Chapter 69: Xin Liansheng’s Family Law

A Tian was horrified!

I never expected that Luo Zhiming and Huihuang were so ruthless. Not only did they kidnap him, but they also kidnapped Richard. They even put him in a gasoline barrel and wanted to make him into a clay sculpture!

That ghost guy is the senior superintendent of the Political Department. How dare they?!

Ah Tim is terrified and wants to save himself:

"Why did you kidnap the ghost guy?"

"He's the superintendent!"

"If we kill him, the police will not let us go. Huihuang looked at Ah Tian with more and more disgust, and he sarcastically said:

"The ghosts are soldiers, we are bandits, we are not born to deal with them".

"He is only allowed to deal with us, but we are not allowed to deal with him?"

"Are you kidding me?!"

A Tian yelled:

"He's the superintendent!"

Brilliant said unceremoniously:

"He is also a criminal policeman!"

Atian was speechless, looking at Huihuang in surprise and fear, wondering how the latter became like this.

In the past, Huihuang always listened to his words!

Huihuang mocked:

"Do you not understand why I have changed?"

Ah Tian was struck by what he said and laughed dryly:

"We are brothers. The better you get, the happier I am. Huihuang shook his head and said:

"No, you're not happy!"

He knelt down and said,

"tell you something"

"From now on, I won’t listen to you anymore. Ah

Tian smiled dryly and said:

"We are all brothers, so I can listen to you!"

Huanghuang said coldly:

"Who the hell wants to be a brother with a rip-off guy like you?"

A Tian was choked and couldn't speak.

It's just that people who come out to fool around are sometimes too arrogant, and sometimes it's not a problem at all!

A Tian said with a bitter smile:

"Brilliant, who said anything bad about us?"

"So many years of friendship are not as good as someone else's words?"

These words were obviously an allusion to Luo Zhiming, who was standing by and sneering!

Luo Zhiming looked at him indifferently, as if he were looking at a dead person!

Ah Tian yelled crazily:

"Ah Luo, what are you doing back here?"

"If you finally get out of prison and don't enjoy the blessings, look, you'll be in trouble!"

"We were fine, but you started messing around when you came back."


Ah Tian was stunned.

Huihuang slapped him on the face, and said unceremoniously:

"Is that what you called Ah Luo too?"

"Don’t you want to know why I don’t listen to you?"

"From now on I will listen to A Luo."

Atian was in disbelief:


Huanghuang said coldly: 607

"There is one thing I want to tell you. Jin Ye, Chang Ge, Qian Shu and other senior officials from Xin Liansheng have decided that the new leader will be A Luo."

Atian's pupils shrank and he suddenly shouted:

"I'm not convinced!"

"I have made contributions to the community, I have worked hard for the company, and I have made money for my grandpa!"

"Why should you choose him instead of me?!"

Brilliant sneered:

"Who has not made contributions to the society? Who hasn’t worked hard for the club? Who doesn’t have a club to make money?"

"Do you think it's just you?"

"I, A Luo, am the one who doesn’t have it. Why the hell are you telling me?!"

"You competed with Suan Bao, what was the result? The elders are choosing whether to destroy you or not."

"At that time, I was fighting for you, but now it seems that the elders made the right choice!"

"They have sharp eyes and have long seen through what kind of person you are!"

"What a pity, I am just a stupid boy and you deceived me!"

Ah Tian suddenly felt great fear:

"Brilliant, don't listen to the slander from outsiders, we are brothers!"

Huanghuang said angrily:

"Yes, I used to be brothers with you!"

"But don’t forget, A Luo and I are also brothers, as is Suan Bao."

"The five of us burned incense and drank wine together and became sworn sworn friends in front of Mr. Guan Er."

"Have you forgotten the oath you made back then?"

"Did you forget that Brother Chang threw the bowl when we were making sworn vows?"

"What qualifications does a treacherous guy have to be compared with us?!"

He stood up and said very coldly,

"Brother Luo has already called Brother Chang, Master Jin, and Uncle Qian to come over."

A Tian's heart suddenly sank.

Hui Hui actually called Luo Zhiming Brother Luo, which showed that he had really recognized Luo Zhiming's status. This was not good news.

However, compared to the news that followed, A Tian could no longer care about it.

"What are the three big guys doing here?"

"How long will you tie me up before you let me go?"

Brilliant looked at him like an idiot:

"Untie it for you?"

"are you dreaming?"

