Chapter 67: Luo Zhiming ascends the throne.

Shen Yan said to Luo Zhiming:

"Xinliansheng’s location is very important"

"The leaders and main force of criminal groups are almost all well-known and glamorous figures. They have planned money-making businesses in temples."

"However, you still need a pair of white gloves to do the dirty work"

"Xinliansheng is the white glove"

"Xin Liansheng's drug trade is one of the functions of white gloves."

At this point, Ana Shen reminded the two of them,.

"I studied Lin Yaochang’s life and what he did"

"This guy is a very standard old-school club guy."

It is said that people's hearts are not ancient, but the same is true for societies.

In the early days of the Xiangjiang Society, the big bosses still had to work with ordinary gang members.

Later, as time went by and they chased money, the big bosses of the society gradually changed. The typical example is the Hexing Shengye, the Jiang family of Hongxing.

These big guys are all rich, but the younger brothers below are obviously short mules in the society. They were divided into grades three, six and nine.

Lin Yaochang is one of the few leaders in the community who maintains the old-school style. There are only a few people like him. The typical one is Dongxing's Camel.

Shen Yan reminded the two of them:

"Lin Yaochang values brotherhood very seriously, even higher than his feelings for the club."

"He will definitely find a way to get revenge on Richard."

He Jiaju's heart moved:

"Where's Tim? Ana

Shen mocked:

"A guy who colludes with a ghost guy, do you think Lin Yaochang will let him go?"

He Jiaju was overjoyed:

"As long as Tim is eliminated, Brother Luo will have no rivals in the club."

Ana Shen waved his hand,

"Xinliansheng is very big, but not only Jin Ye’s lineage, other hall leaders will also launch their subordinates to fight against A Luo"

"Ah Luo's opponent is not only Ah Tian. Luo

Zhiming waved his hand:

"Don't worry, I'll take care of that. He

Jiaju said excitedly:

"I believe no one is Brother Luo's opponent. Shen

Yan said again:

"I remind you to protect Lin Yaochang recently."


Luo Zhiming asked quickly:

"Brother Chang is in danger? Ana

Shen asked back:

"Don’t you know? Luo

Zhiming smiled bitterly and said:

"Yes, Richard would never allow such a useful tool to escape his control. Ana

Shen asked back:

"What's Lin Yaochang's plan? Luo

Zhiming said:

"Brother Chang seems to have made a plan to target Richard. Ana

Shen pondered for a while and handed Luo Zhiming a piece of information:

"You and Jiaju are familiar with this information."

"Tell Lin Yaochang not to let him act rashly"

"You handle this."

He Jiaju asked quickly:

"Brother Yan, what reason did Brother Luo use to speak? Ana

Shen said lightly:

"Lin Yaochang has washed his hands in a golden basin. Wouldn't it be good to live a good retirement life?"

He Jiaju scratched his head:

"Can it be done? Luo

Zhiming immediately said:

"It absolutely works! Shen

Yan said solemnly:

"If you encounter an emergency, just call me directly without worrying about exposure."

"I repeat it again……"

"Your lives are much more important than the so-called mission"

"It doesn't matter if the mission fails. The worst thing we can do is take our time."

He Jiaju looked at Ana Shen in surprise:

"Brother Yan, this is the first time I have met a boss like you. Shen

Yan disagreed:

"This is a basic quality that every boss should have."

He stopped continuing this topic and said to the two of them,

"You must be familiar with this information and work according to the plan I gave you."

"This time our goal is extraordinary"

"It takes a long time to prepare."

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju both claimed that they were.

Ana Shen waved his hands and said goodbye to the two of them. The latter did not see him off either. At present, the two of them were gangsters on the surface. If people knew that they were with the police, it would be a big trouble. He Jiaju said seriously to Luo Zhiming:

"Brother Luo, Brother Yan has nothing to say"

"If I had a boss like this, I wouldn't be afraid of any task."

Luo Zhiming understands his feelings.

Being an undercover agent means wearing a mask and living a life. The most fear is that you will be out of touch with your original life.

The police force is the light in their hearts. If the police force hides everything from them, it is extremely easy to change their mentality. Twisted.

Luo Zhiming laughed:

"You don’t even look at whose brother it is"

"Ayan and I are classmates. Although there is an age difference between us, we can talk well."

"Ayan was the most powerful among our classmates in that period."

He Jiaju nodded solemnly:

"You can tell, otherwise, he wouldn't have been an inspector as soon as he left school. He even works in the serious crime team"

"At his age, apart from undercover agents, other police officers are on patrol!"

