Chapter 435

Therefore, it took Qin Hao and the others for a long time to find the destination they were looking for.

When Di sounded to confirm that it was the alien reincarnation they were looking for.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally things went smoothly.

It was so difficult when I didn’t want to start.

The atmosphere between each other is also a lot relaxed.

They looked at the big tree in front of them.

The Jing on this big tree is one of the purposes of this trip.

There are about five people in the big tree.

The trunk is very wide.

The straight up tree trunk is about 20 meters away.

There are many branches and trunks, which stretch in all directions.

Qin Hao learned that the top of the highest branch in the world.

So they need to climb to the highest point.

And this 㘝jing has a guardian spirit beast.

㘝 Jing every guardian spirit beast is different.

This one Jing in front of him, his guardian spirit beast is a small snake.

Of course don’t underestimate this little snake.

This is his transfiguration body.

If you let this little snake really stretch its body.

That’s probably a giant python one meter wide and one hundred meters long.

Qin Hao discussed with others.

It was decided that he and Luo Hui would go up together.

Luo Hu dealt with the snake, Qin Hao assisted her from the side.

The two of them cooperated and took off Ching Jing.

Of course, Di Jing’s main task was handed over to Qin Hao.

The ancestor Hongyun took care of the two little ones below.

Be alert by the way to prevent other dangers from happening around you.

After Qin Hao made the decision, he led Luo Hu to climb towards the top of the tree.

Qin Hao didn’t know what kind of tree was called.

Since it is a growing chrysanthemum, these are called chrysanthemum trees.

㘝The texture of the green tree is very smooth.

There is basically nothing to step on or climb on.

Qin Hao made the Chaos Sword bigger.

Send him and Luo Hu to the branch of the trunk.

Basically, that is the highest altitude the Chaos Sword can fly.

Qin Hao gently jumped off the Chaos Sword.

He jumped onto the tree trunk, then turned his head and stretched out his hand.

Passed it to Luo Hu who was standing on the Chaos Sword.

Luo Hui was taken aback for a moment.

It seems that Qin Hao did not expect to do this.

Then he hesitated, but before long he stretched out his hand resolutely.

He and Qin Hao held on tightly.

Qin Hao squeezed Luohu’s hand, then pulled it in his direction.

The location of the tree trunk is too small.

It’s OK for Qin Hao to stand on it himself.

Adding a Luohu will make it a bit cramped.

So as soon as Luo Hu jumped onto the branch, he clung to Qin Hao tightly.

Qin Hao held Luo Hui with one hand.

The other hand was placed on Luohu’s waist and clasped tightly towards him.

Luo Hui just felt like he was ignited with a boom.

His cheeks flushed, and for a while he forgot to think.

Just looking straight at him, Qin Hao’s handsome face in front of him.

Fallen into a dazed state.

Qin Hao smiled and looked at Luo Hu, who was close at hand.

There was a blood-sucking smile on his face.

Said in a cynical voice: “How is it? Is the embrace warm?”

Luo Hui heard Qin Hao whisper in his ear.

Understand the ridicule in Qin Hao’s words.

Immediately reacting, Luo Hui thought of moving back.

But there is still room for her in the back.

Luo Huo’s subconscious movement instantly made her slide down the tree trunk.

I can only say that 㘝 Jingshu is too smooth.

Luo Hui felt his body sink, and his eyes widened in surprise.

As a result, he returned to his previous position in the next second-Qin Hao’s arms.

Qin Hao looked at Luo Hu in a panic, feeling very cute in his heart.

I just ridiculed, but I didn’t expect Luo Huo to have such a big reaction.

So Luo Hu just slipped off the tree trunk.

Qin Hao was taken aback.

Subconsciously hugged the hand placed on Luohu’s waist.

Going up, Luo Hui returned to his arms.

“Don’t move! Move again and fall again.”

Qin Hao was the panicked woman in front of him.

Secretly revealed a tricky smile.

Who is Rahu?

A famous cold-faced beauty in the Great Wilderness.

The fighting power is super strong, the only demon ancestor of the demons.

When did you panic?

Qin Hao didn’t expect to see him in this situation.

Qin Hao felt natural beauty in his heart.

Plus the two people are relatively close.

The special scent from Luo Hu kept piercing Qin Hao’s nose.

Qin Hao felt that this matter was very comfortable and warm.

Qin Hao didn’t think about anything, he wanted to maintain this state.

I don’t know how long it took.

Luo Hu might really couldn’t help it anymore, and then slowly struggled twice.

Qin Hao let go of the distance between the two slightly, and looked up at the surroundings.

Then he leaned into Luo Hu’s ear and said, “I let go of your hand and you hold the branch on the left. It doesn’t matter if you lean back. I will hold you and let you fall.”

Luo Hui endured the shyness in his heart.

Looking up at the surroundings, Qin Hao just said the direction.

Then he nodded slightly to show that he understood.

Qin Hao chuckled lightly.

Seeing Luohu’s ears are red.

I resisted the urge to kiss and take a bite.

He said: “I count to three, let’s go together, one, two, three!”

Two people let go at the same time.

Luo Hu raised his hand and grabbed the branch next to him.

Qin Hao still placed his hand on Luohu’s waist as a fulcrum.

Support Luo Hu not to fall.

After Qin Hao saw Luo Hu hurry up.

Qin Hao sprinted in the opposite direction.

At the same time, two people use their power at the same time.

In the next second, I stood on the branches on both sides of the big tree, facing each other.

Qin Hao saw that the opposite Luo Hu had already stood firm.

Then he lifted his chin and lifted it upwards.

“Go up together.”

Luo Hu nodded.

The two began to climb up from the branches on both sides of the big tree.

The speed is not particularly fast.

Make this big tree very strong.

But because the trunk is too slippery.

It is difficult to climb upwards.

Qin Hao didn’t know why it was like this, but there were no fewer leaves and branches that should grow.

Qin Hao was so slow, slowly looking for a suitable place to climb.

The two people, one on the left and the other on the right, cooperate very tacitly.

At one quarter of the top of the branch.

The two stopped at the same time.

Qin Hao was panting, and Qin Hao didn’t expect to reach his current state.

This situation will still be encountered now.

After Qin Hao took a few breaths, he looked at Luo Hu on the opposite side.

Qin Hao looked up at the top of the branches.

Naturally found at the top 㘝 Jing.

Qin Hao turned his head and looked around for a while.

It’s a pity that I didn’t see the guardian spirit beast.

Luo Hu spoke at this moment.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me here, you can just go and get things directly.”

Qin Hao nodded.

㘝 Jing is a plant that grows on branches.

He is not like a fruit yet, and is integrated with the tree.

If you want to pick fruit, you need to uproot the tree.

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