"Brother Chang, don’t you know why they came to this place?"

"Of course it’s the expert method!"

A Tian's heart sank to the bottom, and he laughed dryly,

"Do not make jokes! Brilliant mocked:

"Who the hell is kidding you?"

Ah Tian shouted:

"No, you can't do this to me!"

Luo Zhiming shouted:

"Brilliant, ignore him."

Brilliant agreed:

"Yes, Brother Luo!"

Brilliant has the most violent temper, but he is also the most loyal, and he has the largest community in his heart.

He is the most gangster member of the New Liansheng Five Tigers.

He values the rules of the gangster.

Once someone follows them, he will be the first to fight!"

Ah Tian yelled crazily:

"Ah Luo, you have no right to judge me"

"we are equal"

"I don’t accept you being the leader!"

"Why did Brother Chang choose you instead of me?"

"This is not fair! Luo

Zhiming said impatiently:

"I don’t have the right to vote. What you say doesn’t count, and neither does what I say about who should be chosen as the leader."

"Lord Jin, Brother Chang, and Uncle Qian have the final say"

"It's no use yelling at me."

He ordered,

"Ka Kui, tell Ah Tim to shut up."

"Start sharply!"

He Jiaju was very excited:

"Brother Luo, I have wanted to deal with this kid for a long time! Ah

Tian roared:

"Do you dare to do the following?!"

He Jiaju didn't bother to pay attention to him and kicked him out. Suddenly, Tim's mouth was bleeding, and he didn't know how many teeth fell out.

It is worth mentioning that neither Luo Zhiming nor Huihuang turned a blind eye to Tim's tragic situation. Not necessarily sad.

Huihuang even frowned:

"Jiaju, you used to be the top horse, but now you are Brother Luo's top horse. You have to work more carefully."

"You are the pillar of the next generation of Xinliansheng, and you are the best at doing things."

He Jiaju follows the good deeds:

"Brother Huihuang, I understand."

A Tian was panic-stricken. He shut his mouth tightly and stopped shouting.

At this point, he had understood the matter. He didn't know how it happened, but Hui Hui was so disgusted with him.

A Tian thought about it carefully and was very angry. I

'm not too kind to this guy! Why is this? Ah Tian was puzzled! For a moment, the construction site became quiet. He didn't know how long it took for the three cars to arrive. Entering the construction site, the three elders of Xinliansheng, Lin Yaochang, Jin Ye, and Qian Shu, arrived.


When Tim saw Lin Yaochang, it was like seeing a savior:

"Boss, you have to make the decision for me."

"A Luo and Hui Hui didn't know why they were so crazy. They even kidnapped me and Superintendent Guilao privately. They were seeking death!"

Lin Yaochang stared at him deeply and pointed out,

"I will definitely do things according to the company's rules. Ah

Tian burst into tears of gratitude, and said to himself:

"Brother Chang still likes me, Luo Zhiming, Huihuang, He Jiaju, just wait for me!"

But the next moment, his eyes widened.

Luo Zhiming said:

"After our investigation, we have found the murderer who killed Suan Bang."

"He pointed out that Richard the Ghost had ordered him to do it."

"The gunman has been poured into cement and thrown into the sea, and no one will be able to find it for hundreds of years."

Ah Tian's eyes were wide open and he secretly thought that it was terrible.

He didn't know that the murderer had been caught less than three days after the explosion.

Luo Zhiming deliberately used words to delay the time, so that it would appear that he had just been caught. The murderer's delusion.

Ah Tian didn't even know that everyone present except him was involved.

Lin Yaochang frowned and said:

"You can just kidnap Richard, the ghost guy, but why did you kidnap Tim too?"

Ah Tian was secretly praising Lin Yaochang for caring for him a moment ago, but now he wishes that Lin Yaochang was not present.

Calculating the time when the two were kidnapped, the ghost guy was obviously tied up just after he came out of his place.

Sure enough, brilliant said,

"Boss, we kidnapped the ghost guy from outside Atian's place - Richard just came out of Atian's place"

"Brother Luo and I could see clearly that Richard had been in for more than half an hour, and his face was even more glowing when he came out. Lin

Yaochang stared at Ah Tian fiercely:

"What did you say to him?"

Ah Tian said vaguely and aggrieved:

"Boss, it’s unfair"

"Gui Lao and I are just discussing drug cooperation! Lin

Yaochang asked:

"No me?!"