"Brother Yan is indeed capable. Luo

Zhiming said slowly:

"When I left the police force, Ayan once told me……"

"If my boss doesn't do his job, let me find him."

He Jiaju was stunned:

"Brother Yan knows that you want to be an undercover agent? Luo

Zhiming nodded slightly and explained:

"It wasn't me who said it, it was him who saw it."


He Jiaju was numb.

He suddenly discovered that Ana Shen's ability was much higher than he thought.

He Jiaju said with a smile:

"Brother Yan dares to say this? Luo

Zhiming agreed:

"Only he dares to say such words. He is Ana Shen, and he speaks the truth."

"Come here, let's take a look at the information Ayan gave us."

He Jiaju nodded heartily:


The two of them looked at the information that Ana Shen brought seriously. As they looked at it, they suddenly became confused.

He Jiaju was sweating profusely:

"I know the information Brother Yan brought is extraordinary, but isn't this too amazing?"

"Xinliansheng is facing such a situation? Luo

Zhiming said in a deep voice:

"I said Ayan is different. If it were another boss, would he let us know this kind of information?"

He Jiaju shook his head desperately.

He smiled bitterly and said,

"To be honest, after reading this information, I no longer have the courage to investigate the case."

"The opponents we face are too powerful. Luo

Zhiming stared at the information and said calmly:

"If you don't want to investigate, then tell Ayan and he will withdraw you."

"Don't worry, it won't affect your future."

He Jiaju shook his head:

"No, I'm going to keep checking. Luo

Zhiming said strangely:

"Don’t you want to investigate further?"

He Jiaju smiled bitterly and said:

"At this point, I can't even retreat even if I want to."

"Everyone in the world knows that I am the one who is wanted to be killed. Even if I regain my identity, if this group of people is not eradicated, Richard will miss me day and night."

"I've been a successful person, this is the original sin"

"They won't let me be such an unstable factor."

"I want to go back to the police station……"

He said harshly,

"Then this criminal group must be eradicated, otherwise, I will have trouble sleeping and eating!"

Luo Zhiming showed a smile.


Xinliansheng's old man Jin Ye, the elder Qian Shu and Lin Yaochang were drinking tea in the family temple.

Mr. Jin was a little worried:

"Achang, he is dead, this revenge must be avenged"

"But our association cannot be without a leader"

"The clubs next door are all watching us eagerly. If we don't choose a leader quickly, otherwise, we people will not live a good life."

Uncle Qian wanted to say something, glanced at Lin Yaochang, and finally shook his head.

Lin Yaochang was very calm:

"The revenge for the explosion has not yet been avenged. I have to avenge him first. Otherwise, how will I see my sister-in-law and his children in the future?"

Master Jin was immediately speechless.

When he promoted Lin Yaochang to be the leader, didn't he just take a fancy to Lin Yaochang's loyalty?

As long as this kind of thing is spoken out, naturally no one will say anything bad.

Everyone has already done this. Come on, what else can you say?

Uncle Qian was drinking tea calmly. He knew this was the case, so he didn't bother to persuade her. Besides, he had a very good relationship with Suan Bao.

, Uncle Qian was quite sad, and he also wanted to take revenge.

Master Jin slowed down and came up with an alternative plan.

"You can't drag it out like this forever, or else, find someone to take your place temporarily?"

"Let’s just say to the outside world that after the former leader’s revenge is taken, he will become a full-time official?"

Uncle Qian agreed:

"This is good"

"I think A Luo and Hui Hui are both suitable. Ka Kui is a bit younger, otherwise, he is also suitable."

Jin Ye asked with expectation:

"Achang, what do you think? Lin

Yaochang shook his head:

"Huihuang is loyal to the club, but his brain is not flexible and there is always one string missing, so he is not suitable to be the leader."

"Jiaju is too young to control people"

"Ah Luo is suitable. When I was choosing a leader before, I preferred him."


"He told me that he joined Lend Lease because of me."

"A Luo spent three years in prison for me, and I couldn't force him."

Jin Ye and Qian Shu didn't say anything for a moment.

This is Lin Yaochang, the former leader of Xin Liansheng. In the history of Xin Liansheng, his achievements can be ranked in the top three.

It is precisely because of him that Xin Liansheng's scale has grown rapidly. Expanded, and even ranked among the top five in the entire world.

Jin Ye smiled bitterly and shook his head, murmuring:

"At that time, I could have just advised you to be more cautious."

Lin Yaochang knew what Lord Jin was talking about.

