Chapter 68: Richard was put in a sack.

Tim’s men came in and reported:

"Boss, there is a ghost guy outside looking for you."

Ah Tian glared at him:

"What a ghost, that is our God of Wealth, please be polite when you see him in the future."

My subordinates are obedient,

"Boss, it seems that I don’t like you getting close to the ghost guy."

Atian taught him a lesson:

"Come out to hang out, for what?".

"Of course it’s for the money!"

"Richard can steadily provide us with drugs so that we can make money easily. That is our God of Wealth."

"Brother Chang is already old."

He stood up and was about to greet Richard. He walked to his younger brother and poked his chest with his finger:

"When you come out to mess around, you need to be alert to your tactics and you must clearly distinguish who is the boss."

The younger brother said quickly:

"You are my boss."

A Tian snorted coldly and strode out, with a smile on his face:

"Mr. Richard, welcome. Richard looked around, stretched out his hand to shake it, and whispered:

"Go in and talk."

Ah Tian disagreed:

"This is my territory, I am the biggest!"

"We are not afraid of anyone eavesdropping on what we say. Richard said cautiously:

"It’s better to be careful!"

A trace of disdain flashed in A Tian's eyes - you are still the senior superintendent of the political department, that's all?

You are too brave!

You are worse than us who come out to fool around.

However, just like what he said to his younger brother before , Richard is now his God of Wealth, no matter how disdainful he is, he still has to keep his smile. A

Tian is heartbroken - when my power grows in the future, he will have to deal with you!

Welcoming into his office, he took out a box of thin cigars from his desk:

"You came just in time, a great product just arrived, authentic Cuban cigars, one hundred dollars apiece!"

Richard was particularly excited:

"Then you have to taste it."

Atian diligently removed the butt of the cigar for him, lit it, and then sent the cigar to Richard. He asked in confusion:

"If anything happens, can't you just make a phone call? Do you have to come to the office to talk? Is it urgent?"

Richard took a gentle puff, letting the smoke fill his mouth, and after spitting it out gently, he said:

"Must say it face to face"

"The matter is urgent. There is a big deal coming from above. This is a good opportunity that has not been available for several years."

"If I miss this opportunity, I don’t know how long I have to wait."

"Our goods must be distributed."

Richard looked very serious:

"Let me tell you, after completing this business, the return will be three times"

"This is still an immediate profit. When you actually join the club, you will receive huge dividends every year."

"You can deposit these dividends in the bank openly without fear of police investigation, ICAC investigation, or even Security Bureau investigation."

"You can use them however you want and do whatever you want with them. Ah

Tian frowned and said:

"Do you have to be in such a hurry?"

Richard nodded heavily:

"Of course I'm anxious"

"Did you know that even senior officials of various banks, traders of the stock market, and businessmen of the group are withdrawing funds?"

"We must get a share of this project"

"Otherwise, we can only watch others eat meat while we drink soup."

A Tian nodded slightly to express his understanding.

He was a little embarrassed.

"I am not the leader of Xinlian Sheng now, so I can’t let go. Richard said unceremoniously:

"Then let go and get on the leading position of Xin Liansheng"

"You have to understand why you can enter this club, because you are the boss of Xin Liansheng"

"But that's not enough!"

"When Lin Yaochang is here, you are his confidant, and you can use Xinliansheng's resources to the greatest extent"

"If Lin Yaochang retires and is replaced by someone else as the leader of New Liansheng, you will not be as happy as before."

"You have to sit on the leader"

"Otherwise, the door of the Gold Club will not be open to you."

Atian smoked his cigar silently.

Richard's voice was particularly ferocious.

"Is there anything you need me to do? You're welcome.々〃 "

"The two of us are in the same boat. If you don't do well, as your introducer, my rating will be lowered in the eyes of the big guys. Ah

Tian gritted his teeth and said:

"The leader cannot be elected by oneself, it must be recommended by the elders of Xin Liansheng. Richard said loudly:

"Then let them choose you"

"Intimidation and inducement, such a simple method, you have been out for so long, do you still need me to teach you?"

"Whoever hinders you from ascending to the leading position, just kill him!"

