Chapter 437

At the same time, Qin Hao had to grasp the branches and calculate the distance between the two numbers.

Otherwise, it’s easy to lose money.

Let the following python take advantage of it.

Qin Hao finally ran for a while.

An error has occurred.

Fell from the tree.

And below it happened to be the python opening its blood basin.

Qin Hao was about to be swallowed by the snake.

With a swish, a sound came from a distance.

Cut through the air, leaving a white mark.

When the python closed its mouth, it thought it would be able to deliver meat.

As a result, the upper and lower teeth knocked together and almost didn’t shatter him.

what happened? What about the prey that fell into his mouth? How did it disappear?

It turned out that the Chaos Sword just now had a conscience, but now it has flown over.

Take it directly, and Qin Hao ran away.

There is no hesitation.

The Chaos Sword took Qin Hao a long distance away.

But before he stopped steadily, he discovered that the python was chasing him.

The frightened Chaos Sword flicked.

Then he started to circle around, trying to get rid of the python.

It has turned four or five laps and still hasn’t shaken it off.

On the last lap, he was blocked from the front by the opponent.

Qin Hao and Chaos Sword were very helpless.

“You said why this is always chasing us, and things are not on us.”

The Chaos Sword God couldn’t help complaining.

“Isn’t it easy? I ran away with everyone else, and we were left. I was holding us and chasing us to death. Should I look for those who have been lost? Then there is nothing to be found.”

“It seems reasonable for you to explain this way, so what shall we do now?”

Chaos Sword asked Qin Hao.

Qin Hao looked at the giant python staring at him closely.

Qin Hao felt that the other party should be wise and able to understand what he said.

Qin Hao wanted to try to communicate with the other party to see if he could get a response.

So he opened his mouth and asked, “Can you understand me? If you can, you just nod.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he quietly looked at the python on the opposite side.

As a result, the python nodded.

In fact, seeing the contempt on the python’s face, he raised his chin.

“He, what does he mean? Do you understand, or don’t understand.”

The sound of Chaos Sword rang in Qin Hao’s sea.

Qin Hao didn’t know why Chaos Sword was so talkative this time.

Qin Hao could only say helplessly: “I don’t know, or I will ask about other things.”

Qin Hao asked directly when he said it.

“Can you stop chasing us? I know I robbed you, but I can exchange it with you.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he took out a few bottles of elixirs from Qiankun’s bag.

Then open the lid.

The aroma of the medicine pill floated out.

The python smelled immediately.

Qin Hao’s eyes turned round after seeing him.

Qin Hao knew that the other party was interested.

So Qin Hao intends to strike while the iron is hot and continue to communicate.

“Well, if you are willing to exchange, I will give you this bottle of things, and you nod.”

The python on the opposite side hesitated.

Finally nodded.

Qin Hao knew that the other party could communicate and understand what he said.

Qin Hao was relieved.

“I know that we are not good and took your things, but we have a reason. Since you are willing to exchange, then let’s use this exchange.”

The medicine bottle Qin Hao just took out was the kind of pill that was specially designed for spirit beasts for Taotie and Diting disco.

There are wounds healed, but no wounds.

Help them grow their cultivation.

So Qin Hao decided, this little treasure should like it very much.

Qin Hao is not that kind of stingy person either.

Directly took out three bottles from Qiankun’s bag and put them on the ground.

Then, together with Chaos Sword, he slowly moved back.

The python flicked its tail.

Three bottles of pills were swept away by him.

Then the python turned around and disappeared into the forest.

Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Urging the Chaos Sword. Go back to Luo Hu, Xiao Haotian and the others.

After all, just because I was too anxious, I acted separately.

After all, it has been lifted at this time.

Of course find his companions back.

Qin Hao was not only looking for Luohu and the others.

Luo Hu and the others are also looking for Qin Hao.

Even more anxious than Qin Hao.

After all, Qin Hao was sure before leaving, and everyone else was safe.

Because the python was attracted by Qin Hao.

Luo Hu, Xiao Haotian and the others are so uneasy.

Fortunately, Qin Hao didn’t leave very far.

Just searched for it, and they assembled.

After the two parties met, they asked each other about the situation.

Finally learned that Qin Hao had fooled away the python with ammunition.

Everyone couldn’t help but laugh, and unexpectedly.

Then a few people will go to find another alien reincarnation.

In this way, Qin Hao was in this forest.

Qin Hao and his party dangled for more than half a month.

Basically, every inch of land on the island was covered.

I also reincarnated all the aliens that I could find without fail.

And in this half a month.

Many things happened in the great wilderness.

The first is the rapid development of the West.

Many believers have been recruited.

The strength is similar to that of the three multilateral religions in China and Turkey.

In other words, it is comparable.

It’s just that in the West, neither of the two leaders has entered the realm of saints.

Still wandering in the realm of half a lifetime.

In addition, the form to be read is not as unscrupulous as before.

Instead, it slowly settled down.

Compared with the previous one, there is a great convergence.

Of course, nothing is more surprising than the Witches and Humans.

Especially the human race, it can be said to be completely reborn.

Many powerful monks appeared in the human race.

Those who are gifted have supernatural powers even when they are just born.

Of course, most of these people are mixed. A mixed race of five races and human races.

With the expansion of alien affairs.

More and more races are paying attention to the alien.

Alien also launched a war of aggression in the past two weeks.

It can be said that all the lots near the enchantment were occupied by aliens.

Do not you know why.

In the past, the aliens were generally kept behind closed doors.

This period of time turned out to be very arrogant and swaggered out.

And stay for a long time.

The Yaozu nearby has already moved away.

They go to new places, suitable for survival.

Therefore, most of the rest near the enchantment are ordinary spirit beasts.

Qin Hao knew these news.

It was when they came out of the Wizard Island.

Before Qin Hao, he found the alien reborn turtle.

The turtles buried in the beach by them also broke their shells.

All the backs are emerald green.

Very beautiful.

When Qin Hao and the others arrived, all the turtles had hatched.

All activities within the formations they set up.

No one escaped, and no one died.

Qin Hao walked over naturally and collected them into the jade medallion.

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