fierce power stood in front of him, and the powerful pressure made his body tremble.

Hunyuan Jinxian, a prehistoric beast in the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian!

Before he could take a closer look, a gentle voice came: "Long time no see, Gonggong!"

A familiar figure walked out from behind the beast, it was Tianyuan who had not been seen for a long time.

Seeing Tianyuan again, Gonggong was no longer as irritable as before, but his eyes were still a little angry.

"Here and the netherworld are the final destination of the witch clan, don't you understand?" Tianyuan walked forward and spoke calmly.

All the creatures and spirits in the prehistoric world, whether it is the witch clan or the demon clan, or the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and the 犼in front of him, obviously have their own missions, and what he has to do now is to find their own positions for them one by one.

Everyone has their own duties, and the prehistoric world can continue to grow.

Gonggong's face trembled, he didn't know how to answer.

He could feel the breath of Tianyuan, which was far above him, but the only trace of pride in his heart still made him unable to bow his head in front of him.

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