Atian snorted coldly:

"If it were that easy, wouldn't I do it?"

"The society has its own rules"

"If I kill them, no one will choose me to be the leader."

"How can an unfaithful person become a leader?"

"Not to mention the elders, even the younger brothers will not obey me!"

Richard looked at Tim like an idiot:

"You are a drug dealer, are you talking about loyalty to me?"

"If you are really loyal, what kind of drugs are you selling?"

"I tell you, there are only two things that fascinate people in this world, money and power!"

"Either money or power"

"Your position is high enough, you are rich enough, and there are many younger brothers who listen to you"

"Have you ever heard of such a sentence?"

"Make a fortune and establish a good life!!"

Ah Tian was startled.

Richard roared:

"Establishing noble moral character is something that can only be considered after you have rich power and money."

"You have trouble even having enough to eat now. Are you talking to me about this?"

"Are you stupid?!"

Atian was speechless immediately.

Richard slowly smoked the cigarette, and the words in his mouth made people shudder.

"I'll give you a week, no matter what, you have to be the leader of Xin Liansheng"

"Who is the person who threatens you to become the leader?"

"Lin Yaochang? Luo Zhiming? brilliant?"

"Get rid of them!"

Atian stood up suddenly:

"I warn you, don't touch them"

"You have already killed them, and if you touch them again, everyone will know that it was me who touched them. Richard said calmly:

"We are on the same team, and what they think is actually correct. It is true that if you kill them, they will explode."

"Tim, brother, can these things compare to the big guys in the Gold Club?"

"Do you need something like this, boss?"

He stood up,

"Either you do it or I do it"

"This golden club opportunity is once in a lifetime and I don’t want to miss it"

"Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents"

"I'll give you five days. If you don't do it, I'll do it myself!"

"The opportunity is given to you, how you choose is up to you."

The expression on Ah Tian's face changed.

He was stunned for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said,

"You don't need to do it, I'll do it myself."

Richard laughed,

"Tim, I knew you were a smart man!"


Richard walked out with great satisfaction. He muttered:"Ah Tim, luckily he seems to be a ruthless person, but in the end he can't even do this little thing well.""

"If only Lin Yaochang would cooperate with me!"

"But...the dead Lin Yaochang is the good Lin Yaochang!"

Suddenly, his vision went dark, and he was actually covered in a sack!

Then, he suffered a fierce impact on his body.

The pain came in waves!

Richard was extremely frightened.

He clearly felt that it was a heavy blow from a heavy object.!

The pain made him moan loudly.

After a while, Glorious's voice sounded:

"Do ghosts also feel pain? Luo

Zhiming mocked:

"Of course they feel pain"

"He has the face of a ghost, but he is still the same person."

"As long as you are human, you will feel pain."

Brilliant kicked the sack hard:

"Ah Luo, what to do with him? Luo

Zhimingte said calmly:

"Let’s pour cement!"

"Why keep this kind of waste?"

"Just throw it into the sea"

"However, in order to avoid polluting the ocean, it is better to pour a layer of cement pillars on him. Brilliant clapped his hands and said:

"give it to me!"

Then Richard was thrown into a van wearing a sack and went straight to the construction site.

Richard was frightened!


You want me to pour cement?

I am the superintendent!

They dare too?

He He was still about to scream, but bang!

Someone hit him hard on the head, and Richard suddenly fainted with a look of evil on his face :

"Ah Luo, according to what I said, we can just give him cement to sink the pond."

"Why bother?"

"This guy is a bad wolf. Luo

Zhiming asked:

"Have you read the information I gave you? Brilliant nodded:

"Saw it. Luo

Zhiming said calmly:

"This guy instigated people to kill him, and this revenge must be avenged."

"But the accounts have to be settled piece by piece."

He patiently explained to Suan Bao,

"It's this guy who makes the killer kill and explode with his fingers, but behind it is a huge group"

"Either Xin Liansheng is being targeted by Richard, this guy is just a pawn."

"What is really eyeing him is the huge group behind him"

"Richard is easy to kill. It's so easy. Any swordsman can kill him."

"But what about after killing?"