Ah Tian immediately swore:

"If I lie to you, let my cement sink into the sea! Lin

Yaochang looked at him with complicated eyes:

"It seems that you are innocent?"

Atian nodded wildly:

"Yes, boss, I am innocent."

Brilliant sneered:

"Jiaju, get ready to help this guy."

He Jiaju is gearing up:

"Brother Huihuang, after the trial is over, I will help him! Ah

Tian said angrily:

"What are you going to do?"

Brilliant smiled coldly:

"May it be fulfilled for you!"

He took out a small tape recorder and put in a tape.

"I forgot to tell you, we put a lot of effort into dealing with this ghost guy"

"Today, while he was having a meal, I installed a bug on his body."

"I happened to record this part!"

Atian suddenly felt dizzy and his face turned pale:

"What was recorded?"

Brilliant looked at him with disgust,

"You will know if you listen carefully!"

A Tian struggled hurriedly and said:

"Boss, don't listen to them. That tape is fake."

"They are trying to frame me! Brilliant said fiercely:


He Jiaju gave Ah Tian a few big mouths without hesitation and slapped him until he was dizzy. He also got a rag from somewhere, balled it up and stuffed it into Ah Tian's mouth.

He was afraid that the stuffing was not tight enough. , stuffing it into Ah Tian's mouth hard, not caring about Ah Tian's feelings at all.

Huihuang was very satisfied:

"Yes, I have grown a lot."

The tape recorder rotated slowly, and the conversation between Richard and Brilliance slowly reappeared.

"You are a drug dealer, are you talking about loyalty to me?"

"If you are really loyal, what kind of drugs are you selling?"

"I tell you, there are only two things that fascinate people in this world, money and power!"

"Either money or power"

"Your position is high enough, you are rich enough, and there are many younger brothers who listen to you"

"Have you ever heard of such a sentence?"

"Make a fortune and establish a good life!!"

"Establishing noble moral character is something that can only be considered after you have rich power and money."

"You have trouble even having enough to eat now. Are you talking to me about this?"

"Are you stupid?!"

"I'll give you a week, no matter what, you have to be the leader of Xin Liansheng"

"Who is the person who threatens you to become the leader?"

"Lin Yaochang? Luo Zhiming? brilliant?"

"Get rid of them!"


"I warn you, don't touch them"

"You've already killed them. If you touch them again, everyone will know that it was me who touched them."


"We are on the same team, and what they think is actually correct. It is true that if you kill them, they will explode."

"Tim, brother, can these things compare to the big guys in the Gold Club?"

"Do you need something like this, boss?"

"Either you do it or I do it"

"This golden club opportunity is once in a lifetime and I don’t want to miss it"

"Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents"

"I'll give you five days. If you don't do it, I'll do it myself!"

"The opportunity is given to you, it’s up to you how to choose."


"You don't need to do it, I'll do it myself"


"Tim, I knew you were a smart man!"

After the recording was played, Ah Tian collapsed completely on the ground, with despair on his face.

Now, even if Lin Yaochang wanted to protect him, he would never go around him.

Ah Tian wanted to kill all the big guys in Xin Liansheng Kill him, who will let him go?

Will Uncle

Qian do it?

Will Hui Huang do it ? Everyone is being teased, who would do this? This is an iron rule!

"Unfortunately for the family, Xinliansheng has such a traitor"

"I thought you were bewitched by Richard, but I don’t know who killed you."

"It turns out you already knew it clearly"

"You have long been in cahoots with the ghost guy!"

"He also wants to kill us all!"

"You are a man who betrays his brothers, commits crimes below, kills brothers, is unfaithful, unjust, and unkind."

"Achang, according to Xinliansheng's rules, how do you calculate it? Lin

Yaochang said calmly:

"I asked him just now and he said that if he lied to me, he would pour cement."

"Then let him fulfill it!"

Ah Tian was heartbroken!

It's over!

No one can save him!

Lin Yaochang said to Luo Zhiming:

"Ah Luo, you are now the leader of Xinliansheng. It is up to you to decide how to deal with him. Luo

Zhiming said without hesitation:

"Of course it's cement pouring"

"Jiaju, wake up that ghost guy and let them see our family skills! He

Jiaju immediately followed the instructions. He was afraid of dirtying his hands, so he found a bucket of water and poured it on Richard.

The guy woke up with a start and shouted:

"Do you dare to attack the police?!".

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