Chapter 348 Trial Domain

It is the leader of Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun.

This is the three brothers who came here.

But even the three of them.

I didn’t dare to touch this barrier easily.

As a saint, nature is more sensitive than other inspirational officials.

Master Tongtian could feel that there seemed to be very powerful energy inside.

But this energy is not stable.

There is a danger of riots at any time.

After the Lord Tongtian discussed with Yuan Shi Tianzun, the old gentleman.

It was unanimously decided to seal up here first.

After the energy inside stabilized.

Then look at what should be done.

Therefore, they then told the situation they found to his creatures in the Great Wilderness.

Don’t go this way when you are okay, try to stay away from it.

The three masters of Tongtian, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, arranged a large closed formation on the periphery.

I intend to isolate this place from other places.

One direction per person.

The Lord Tongtian walked in his direction.

Looking at the barrier from a distance, there seemed to be two black spots.

Master Tongtian walked over curiously.

He even found an unexpected person.

The Lord Tongtian looked down at the two people who were ignorant.

A trace of contemplation flashed in his eyes.

I closed my eyes and checked the injuries of the two people.

It was found that the muscles and veins of the two were broken, and the internal injuries were serious.

Even the pubic area has signs that it is about to break.

Master Tongtian immediately input his spiritual power to protect the heart of the two.

According to the original plan.

After finishing the enchantment, he left here with two people.

Same as Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun and they meet.

Saw the two people led by the Lord Tongtian.

A hint of surprise flashed across Taishang Laojun’s face.

“This, this is not that…”

Master Tongtian nodded, his face was very serious.

Looking at the barrier in front of me that nothing can be seen.

“Brother! I’m afraid, the great famine is about to cause chaos.”

Terran territory.

Early this morning.

Qin Hao gathered the management of the Witch and Human races together.

Qin Hao had a mysterious smile on his face.

Publicly announced: “Recently, I feel that there is no peace in the Great Wilderness. After the marriage of the two races, although the overall strength has been slightly improved, this effect is slow. I have thought of a way during this period.”

Everyone in the Witch race heard this with a hint of curiosity on their faces.

Not to mention the human race, in addition to curiosity, there is endless worship and trust.

“Everyone knows that I went out early and returned late in the past two days. I didn’t arrange this until I stopped it.”

Qin Hao said here, looking at Di Jiang.

Di Jiang nodded and waved his hand.

A mirror surface appeared in front of everyone.

Inside the mirror, smoky, there are tall woods.

There are also low shrubs, streams and waterfalls.

There are oceans, lakes, and even deserts.

The mirror is like a lens, showing everything inside to everyone.

Xiao Haotian looked curious.

“Master, what is this? Is this what you did this time?”

Qin Hao did not deny it.

Smiled at Qin Hao.

“The Witches are born with magical powers, and the Humans are smart. Although they don’t have magical powers, they learn calligraphy very quickly and improve quickly. But now the great famine is unstable, and there are often disappearances.”

Qin Hao glanced at everyone, then continued,

“So I’m thinking, is there any way that we can stay here and that the people of the tribe can be exercised by force.”

Qin Hao asked Xiao Haotian at this point.

“Xiao Haotian, how do you think you can quickly apply what you have learned?”

Xiao Haotian thought for a while, and said tentatively.

“Repeated use?”

Qin Hao nodded approvingly before looking at everyone.

“Yes, that’s it, I think so too, not only for magical skills or magical powers, but also need to go through constant battles to make progress and look for deficiencies.”

After listening, everyone in the Witch tribe thoughtfully.

Terran was sitting quietly on the spot.

Qin Hao didn’t continue to go around the corner, but said directly.

“During this period of time, I made a trial field. In it, I also set up some levels, specifically to exercise the reaction ability and survivability of the tribe, so that the tribe can enter the trial.”

The big witch opened her mouth in surprise.

“Holy Lord, do you have a realm?!”

Domain is a very rare word in the Great Wilderness.

How scarce is it?

Only step into the realm of saints.

There is a certain probability to be able to comprehend the field.

In the realm, you can control everything in the realm.

You are the master.

And now in the great wilderness.

Except for the ancestor of Hongjun, I have never heard of other saints owning domains.

This is why the great witch is so surprised and excited.

Although everyone didn’t know Qin Hao’s realm was geometric.

But he didn’t step into the realm of saints, that’s for sure.

The realm that a stranger is not necessarily able to comprehend.

Did Qin Hao comprehend it?

of course not.

Qin Hao smiled and waved his hand.

“Don’t get excited! This field is not another field, or it is not the real field.”

Such a thing as Qin Hao made the members of the Witch tribe even more dazed.

Qin Hao looked at Di Jiang next to him.

“Come and explain to them.”

Di Jiang nodded and said with a smile.

“Because my supernatural power is space and speed, I can create a small space and break through space barriers. This field is equivalent to creating a new space in another time and space.”

Everyone understood a little bit now.

Houtu thought for a while, but felt wrong.

“But what we saw just now, it’s a completely self-contained system. If Dijiang wants to maintain such a space, I’m afraid you have been drained by now.”

“Yes, you guessed it, so this is our joint composition. The Holy Lord uses his chaotic aura. As we all know, the chaotic aura is the most primitive force between heaven and earth and will not repel other forces.”

Houtu nodded in agreement.

“The chaotic power of the Holy Lord is instilled outside the space I have separated, so the space I create adds a space barrier. Relatively speaking, the energy is relatively stable and tends to balance.”

This time it’s not just the Wu people.

Even Terran showed an expression of disbelief on its face.

Di Jiang looked at everyone with a look of surprise.

I feel very balanced in my heart.

At that time, Di Jiang just heard Qin Hao’s thoughts.

The chin is almost shocked.

This is simply a risky idea.

But I didn’t expect that after their constant attempts, they were really successful.

“Of course this is not enough. We still need to drive the energy to make this world run on its own. Thanks to the ancestors of Hongyun, who provided us with a core spiritual channel.”

After Di Jiang finished speaking, he looked at the ancestor Hongyun who was standing aside.

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