Brilliant was suddenly speechless.

Luo Zhiming said calmly,

"Unless we find out the group behind him and catch them all"

"Otherwise, we have to worry about the people behind them coming to trouble us every day."

"You also saw that information"

"How many people must be in this bullshit gold club?"

"Integrity in politics, business and police"

"Every social class you can imagine is included in this group."

"Even many of them are familiar faces you see on TV"

"How does Richard compare to this vast group? He's just a pawn."

Brilliant was silent.

His eyes were particularly complex:

"` 々Are you using yourself as bait? Luo

Zhiming corrected:

"Not just me, but also Xinliansheng"

"Didn't you hear the conversation between the two of you just now?"

"This guy has a big appetite"

"Actually thinking about killing us all"

"Can you give him such a chance?"

"If he really wants to succeed, you, me, Brother Chang, Jiaju, they all have to go down and accompany him!"

Brilliant said immediately,

"You are the boss, I listen to you!"

At this time, Huihuang's phone rang. He picked up the phone to answer it, raised his head and asked Luo Zhiming:

"Tim was caught by my men, what should I do? Luo

Zhiming said calmly:

"We have family rules!"

Huihuang ordered simply:

"Bring Tim to the construction site. Luo

Zhiming asked:

"Do you have any objections to me bringing Ah Tian to justice? Brilliant replied:

"He is no longer my brother"

"After all, this guy came to worship the Second Master Guan with us, but he actually wanted to kill us all."

"He broke my grandpa's rules, so I naturally had to do things according to my grandpa's rules. Luo

Zhiming patted Huihuang gently:

"There is nothing we can do about it. Tim has been obsessed with the ghost guy and he is not of the same mind as us."

"Brother Chang had repeatedly advised him not to get close to the ghost guy, but he didn't listen."

"Even if Baku had warned him before he was alive, telling him to stop when he was ready, he still wouldn't listen."

"Now, even this kind of thing can be done"

"This can no longer be explained by simple breach of trust."

Brilliant nodded heavily:

"I understand, don’t worry about me, I can carry it clearly! Luo

Zhiming patted his shoulder heavily, turned around and told He Jiaju:

"Jiaju, call Mr. Jin, Brother Chang, and Uncle Qian and ask them to go to the construction site. I want to enforce family law on Ah Tian."

Brilliant frowned:

"Do you want to invite these three big guys?"

Luo Zhiming understood clearly:

"Although I will be the leader of Xin Liansheng (De Wang Hao))"

"They are still our elders"

"How many years have we not used family law?"

"Gotta give it to Tim���An opportunity for self-defense. Brilliant disagreed:

"That guy is already like this, why should he defend himself? We are not a court of justice"

"Tim, you are good at everything, but you are too soft-hearted."

After saying this, Huihuang's expression relaxed immediately.

He didn't even feel the changes in himself.

It wasn't that Huihuang wanted to plead for Ah Tian, he was worried about himself.

Luo Zhiming's performance made him feel at ease. Shao, it is obvious that Luo Zhiming and Lin Yaochang are the same people - they are both gentlemen and have rules. They both think that the society is violent and chaotic. However, they also have their own rules for doing things. Just follow this rule.

Otherwise, it will be a violation of the rules.

It is obvious that Luo Zhiming attaches great importance to the rules of the society.

When the two arrived at the construction site, Luo Zhiming ordered:

"Put this guy in a tin bucket and listen to my orders later."

He Jiaju and Huihuang's top horse Mike worked together to stuff the ghost into the iron bucket.

After removing the sack, Richard was still unconscious.

Huihuang shared the cigarettes with everyone, and a few people Waiting quietly.

Not long after, another van came out and Ah Tian was thrown off.

"Brilliant, Aluo, what are you doing?"

"We are brothers, why are you doing this to me?"

Huanghuang took a sip and looked at him with disgust:

"Who is your brother?"

Atian suddenly had a bad feeling.

Huihuang Nunuuzui:

"Look who that is?"

Ah Tim turned his head and looked, horrified!

The guy in the tin bucket was actually Richard.

A terrifying thought came to his mind - something happened!

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