Chapter 436

㘝jing just grows on the 㘝jing tree.

It is not the fruit of the chrysanthemum tree.

Qin Hao checked the jade card and came to a conclusion after repeated research.

Just cut off the branches it grows on.

㘝 Jing can still survive.

After all, it is the branches that provide him with nourishment.

So Qin Hao quietly took out the Chaos Sword.

The standard topmost branch.

Looking for the best angle.

Qin Hao repeatedly changed the ratio several times.

Just when Qin Hao was about to act.

An accident happened.

Qin Hao heard the rustling voice from below.

There is also the exclamation of Xiao Haotian, the ancestors of Hongyun.

This all indicates that something has happened.

After a while, a giant python swam up under the tree trunk.

Needless to say, it must be the guardian spirit beast.

Seeing Qin Hao and the two of them, they immediately opened their mouths.

There was a threatening sound.

At the same time, sharp teeth were exposed.

The current situation seems to be unfavorable to Qin Hao.

At that time it was sent from bottom to top.

㘝 Jing grows on the tip of the tree.

Counting it down like this, from top to bottom, it’s 㘝 Jing, Qin Hao, Luo Hu, and Boa.

So, it was Qin Hao who faced him first.

As long as you open your mouth, you can swallow Qin Hao and Luo Hu.

Of course, Qin Hao and the others are not so easy to deal with.

Qin Hao immediately took out the Pangu banner.

Others, whether it is the Chaos Sword or the Pangu God Axe.

In this case, there is no advantage.

Pangu banners can disturb his mind.

The most important thing is to block the line of sight.

Sure enough, as soon as the Pangu banner came out, the python subconsciously stepped back.

But in the end, the voice of threats has not stopped.

Qin Hao held the Pangu banner in his hand, and then summoned the Chaos Sword.

Let him take this opportunity to cut off the branches directly above.

Then loudly shouted at Luo Hu who was on the opposite side: “Cooperate with Chaos Sword.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, regardless of whether Luo Hu could react or not, he directly confronted the python attacking from below.

Sure enough, the python was extraordinary. At the beginning, it was hit, and it was a little confused.

However, after two breaths, he got rid of the psychedelic array of Pangu flags.

Qin Hao was very surprised. He didn’t expect it to be so fast.

As soon as Qin Hao took out the Pangu Divine Axe, he heard a click behind him.

Then the python in front of him began to go mad.

He even said to attack Qin Hao desperately.

Qin Hao waved the Pangu flag again.

Block the view of the python.

Then he looked at Luo Hu’s figure beside him flashed by.

Qin Hao let go, knowing that he got the things.

You can solve the python in front of you with all your heart and soul.

Qin Hao didn’t know what the use of Jing Jing said on the Internet.

Let him be so desperately pursued.

Then this shakes, shakes his head, and has recovered his sobriety.

After sticking out his tongue, he seemed to feel something.

Then he turned around and ran in the direction under the tree.

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, but he didn’t expect the python to be so smart, so he gave up on him.

Qin Hao anxiously pursued it.

If it was just Luo Hu, Qin Hao wasn’t too worried.

Xiao Haotian, who had just recovered from his injury, was still down there.

Although it is said that Hongyun ancestor is watching.

Qin Hao was still worried.

Qin Hao stepped directly on the tree trunk this time, and continued this elasticity.

These use gravity to free fall.

Face down and fly down quickly.

Qin Hao wanted to catch up with the python and reach the ground.

The python seemed to have discovered Qin Hao’s purpose.

He even threw his own tail, trying to throw Qin Hao away.

Qin Hao reacted quickly and immediately bounced on the tree trunk with his feet here.

This time it was further away from the trunk.

At the same time, he escaped the attack of the python’s tail.

It’s just because it’s too far away from the trunk.

When the python tail pounced for the second time, there was no way to avoid it.

Fortunately, the Chaos Sword can only be used at this time.

The Chaos Sword didn’t use Qin Hao’s control.

There was only an idea in Qin Hao’s mind, and Chaos Sword understood it.

Cut straight to the tail.

It’s a pity that it was empty.

The snake’s tail reacted quickly.

In an instant, he let go for a while, and then entangled the handle of Chaos Sword.

Want to control him.

What kind of existence is Chaos Sword?

How can you not be able to beat such a snake’s tail when you are old fritters?

I saw Chaos Sword trembling all over.

The snake’s tail curled up and flew away.

Then he changed direction and continued to chop towards the snake’s tail.

That momentum is to stop without seeing blood.

Now it seemed to annoy the python.

After shaking his body a few times.

Directly and vigorously threw it over.

The Chaos Sword was taken away in an instant.

Qin Hao thought of the miserable cry of Chaos Sword in his mind.


Qin Hao was a little helpless, didn’t pay attention to Chaos Sword, and let him play by himself.

It is true that he is an old fried dough stick.

In this way, you can still play tricks, and there are so many plays.

Qin Hao reached under the tree just as he watched.

There are still five or six meters.

Qin Hao immediately threw out the Qiankun net and wrapped the trunk in front of him.

Then the other hand followed the strength of King Qiankun and swung over.

Came to another tree in the blink of an eye.

With the python, they waited under the original tree with a big mouth open.

Maybe it didn’t react at once.

Seeing that the person was gone, he blinked his eyes and started looking for Qin Hao everywhere.

How could Qin Hao stay in place stupidly?

Qin Hao didn’t care about Chaos Sword either, he would chase it anyway.

The moment Qin Hao swung onto another tree.

Throw out the universe again.

In this way, just like rowing a tree, one tree jumps over.

Although the speed is very fast.

But still let the python spot him.

Quickly chased over.

Qin Hao has a headache, why is he chasing after him?

Qin Hao thought it was easy to get rid of, but he didn’t expect it to be so difficult.

But if you do it again, Qin Hao still won’t regret it.

Alien reincarnation must be obtained.

All this is the case from a distance.

Qin Hao was on the tree, using the Qiankun net to dash forward.

And below the forest.

A huge fierce snake, thousands of words shuttled among the trees.

Sometimes I look up at the prey above.

Followed closely, and kept pace.

Qin Hao hadn’t seen Luo Hu, Xiao Haotian and the others since just now.

Qin Hao probably already left here.

Hidden to a safe place.

Qin Hao was relieved and concentrated on dealing with the python.

Qin Hao knew that this was no way to go on.

Because he is farther and farther away from the big tree at the beginning.

Their goals are all there, and now that they are so far away, if they rush back, some of the gains outweigh the gains.

What’s more, they are now separated from Luo Hu.

What if I get lost and can’t find it back?

Qin Hao’s fast escape was also very physically exhausting.

After all, Qin Hao is different from these spirit beasts that grow in the forest.

Qin Hao needed full attention when he escaped.

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