When he was choosing the leader that day, Lord Jin gave a fortune teller and said that he couldn't take the position of the Three Evils and asked Lin Yaochang to replace him with someone else.

Later, Lin Yaochang didn't allow it, so Lord Jin just No more persuasion. Now, Lord

Jin regrets it.

If he had persuaded him, this might not have happened.

However, there are many medicines available in this world, but there is no regret medicine.

"Mr. Jin, no one in our company is suitable to be the leader now."

Jin Ye wanted to propose Ah Tim, but he also knew that Ah Tim was not suitable.

If he really proposed Ah Tim, Xin Liansheng would be divided.

Just when he was helpless, he suddenly heard someone laughing:

"Who says Xinliansheng has no talents?"

The three of them followed the sound, and all looked surprised. It was Luo Zhiming!

Luo Zhiming took He Jiaju to say hello one by one.

"The boss, Lord Jin, Uncle Qian."

Lin Yaochang was quite surprised:

"Ah Luo, why are you two here? Luo Zhiming smiled and said:

"I wanted to play guitar with you"

"I went to find you and found you were not at home"

"Only those who ask will know that you, Mr. Jin and Uncle Qian came to have tea."

"I just happened to hear you."

He said seriously,

"The talent pool of Xin Liansheng has not been exhausted yet, isn’t there still me?!"

Master Jin and Uncle Qian were both overjoyed:

"If A Luo is willing to be the leader, that would be great. Lin

Yaochang shook his head:

"I know what you're thinking, I'm not dead yet"

"Just go and do your thing in peace."

Master Jin and Uncle Qian's expressions suddenly changed.

They wanted to dissuade them, but after thinking about it, they finally sighed.

Luo Zhiming said softly:

"Boss, you have washed your hands in a golden basin, and it’s time to enjoy your old age with peace of mind."237

"It would be great if you have more time to have tea with Mr. Jin and Uncle Qian."

"You can follow Mr. Jin to talk about mystical scriptures, ask Uncle Qian for advice on various etiquette, or come to us and play the guitar together"

"It has never been heard of in the world that someone washes his hands in a golden basin and returns to the world. It is unlucky."

"Just let me do those things"

"Mr. Jin’s suggestion is good. He is still my brother, and I also want to avenge him."

"That's it, I'll take over as the leader for the time being, and then I can straighten things out after the explosion is avenged. Lin

Yaochang stared at Luo Zhiming and said after a long while,

"Ah Luo, you are always so willing to sacrifice for others"

"You've done it once before……"

Luo Zhiming interrupted him,

"Boss, don’t you always teach me how to be loyal?"

"That being the case, what else is there to say?"

"When I do things, I always follow my heart. No one can force me to do anything."

"I want to be the leader, that’s all."

He made a joke,

"You won't object to me being the leader, right?"

Jin Ye clapped his hands and laughed:

"How is that possible?"

Uncle Qian said repeatedly:

"If Aluo is the leader, no one will say anything."

"Who dares to object?"

The two looked at Lin Yaochang worriedly, fearing that he would do something wrong again.

Lin Yaochang smiled and said:

"In fact, when I step back, the first thing I think about is you."

"From today on, you will be the leader of Xinliansheng"

"It's not temporary, it's official"

"I believe in your relationship with Suan Bao, and you will never let him die in peace."

He Jiaju was overjoyed,

"Congratulations to Brother Luo."

Jin Ye clapped his hands and said:

"I finally breathed a sigh of relief."

Uncle Qian and Luo Zhiming have always been on good terms, he also said:

"As A Luo is the leader, no one dares to say anything wrong. Luo

Zhiming shook his head:

"No, there are still people."

Uncle Qian was furious:

"Who dares?! Luo

Zhiming said calmly:


Master Jin, Uncle Qian, and Lin Yaochang suddenly lost their voices.

Luo Zhiming reached out and took out the information given by Ana Shen, and then said:

"We have a lot to do"

"First, we need to get rid of the unsettling factors"

"This is the investigation I asked a private detective to do after the explosion."

Uncle Qian praised:

"Ah Luo, you are indeed loyal"

"He is truly a good brother."

There was no smile on Luo Zhiming's face. He said to Lin Yaochang:

"Boss, I hope you won't interfere in this matter and leave it to me."

Lin Yaochang stared hard at the information in his hand and said without looking back,

"Why? Are you afraid that I won't be cruel?"

Luo Zhiming shook his head,

"You washed your hands in a golden basin."

Everyone was moved.

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